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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, LXXIX. (search)
harmony with the character it depicts. To those who knew Mr. Lincoln personally, so thorough a dissection of his nature and traits will need no indorsement; while to the multitude who knew him not, it may be commended as probably more complete and exhaustive in its treatment of the subject, than anything which has been given to the world. Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, February 12th, 1809. He moved to Indiana in 1816; came to Illinois in March, 1830; to old Sangamon County in 1831, settling in New Salem, and from this last place to this city in April, 1837: coming as a rude, uncultivated boy, without polish or education, and having no friends. He was about six feet four inches high, and when he left this city was fifty-one years old, having good health and no gray hairs, or but few on his head. He was thin, wiry, sinewy, raw-boned; thin through the breast to the back, and narrow across the shoulders; standing, he leaned forward — was what may be called
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fifth joint debate, at Galesburgh, October 7, 1858. (search)
all this quibbling about this man and the other man-this race and that race and the other race being inferior, and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position, discarding our standard that we have left us. Let us discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal. [ That's right, etc.] Yes, I have no doubt that you think it is right, but the Lincoln men down in Coles, Tazewell and Sangamon counties do not think it is right. In the conclusion of the same speech, talking to the Chicago Abolitionists, he said: I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will bum in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal. [ Good, good. ] Well, you say good to that, and you are going to vote for Lincoln because he holds that doctrine. I will not blame you for supporting him on that ground, hut I will show you in immediate contrast with that doctri
sive man by all odds in the village. He was certainly an odd character, if we accept the judgment of his contemporaries. By some he is given the character of a clear-headed, brisk man of affairs. By others he is variously described as wild, noisy, and reckless, or windy, rattle-brained, unsteady, and Improvident. Despite the unenviable traits ascribed to him he was good at heart and a generous friend of Lincoln. His boast that the latter could outrun, whip, or throw down any man in Sangamon county was soon tested, as we shall presently see, for, as another has truthfully expressed it, honors such as Offut accorded to Abe were to be won before they were worn at New Salem. In the neighborhood of the village, or rather a few miles to the south-west, lay a strip of timber called Clary's Grove. The boys who lived there were a terror to the entire region — seemingly a necessary product of frontier civilization. They were friendly and good-natured; they could trench a pond, dig a bo
's call was prompt and energetic. In the company from Sangamon county Lincoln enlisted, and now for the first time entered owever, in grim, soldierly severity he marched with the Sangamon county contingent to Rushville, While at the rendezvous at was threatened -we need not be told to which side the Sangamon county company to a man would have gone. A general order foronger as danger approaches death. A soldier of the Sangamon county company broke into the officers' quarters one night, a morning at daybreak, when the army began to move, the Sangamon county company, much to their captain's astonishment, were unief period of service, along with the remainder of the Sangamon county soldiers, he departed from the scenes of recent hostilammatical errors in his first address to the voters of Sangamon county, his principal hobby being the navigation of the Sangais dated March 9, 1832, and addressed to the People of Sangamon county. In it he takes up all the leading questions of the d
ssion previous had in its apportionment bill increased the delegation from Sangamon county to seven Representatives and two Senators. Party conventions had not yet r pardon for declining it. That I once had the confidence of the people of Sangamon county is sufficiently evident; and if I have done anything, either by design or who was a hide-bound Democrat, was in politics the most unreliable man in Sangamon county. A vein of irony runs all through the letter, especially where in such a the extent of which no one envied him. In the election which followed, Sangamon county in a political sense was entirely turned over. Hitherto the Democrats hadewitt Clinton of Illinois. The representatives in the Legislature from Sangamon county had been instructed by a mass convention of their constituents to vote forng this protest. Dan Stone, A. Lincoln, Representatives from the county of Sangamon. This document so adroitly drawn and worded, this protest pruned of any of
lous than wise, charged that I was in a certain way weakening the influence of the firm. I am flattered to know that Lincoln turned on this last named individual with the retort, I know my own business, I reckon. I know Billy Herndon better than anybody, and even if what you say of him is true I intend to stick by him. Lincoln's effort to obtain the Congressional nomination in 1843 brought out several unique and amusing incidents. He and Edward D. Baker were the two aspirants from Sangamon county, but Baker's long residence, extensive acquaintance, and general popularity were obstacles Lincoln could not overcome; accordingly, at the last moment, Lincoln reluctantly withdrew from the field. In a letter to his friend Speed, dated March 24, 1843, he describes the situation as follows: We had a meeting of the Whigs of the county here on last Monday, to appoint delegates to a district convention; and Baker beat me, and got the delegation instructed to go for him. The meeting, in sp
arge canoe, and came down the Sangamon River in it. This is the time and the manner of Abraham's first entrance into Sangamon County. They found Offutt at Springfield, but learned from him that he had failed in getting a boat at Beardstown. This l were fired with an equal party zeal. During the months of January and February, 1832, no less than six citizens of Sangamon County announced themselves in the Sangamo Journal as candidates for the State legislature, the election for which was not to occur until August; and the Journal of March 15 printed a long letter, addressed To the people of Sangamon County, under date of the ninth, signed A. Lincoln, and beginning: Fellow-citizens: Having become a candidate for the honorable offiand joining in the feelings and comments they provoked. While the town of New Salem was locally dying, the county of Sangamon and the State of Illinois were having what is now called a boom. Other wide-awake newspapers, such as the Missouri Repu
andidate for the legislature and as postmaster probably had much to do in bringing him another piece of good fortune. In the rapid settlement of Illinois and Sangamon County, and the obtaining titles to farms by purchase or preemption, as well as in the locating and opening of new roads, the county surveyor had more work on his ha taking him into partnership. From and after this election in 1834 as a representative, Lincoln was a permanent factor in the politics and the progress of Sangamon County. At a Springfield meeting in the following November to promote common schools, he was appointed one of eleven delegates to attend a convention at Vandalia came a force in the legislature, and to have rendered special service to his constituents. It is conceded that the one object which Springfield and the most of Sangamon County had at heart was the removal of the capital from Vandalia to that place. This was accomplished in 1836, and the management of the measure appears to have bee
uproarious party carnival of humor and satire, of song and jollification, of hard cider and log cabins. While the State of Illinois was strongly Democratic, Sangamon County was as distinctly Whig, and the local party disputes were hot and aggressive. The Whig delegation of Sangamon in the legislature, popularly called the Long nnly himself, but both Hardin and Baker desired the nomination, which, as the district then stood, was equivalent to an election. When the leading Whigs of Sangamon County met, Lincoln was under the impression that it was Baker and not.Hardin who was his most dangerous rival, as appears in a letter to Speed of March 24, 1843 made a number of speeches in the adjoining State of Indiana. It was probably during that year that a tacit agreement was reached among the Whig leaders in Sangamon County, that each would be satisfied with one term in Congress and would not seek a second nomination. But Hardin was the aspirant from the neighboring county of Mo
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
much from any other powder that had ever been used. I told him that I happened to have in my tent a specimen which had been sent to headquarters as a curiosity, and that I would bring it to him. When I returned with a grain of the powder about the size of a walnut, he took it, turned it over in his hand, and after examining it carefully, said: Well, it's rather larger than the powder we used to buy in my shooting days. It reminds me of what occurred once in a country meeting-house in Sangamon County. You see, there were very few newspapers then, and the country storekeepers had to resort to some other means of advertising their wares. If, for instance, the preacher happened to be late in coming to a prayer-meeting of an evening, the shopkeepers would often put in the time while the people were waiting by notifying them of any new arrival of an attractive line of goods. One evening a man rose up and said: Brethren, let me take occasion to say, while we're a-waitin‘, that I have j