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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
n they were present. He was accustomed to say, that if an ecclesiastical organization and control for clergymen had been found necessary in civil life, they should equally be applied to these military pastors; and, again, that it was as reasonable that they should be held to their duties by a due subordination, as surgeons or captains. It had long been his desire to have some impulse communicated to their labors; and he now made the following suggestions to the Rev. Dr. White:-- Caroline County, Virginia, March 9th, 1863. my dear pastor: Your letter of the 5th inst., was handed me yesterday. I am much obliged to you for it, and thankful to God and yourself for the deep interest you take in the army. I feel that, if you were a young man, you would delight to labor in the Army Though your health will not admit of such constant labor, yet I trust that you will find it convenient to come and preach a few sermons. I do not feel that I can adequately express by letter, the induceme
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, I. April, 1861 (search)
tion. And now I learned that a People's Spontaneous Convention would assemble in Richmond on the 16th of the month, when, if the other body persisted in its opposition to the popular will, the most startling revolutionary measures would be adopted, involving, perhaps, arrests and executions. Several of the members of this body with whom I conversed bore arms upon their persons. April 12 To-day I beheld the first secession flag that had met my vision. It was at Polecat Station, Caroline County, and it was greeted with enthusiasm by all but the two or three Yankees in the train. One of these, named Tupps, had been questioned so closely, and his presence and nativity had become so well known, that he became alarmed for his safety, although no one menaced him. He could not sit still a moment, nor keep silence. He had been speculating in North Carolina the year before, and left some property there, which, of course, he must save, if needs be, at the risk of his life. But he ca
ers on his work, and bitterer than death or bodily suffering was the blow to his vanity. He confided his feelings of wrong to his diary, comparing himself favorably with Brutus and Tell, and complaining: I am abandoned, with the curse of Cain upon me, when, if the world knew my heart, that one blow would have made me great. On the night of April 25, he and Herold were surrounded by a party under Lieutenant E. P. Doherty, as they lay sleeping in a barn belonging to one Garrett, in Caroline County, Virginia, on the road to Bowling Green. When called upon to surrender, Booth refused. A parley took place, after which Doherty told him he would fire the barn. At this Herold came out and surrendered. The barn was fired, ,and while it was burning, Booth, clearly visible through the cracks in the building, was shot by Boston Corbett, a sergeant of cavalry. He was hit in the back of the neck, not far from the place where he had shot the President, lingered about three hours in great pai
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
a hill, until after nightfall, and then marched to a dark and desolate bivouac, without fire and without food, and frozen to the very soul — the more so as we had of course steamed up while walking. I recall this as one of the most comfortless and trying nights of my life, and yet so sound and tough were we that I do not recall that a single man of us wheezed, or even. sneezed, from the exposure. In a few days, everything appearing to be quiet at the front, we were sent down into Caroline County, along and near the R. F. & P. Railroad, to go into camp for the winter. We selected an ideal position, went vigorously to work and built the very best shelters for our horses and cabins for ourselves that we ever put up anywhere; but hardly had they been completed, tried, pronounced eminently satisfactory and christened Sleepy Hollow, when orders came for us to return at once to Fredericksburg, and that through a blizzard of most inclement weather. Of course we went and without dela
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
86-87, 230, 232, 243, 259, 264, 270-73, 276-77, 280 Cabell's Artillery Battalion, 55, 65, 120, 154, 258, 268, 270-73, 281, 312 Callaway, Morgan, 230-31, 270, 272, 275, 280-83, 297-99, 302 Camp equippage, 46-47, 158, 242-43. Camp Lee, Va., 74 Camp life, 46-49, 60-61, 68-71, 145- 46, 157-58, 170-72, 268-69. The campaigns of Gen. Robert E. Lee, 102, 307-308. Campbell, Alexander 279-80. Carlisle, Pa., 205-206. Carlton's Battery (Ga.). See--Troup Artillery (Ga.) Caroline County, Va., 127 Carrington, Edward, 34 Carter, Thomas Henry, 53, 91, 109 Cashtown, Pa., 207, 209 Causes of the war, 49-51. Centreville, Va., 59 Chaffin's Bluff, Va., 311-13, 316, 318, 321-22. Chambersburg, Pa., 208 Chancellorsville: description of the field, 169, 172 Chancellorsville Campaign, 41-42, 53, 139, 145-50, 154, 156-57, 159, 162- 82, 191,223,304 Charlestown, Va. (W. Va.), 82 Charlottesville Artillery (Va.), 185, 194-96, 210, 212 Chesterfield County, Va., 322
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notice. (search)
Army Missionaries, Colporteurs and others, and by most touching examples of the power of faith in Christ to fit men for the camp, the march, the battle-field, the hospital, or the last struggle with the grim monster-Death. The book is gotten up in the admirable style which we always expect from these well known publishers. It is sold at the low price of $1.50, and we predict for it an extensive sale and wide usefulness. We notice an inaccuracy in the statement that the Chaplains met in Petersburg in the winter of 1864-5 to form a Chaplains' Association. This organization was perfected at Old Round Oak Church, in Caroline county, in the spring of 1863, and the meeting in Petersburg was only a regular meeting of the Association, which had been in active existence ever since. We may add that the subject, though well treated, is by no means exhausted, and there is still room for a book on Jesus in the Camp, or Religion in Lee's Army, which a friend of ours has been preparing.
