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Homeric Hymns (ed. Hugh G. Evelyn-White) 12 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 2 0 Browse Search
Hesiod, Theogony 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 44 results in 19 document sections:

Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 274 (search)
Chorus Great were the woes—I see it now—that were set in motion when to the glen of Ida Hermes, son of Maia and of Zeus, came and brought the goddesses three, lovely team beneath a lovely yoke, helmeted for the fray, the hateful strife for the prize of beauty, to the shepherd-lodge, to the solitary young man who tended the sheep and to his lonely hearth and h
Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 452 (search)
Chorus I heard, from someone who had arrived at the harbor of Nauplia from Ilium, that on the circle of your famous shield, O son of Thetis, were wrought these signs, a terror to the Phrygians: on the surrounding base of the shield's rim, Perseus the throat-cutter, over the sea with winged sandals, was holding the Gorgon's body, with Hermes, Zeus' messenger, the rustic son of Maia.
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 229 (search)
Helen Ah! Who was it, either from Phrygia or from Hellas, who cut the pine that brought tears to Ilion? From this wood the son of Priam built his deadly ship, and sailed by barbarian oars to my home, to that most ill-fated beauty, to win me as his wife; and with him sailed deceitful and murderous Kypris, bearing death for the Danaans. Oh, unhappy in my misfortune! But Hera, the holy beloved of Zeus on her golden throne, sent the swift-footed son of Maia. I was gathering fresh rose leaves in the folds of my robe, so that I might go to the goddess of the Bronze House; he carried me off through the air to this luckless land, and made me an object of miserable strife, of strife between Hellas and the sons of Priam. And my name beside the streams of Simois bears a false rumor.
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1642 (search)
ho decreed these things to happen in this way. This is my bidding to you, while I say to my sister: “Sail on with your husband; and you shall have a favorable breeze; for we, your two savior brothers, riding over the sea, will send you to your fatherland. And when you make the last turn of the race-course and end your life, you will be named as a goddess, and share libations with the Dioskouroi, and receive gifts from men with us; for such is the will of Zeus. And the place where the son of Maia first set the boundary to your course through the air, when he took you away from Sparta, stealing your body so that Paris would not marry you—I mean the island stretched like a sentinel along the coast of Attica—shall be called by your name among men for the future, since it welcomed you when you were stolen from your home. And it is destined by the gods that the wanderer Menelaos will dwell in the islands of the blessed; for deities do not hate the well-born, but the sufferings of the mult<
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 1 (search)
Before the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The sun is about to rise. Hermes enters. Hermes Atlas, who wears away heaven, the ancient home of the gods, on his bronze shoulders, was the father of Maia by a goddess; she bore me, Hermes, to great Zeus; and I am the gods' servant. I have come to Delphi, this land where Phoebus from his central throne chants to mortals, always declaring the present and the future. For Hellas has a famous city, which received its name from Pallas of the golden lance; here Apollo forced a union on Creusa, the child of Erechtheus, where the rocks, turned to the north beneath the hill of Pallas' Athenian land, are called Macrai by the lords of Attica. Unknown to her father —such was the pleasure of the god— she bore the weight in her womb. When the time came, Creusa gave birth in the house to a child, and brought the infant to the same cave where the god had bedded her, and there exposed him to die in the round circle of a hollow cradle, observant of the custo
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 759 (search)
Chorus-Leader May Hermes, Maia's son, patron of travellers, bring you safely to your house, and may you accomplish what you have set your heart on, Aegeus, since in my eyes you are a generous man.
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 982 (search)
eaven, that fragment from Olympus, which swings on chains of gold, so that I may utter my lament to Tantalus, my forefather, who begot the ancestors of my house. They saw infatuate ruin, the chase of winged steeds, when Pelops in four-horse chariot drove over the sea, hurling the body of murdered Myrtilus into the ocean swell, after his race near Geraestus' strand, foam-flecked from the tossing sea. From this came a woeful curse upon my house, brought to birth among the sheep by the son of Maia, when there appeared a baleful, baleful portent of a lamb with golden fleece, for Atreus, breeder of horses; from which Strife changed the course of the sun's winged chariot, fitting the westward path of the sky towards the single horse of Dawn; and Zeus diverted the career of the seven Pleiads into a new track and exchanged . . . death for death: both the banquet to which Thyestes gave his name, and the treacherous love of Cretan Aerope, in her treacherous marriage; but the crowning woe h
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 201 (search)
Dolon One that fits my task and furtive steps. Chorus Leader One should ever learn wisdom from the wise; tell me, what will be your equipment? Dolon I will fasten a wolf-skin about my back, and over my head put the brute's gaping jaws; then fitting its fore-feet to ny hands and its hind-feet to my legs, I will go on all-fours in imitation of a wolf's gait to puzzle the enemy, when I approach their trenches and barriers round the ships. Rut whenever I come to a deserted spot, I will walk on two feet; such is the ruse I have decided on. Chorus Leader May Hermes, Maia's child, escort you safely there and back, prince of tricksters as he is! You know what you have to do; good luck is all you need now. Dolon I shall return in safety, and bring to you the head of Odysseus when I have slain him, or the son of Tydeus, and with this clear proof before you you shall assert that Dolon went to the Argive fleet; for, before the dawn, I will come back home with bloodstained hand.Exit Dolon.
Hesiod, Theogony, line 938 (search)
And Maia, the daughter of Atlas, bore to Zeus glorious Hermes, the herald of the deathless gods, for she went up into his holy bed. And Semele, daughter of Cadmus was joined with him in love and bore him a splendid son, joyous Dionysus,—a mortal woman an immortal son. And now they both are gods. And Alcmena was joined in love with Zeus who drives the clouds and bore mighty Heracles. And Hephaestus, the famous Lame One, made Aglaea, youngest of the Graces, his buxom wife. And golden-haired Dionysus made brown-haired Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, his buxom wife: and the son of Cronos made her deathless and unageing for him. And mighty Heracles, the valiant son of neat-ankled Alcmena, when he had finished his grievous toils, made Hebe the child of great Zeus and goldshod Hera his shy wife in snowy Olympus. Happy he! For he has finished his great workand lives amongst the undying gods, untroubled and unaging all his days. And Perseis, the daughter of Ocean, bore to unwearying Helios Cir
Homer, Odyssey, Book 14, line 401 (search)
s first offerings bits of raw flesh from all the limbs, and laid them in the rich fat. These he cast into the fire, when he had sprinkled them with barley meal,but the rest they cut up and spitted, and roasted it carefully, and drew it all off the spits, and cast it in a heap on platters. Then the swineherd stood up to carve, for well did his heart know what was fair, and he cut up the mess and divided it into seven portions.One with a prayer he set aside for the nymphs and for Hermes, son of Maia, and the rest he distributed to each. And Odysseus he honored with the long chine of the white-tusked boar, and made glad the heart of his master; and Odysseus of many wiles spoke to him, and said: “Eumaeus, mayest thou be as dear to father Zeus as thou art to me, since thou honourest me with a good portion, albeit I am in such plight.” To him then, swineherd Eumaeus, didst thou make answer, and say: “Eat, unhappy stranger, and have joy of such fare as is here. It is the god that will give o<