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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 396 (search)
The tents are vacant by Lake Leman's side; The camps upon the beetling crags of Vosges No longer hold the warlike Lingon down, Fierce in his painted arms; Isere is left, Who past his shallows gliding, flows at last Into the current of more famous Rhone, To reach the ocean in another name. The fair-haired people of Cevennes are free: Soft Aude rejoicing bears no Roman keel, Nor pleasant Var, since then Italia's bound; The harbour sacred to Alcides' name Where hollow crags encroach upon the sea, Is left in freedom: there nor Zephyr gains Nor The north-west wind. Circius was a violent wind from about the same quarter, but peculiar to the district. Caurus access, but the Circian blast Forbids the roadstead by Monaecus' hold. Left is the doubtful shore, which the vast sea And land alternate claim, whene'er the tide Pours in amain or when the wave rolls back Be it the wind which thus compels the deep From furthest pole, and leaves it at the flood; Or else the moon that makes the tide to sw
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Chapter 1: the policy of war. (search)
ate thus the part which the populations were to take in the controversy, would not put them entirely out of the pale of the laws of nations, and would place just limits to a war of extermination? For my part, I shall answer affirmatively, and in applying this, mixed system to the questions above propounded, I would guarantee that fifty thousand French regular troops, supported by the national guards of the East, would have an easy affair with that German army which should have crossed the Vosges; for, reduced to fifty thousand men by a host of detachments, it would have, on arriving near the Meuse, or in the Argonne, more than a hundred thousand men on its back. It is precisely in order to succeed in this juste milieu, that we have presented as an invariable maxim, the necessity of preparing for the army good national reserves; a system which offers the advantage of diminishing the expenses in time of peace, and of assuring the defense of the country in case of war. This system is
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Chapter 3: strategy. (search)
columns, because they are more easy to manage than deployed lines, and by favor of the broken country of Flanders and the Vosges, where they fought, they threw out a part of their forces as skermishers to cover their columns. This system, which waose less elevated of the Crapacks, of the Riesengebirg, of the Erz Gebirg, of the Rohmerwald, of the Black Forest, of the Vosges and of the Jura, are all more or less susceptible of being covered by a good system of places. (I do not speak of the Cample those of Wisesmburg; covered by the Lautern which runs before the front, supported on the Rhine at the right and the Vosges at the left, those lines seemed to fulfill all the conditions necessary for being secure from attack, and yet they were fdefense of this country would be one of the most interesting double strategical studies. The chains of Bohemia, of the Vosges, of the Black Forest, although much less important, are also placed in the category of mountainous belts. When an enti
Most European nations, for reasons probably similar to those of Napoleon, keep up this nominal division of infantry of the line and light infantry ; but both are usually armed and equipped alike, and both receive the same organization and instruction. The light infantry are usually made up from the class of men, or district of country, which futrnishes the greatest number of riflemen and sharp-shoot-ers. In France, the light infantry is best supplied by the hunters of the Ardennes, the Vosges, and the Jura districts ; in Austria, by the Croates and Tyrolese ; in Prussia, by the forsters, or woodsmen ; and in Russia, by the Cossacks. Our own western hunters, with proper discipline, make the best tirailleurs in the world. Light infantry is usually employed to protect the flanks of the main army, to secure outposts, to reconnoitre the ground, secure avenues of approach, deceive the enemy by demonstrations, and secure the repose of the other troops by patrolling parties. They us
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Garibaldi, Giuseppe 1807-1882 (search)
capital, Sept. 7, 1860. Upon the union of the Two Sicilies with Sardinia, and the proclamation of Victor Emmanuel as King of Italy, March 17, 1860, he retired to Caprera. Anxious for the complete unification of Italy, he organized an expedition against Rome in 1862, but was defeated and taken prisoner by the Sardinians at Aspromonte, in August. A few years later he was again in arms against the Pope. Marching into the Campagna, he defeated the Papal troops at Monterotondo on Oct. 25, 1867, but shortly after, while moving upon Rome, he was defeated by the French and Papal army near Mentana. In 1870 the misfortunes of France and an appeal from Gambetta decided him to take up the French cause against the Germans. He received the command of a corps called the Volunteers of the Vosges. His son Ricciotti won a small victory over the Germans on Oct. 19, and that the latter advanced no further in that direction was due to the management of Garibaldi. He died at Caprera, June 1, 1882.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Viomenil, Antoine Charles du Houx, Baron de 1728-1782 (search)
Viomenil, Antoine Charles du Houx, Baron de 1728-1782 Military officer; born in Fauconcourt, Visages, France, Nov. 30, 1728. He attained the rank of major-general in the French army; and in 1780 was appointed second in command of Count de Rochambeau's troops which were sent to assist the American colonists; was promoted lieutenant-general in 1781, and given the grand cross of St Louis for services at the siege of Yorktown. After the war he was governor of La Rochelle, in 1783-89. He died in Paris, Nov. 9, 1782. His brother, Charles Joseph Hyacinthe du Houx, Marquis De Viomenil; born in the castle of Ruppes, Vosges, Aug. 22, 1734; attained the rank of majorgeneral in the French army; accompanied Count de Rochambeau to the United States as commander of the French artillery, and took a prominent part in the siege of Yorktown, for which he was granted a pension of 5,000 francs. He died in Paris, March 5, 1827. Virginia, colony of
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 30., With company E, 101st Infantry, in the world war. (search)
the streets the people very generously showered us with apples, grapes, oranges, peaches and all kinds of fruits and good things. From St. Nazaire we entrained and our destination was Neuf Chateau, a small town nestling in the foothills of the Vosges mountains. But not our luck to be quartered in the city; we had to hike five kilometers, with our new packs on our backs, out to a very small village having one street, a condition famous in rural France. This village was called Villars; here wed for four months. It was a long, narrow building about two hundred feet long and fifty feet wide. There were two floors, one hundred and twenty-five men on each floor. A small stream flowed through the village on its winding way down from the Vosges. In this stream we made our toilet morning, noon and night. Sometimes we took a bath in this stream. Of course taking a bath in a stream of icy water in November or December has its drawbacks. Therefore only a small number bathed in the strea
; Col Stevens, 4th Excelsior Brigade; Lt Col Soots 3d Wisconsin, Lt-Col Chaplin, 85th N Y; Maj Keanan, th Pateav; Maj Strouse, 46th Pa; Capt Esworth, 80th N Y; Col Kugar, 21st Pa; Maj John Havelock, Maj Faison, 36th N Y; Maj Basket Wounded. Geo Mass, severely; Brig Gen Whipple Havman, 37th N Y; Col Sewell, 6th Burling, 5th N J; Lieut-Col Norton, N J, badly; Capt Fry, aid to Sickles, in Col Rose 21st Conn; Col Potter; Maj 25th N Y; Col Hecker, 82d. Ill; Col N 12th Cnn Col Font-Vosges, 20th N Y; Col Johns. 7th Mass, severely; Col Brown, N Y, knee shattered; Col Riley, 75th and a prisoner; Col Richardson, 25th N Y, severely; Col Van Gitan, commanding br Adjutant Stevens, 115th Penn; Col 1st N Y; Lieut-Col Coggewell, 2d Mass; Col Cock 149th N Y; Col Miles, 61st N Y, fatally; Col E M Gregory, 91st Penn, severely, Maj Auzelle, 5th N J; Lt Col Lownsburg, 5th Excel'r, severely; Maj Willoughby, 13th N Y, Maj Higgins, 86th N Y, Col Parker 2d N Y; Col Burlin, 6th N J; Col Wil