e power of the Government will be exerted to maintain her position.--(Doc. 162.) The Confederate Congress requested President Davis, by resolution, to appoint a day of fasting and prayer.--(Doc. 163.) A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held in East Baltimore, Md., James T. Randolph presiding, assisted by a number of vice-presidents; patriotic resolutions were adopted, and addresses were delivered by John L. Thomas and John G. Wilmot, of Baltimore, and Dr. Strafford, of Caroline county, and received with every demonstration of approval.--(Doc. 164.) There was a great demonstration at Annapolis, Md., in honor of opening the branch railroad connecting Annapolis station and the pier of the Naval Academy, then just completed by the skilful engineer corps of the Thirteenth New York Regiment. A long train of cars carried the Thirteenth Regiment on an excursion over the new road to a short distance beyond the city. They were accompanied with a full band of music, and
Eleven second cousins of Mrs. Lincoln are members of the Caroline Light Dragoons. Mrs. Lincoln was a Miss Todd, niece of the late G. T. Todd, Esq., of Caroline county. Lincoln's foreign relations would be glad to give him a deserved reception in the county of Caroline.--Fredericksburg (Va.) News. Eleven second cousins of Mrs. Lincoln are members of the Caroline Light Dragoons. Mrs. Lincoln was a Miss Todd, niece of the late G. T. Todd, Esq., of Caroline county. Lincoln's foreign relations would be glad to give him a deserved reception in the county of Caroline.--Fredericksburg (Va.) News.
neral, commanding Division. Report of Brig.-General Pendleton. headquarters artillery corps A. N. V., camp near Chesterfield Station, R. & F. R. R., Caroline co., Va., March 12, 1863. General R. E. Lee, commanding: General: Constant pressure of duty since the battle of Fredericksburg has prevented an earlier report of t, with the brigade, about one mile to the rear, in the woods, where we remained till Tuesday morning, from which place we marched to our present encampment in Caroline county. Of the conduct of officers and men, from Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner down, it affords me great pleasure to speak in the highest terms of commendation. For o'clock, at this period we were ordered to move, taking the direction of Port Royal, we marched until a late hour, where we encamped upon the farm of in Caroline county, Virginia, where we now are. I must say, in conclusion, with the exceptions already mentioned in a former report, that men and officers never behaved so gallantly,
and left no data from which we can get the exact estimate.1301600 9812028284449  6787873303671481718596542976 R. E. Rodes, Brigadier-General, commanding Division. Report of Colonel O'Neal. headquarters Rodes's brigade, Santee, Caroline county, Va., May 12, 1863. Captain G. Peyton, A. A. G.: Captain: In obedience to orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Rodes's brigade during the eight days campaign, commencing on the twenty-ninth April and e special attention. Also, lists of casualties. I am, Captain, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Edward A. O'Neal, Colonel, commanding Brigade. Report of Colonel Hall. headquarters Fifth Alabama regiment, Santee, Caroline county, Virginia, May 8, 1863. Captain H. A. Whiting, A. A. G., Rodes's Brigade: Captain: In obedience to an order from headquarters, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by Rodes's brigade while under my command, in the ba