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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lewis (Missouri, United States) or search for Lewis (Missouri, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 1 result in 1 document section:
By the Governor of Virginia.--a proclamation.
--Whereas, vacancies have occurred in the Convention of Virginia by the resignation of Williams C. Wickham, the member elect from the county of Henrico, and by the death of John N. Hughes, the member from the county of Randolph, and of Valentine W. Southall, the member from the county of Albemarle; and, also, by the expulsion from the Convention of Caleb Bogges, of the county of Lewis; Wm. G. Brown and James C. McGrew, of the county of Preston; John S. Burdett, of the county of Taylor; James Burley, of the county of Marshall; John S. Carlile, of the county of Harrison; Marshall M. Dent, of the county of Monongalia; E. B. Hall, of the county of Marion; Chester D. Hubbard, of the county of Ohio; Jno. J. Jackson, of the county of Wood; Geo. McPorter, of the county of Hancock; Chapman J. Stuart, of the District composed of the counties of Doddridge and Tyler, and Campbell Tarr, of the county of Brooke:
Therefore, the Sheriffs of the