Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 19, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for King George county (Virginia, United States) or search for King George county (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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rebeldom. The correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer telegraphs the following: Mrs. ex-Senator Foote is still at Willard's, and has been called upon by many of her old friends. From her account, it appears that, a few days before Christmas, Mrs. Foote procured a passport to bring her through the rebel lines, that she might come to Washington, and proceed thence to Nashville, to look after her husband's property. Under the pretence of visiting some of her friends in King George county, Mr. Foote accompanied her. They went to Hanover, about twenty miles north of Richmond, on the cars, and there procured a carriage and driver. They met with no difficulty until they had reached the Rappahannock river, near Fredericksburg, where there being no bridge on which they could cross, they went down the river several miles; but the rebels in charge of the ferry refused to pass them over, notwithstanding Mrs. Foote's passport, they assigning as a reason that the river was so s