Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 15, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Amelia Island (Florida, United States) or search for Amelia Island (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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n of Cumberland Sound, and the Island of Fernandina and Amelia Island, and of the river and town of St. Mary's I sailed ernasdina, and were seen at that moment retreating from Amelia Island, carrying with them such of their munitions as their prks on the south end of Cumberland and the north and of Amelia Islands; but on receiving this intelligence I detached the gunnt Lieutenant White, of the Ottowa, to hoist the flag on Fort Clinch, the first of the national forts on which the ensign of , under Lieut. Miller, was sent from the Mohican to hold Fort Clinch. It is reported to me by Lieutenant Commanding Downary's and Fernandina are uninjured. I visited the town, Fort Clinch, and the earthworks on the sea face of the Island. it is masked. These batteries, and the heavy guns mounted on Fort Clinch, command all the turnings of the main ship channel, and is, if true. We captured Port Royal, out Fernandina and Fort Clinch have been given to us. * * * * * I take great pleas