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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 26 (search)
rplexing financial problems, and the foreign complications; but said they had all been overcome by the unswerving patriotism of the people, the devotion of the loyal North, and the superb fighting qualities of the troops. After a while he spoke in a more cheerful vein, and said: England will live to regret her inimical attitude toward us. After the collapse of the rebellion John Bull will find that he has injured himself much more seriously than us. His action reminds me of a barber in Sangamon County in my State. He had just gone to bed when a stranger came along and said he must be shaved; that he had a four days beard on his face, and was going to take a girl to a ball, and that beard must come off. Well, the barber got up reluctantly and dressed, and seated the man in a chair with a back so low that every time he bore down on him he came near dislocating his victim's neck. He began by lathering his face, including his nose, eyes, and ears, stropped his razor on his boot, and th
loyal citizens to rise up and state that the State and Government demands that a convention of all loyal citizens be called forthwith to organize a State Government of the State of Florida. Also that the Chief of the Military Department of the United States be requested to retain sufficient force to maintain order and protect the people in their persons and property.--(Doc. 100.) The United States gunboat Juniata was launched at Philadelphia, Pa., this day. Six citizens of Sangamon County, Ill., were arrested by order of Gen. Halleck, and sent to Alton, to be placed in close confinement, for aiding the escape of rebel prisoners from Camp Butler.--Cincinnati Gazette, March 22. Gen. Sherman issued a proclamation to the people of Florida, in which he stated that the troops of the United States had come to protect loyal citizens and their property, and enable them to resuscitate their government. All loyal people who return or remain at their homes, in the quiet pursuit o
The presentation speech was written, memorized and rehearsed, and I have no doubt every thing would have gone off well but for one thing. Mr. Morgan didn't call; and now, while the dashing horse-thief is making remarkable time out of the State, the wreath is all withered and sere. An Illinois copperhead, present during the siege, indulged largely in fierce rebel talk, and deserves to be ventilated. His name is B. B. Pepper, and he hails from Springfield. It is hoped the people of Sangamon county will put Mr. Pepper in a box when he returns to them, and keep him at home. The loyal people of Kentucky do not want him, and the rebels despise him. Doubts have repeatedly been expressed in regard to Governor Bramlette's soundness on the national goose. No one present during the siege of Frankfort can for a moment doubt that the Governor is thoroughly, heartily, and enthusiastically loyal. The rebels and copperheads bear testimony to his loyalty by abusing him heartily. Severa
that this speech of mine was probably carefully prepared. I admit that it was. The story, too, was a weapon of attack and defense for this master fabulist. Sometimes it was a readier mode of argument than any syllogism; sometimes it gave him, like the traditional diplomatist's pinch of snuff, an excuse for pausing while he studied his adversary or made up his own mind; sometimes, with the instinct of a poetic soul, he invented a parable and gravely gave it a historic setting over in Sangamon County. For although upon his intellectual side the man was a subtle and severe logician, on his emotional side he was a lover of the concrete and human. He was always, like John Bunyan, dreaming and seeing a man who symbolized something apposite to the occasion. Thus even his invented stories aided his marvelous capacity for statement, for specific illustration of a general law. Lincoln's destiny was to be that of an explainer, at first to a local audience in store or tavern or courtroom,
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
given in Publications of Pacific Coast history, vol. v. (1910); and C. F. McGlashan published a History of the Donner party (1880). This ill-fated caravan originated in Illinois. John Carroll Power in a History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, ill. (1876) gives the daily journal of the Reed and Donner Emigrating Party. The difficulties of travel by ox and mule team, the necessity of obtaining communication better from a military point of view, and other considerations led to talkch a connection, is strangely removed from the precocious. In his writings before the end of his thirty-third year there is nothing that would have kept his name alive. However, even as early as twenty-three, in an address to the People of Sangamon County submitting himself as a candidate for the legislature, Lincoln revealed two, at least, of the characteristics of his eventual style—its lucidity and its sense of rhythm. Boy as he was, he was little touched by the bombastic rhetoricality of
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
ory of Oregon, 196 History of Philosophy, 239 n. History of Quincy, 198 History of Sacerdotal celibacy, the, 194 History of Spanish literature, 456, 457, 458 History of the American Civil War, 181 History of the American Fur trade in the far West, 135 History of the Catholic Church in the United States, 79 History of the Christian Church, 208 History of the conflict between religion and Science, 181 History of the Donner party, 146 History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, ill., 146 History of the English language, 485 History of the Granger movement, 356 History of the Inquisition in Spain, 194 History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, the, 194 History of the Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies, 194 History of the intellectual development of Europe, the, 180, 236 History of the Missouri River, 134 History of the Northern Mexican States and Texas, 195 History of the North-West Coast, 196 History of the precious Metals, a,