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Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: strategic Reconnoissances. (search)
nandina, and were at that moment retreating from Amelia Island, carrying with them such munitions as their prects, until 3 P. M., and when only three miles from Fort Clinch, the Pawnee and Huron grounded with a falling tidith his three armed launches. On arriving near Fort Clinch it was found deserted, and an officer with an armuring the guns that had been hastily removed from Fort Clinch, and were supposed to be at that place. At dayptain Drayton reported: The batteries on and near Fort Clinch on the southern part of Cumberland Island and at ial messenger to the officer commanding the post at Amelia and Talbot Islands, and to Colonel McBlair, commandnd masked. These batteries and the heavy guns on Fort Clinch commanded the sea entrance completely; another ba States, the National flag was first hoisted over Fort Clinch; it was soon flying over all the others, save Jace authorized to retire both from Cumberland and Amelia Islands to the main land. The question here presents
44 Chicora, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157 Chippewa, the, U. S. gunboat, 128. 194, 218, 228, 243 Chimo, the, 110, 215 Cimarrone, the, 131 Clinch, Fort, see Fort Clinch Clover, the, U. S. tug, 155 Coffin, Ensign, 237 Colhoun, Commander E. R., 125, 128, 141, 177, 189 Collins, Lieutenant, Commanding NFort Clinch Clover, the, U. S. tug, 155 Coffin, Ensign, 237 Colhoun, Commander E. R., 125, 128, 141, 177, 189 Collins, Lieutenant, Commanding Napoleon, 21 Collyer, the, 211 Colorado, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 217, 221, 224, 228 Columbia, the, Confederate ram, 156 Columbine, the, U. S. tug, 149 Colvocoresses, Captain G. M., 150 et seq. Commodore Barney, the, 177, 186, 189, 192 et seq. Commodore Hull, the, 197, 205, 209 et seq. Commodore McDonough,. W., 177, 184 189, 194, 199 et seq. Foote, Admiral, 122 Forrest, the, Confederate steamer, 185 Fort Beauregard, 22, 27; abandoned, 28 et seq., 101 Fort Clinch, desertion of, 50 et seq. Fort Donelson, the, 229 Fort Fisher, 217, 219 et seq. Fort Jackson, the, 218, 228 Fort McAllister, 85 et seq. Fort Mo