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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
yll Island, the Bay of St. Andrews; Cumberland Island, the Bay of St. Mary; Amelia Island, upon which stands the little town of Fernandina, terminus of the Cedar Keywhence it was to attack the inlets of St. Mary's Bay, which were defended by Fort Clinch, a work of considerable strength, built near Fernandina, at the same period ad abandoned this part of the coast, Cumberland Island, Fernandina, and even Fort Clinch, whose solid masonry could, however, have enabled its garrison of fifteen huailroad from Fernandina to Cedar Keys, after skirting for some distance, on Amelia Island, the sheet of water which separates it from the continent, crosses this shethe Federals. This easy success led to others. The signal for evacuating Fort Clinch was imitated along the whole coast of Georgia between the bays of Ossabaw an Dupont's hands Fort Marion, a permanent work of masonry formerly built like Fort Clinch by the Federal government, which the raw militia of Florida had never dreame