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d long passed when successful revolt was possible in Kentucky. The time had come when the Federal Government could give the final blow to the cherished doctrine of neutrality, and it did not hesitate at stern measures of repression, altogether alien to American ideas. It took its warrant in its fears. On September 19th Hon. Charles A. Morehead, a man eminent for character and ability, was seized at his home, near Louisville, and, without warrant of law, was hurried off to prison in Boston Harbor. Morehead had been Governor of the Commonwealth, and the intimate friend of Clay. Though a strong sympathizer with the South, he had been conservative and opposed to disunion. His arrest gave a great shock in Kentucky, in proportion to its rude lawlessness. It evinced that in war the laws are silent, and that no bulwark was left against the terrorism of brute force. On the same night, Reuben T. Durrett, formerly editor of the Louisville Courier, and Martin W. Barr, of the telegraph-
yours, William H. Seward. In a communication of this date, in respect to the disposition to be made of contrabands, the Secretary of War informed General Butler that he was to be governed by the act of Congress, 1861, which declares that if persons held to service shall be employed in hostility to the United States, the right to their services shall be forfeited. --(Doc. 173.) The Massachusetts Fourteenth Regiment, under the command of Colonel Wm. R. Greene, left Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, for the seat of war. The regiment numbers 1,046 members. Their uniform is light brown pants, deep blue jacket, light blue overcoat, and regulation hat. They are armed with the Springfield musket of the pattern of 1842. They have with them twenty-four baggage wagons, four ambulances, two hospital wagons, and 220 horses. All the field and staff officers of this regiment but two are natives of Massachusetts. Of the whole corps 350 are married men, and 5 widowers with families. It ha
solidate our nationality, insure our future independence, and transmit a heroic memory to posterity, we must prove to ourselves and to all others, that our own unaided strength is sufficient for our own redemption. If it is not, there remains one resolution, by which every citizen that is worthy of freedom can avoid the sight of its extinction and the spectacle of his country's ruin — to die in the last ditch of their defence.--Richmond Examiner. Mason and Slidell left Fort Warren, Boston harbor, about eleven o'clock this forenoon. The arrangement for their return was very quietly made, and nothing was known at Boston in regard to the affair, until the hour arrived for their departure. The steam tugboat Starlight was employed by the Government to convey the prisoners to Provincetown, Cape Cod, where they were to be transferred to the British gunboat Rinaldo, which arrived at that port last night. Accordingly the tugboat Starlight left Boston shortly before ten o'clock this mo
e slipped out. The Connecticut took possession of her as a prize. The Fortification Bill passed the United States House of Representatives to-day, appropriating an aggregate of five millions nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Among the appropriations were one hundred thousand dollars for Fort Knox, on Penobscot River; one hundred thousand dollars for fort on Hog Island, Portland harbor; seventy-five thousand dollars for Fort Warren, and fifty thousand dollars for For Winthrop, Boston harbor; one hundred thou sand dollars for the fort in New Bedford harbor. The appropriation also included the following for the year 1862: fifty thousand dollars for Fort Knox; fifty thousand dollars for Hog Island Fort; fifty thousand dollars for Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries ; fifty thousand dollars for fort at New Bedford; fifty thousand dollars for Fort Adams, Newport. The Seventy--sixth Regiment New York State Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Green, and two artillery c
gers — saber bayonets.--Louisville Journal, Jan. 27. The Petersburgh Express (Va.), of this date, contains the following: An order, signed by John Withers, Assistant Adjutant General, has issued from the Inspector General's office, at Richmond, Va. The two hundred and fifty Confederate States troops, ten officers, and two hundred and forty non-commissioned officers and privates, who were captured by the United States troops at Hatteras, N. C., subsequently released from Fort Warren, Boston harbor, and released on parole by General Wool, United States Army, are hereby released from said parole, and will immediately report for duty with their respective companies, General Wool having acknowledged, in exchange, the receipt of a like number of United States prisoners, sent to Fortress Monroe, Va., by the Confederate Government. The Fifty-fifth regiment of Illinois volunteers, under the command of Colonel M. M. Baine, arrived at Cairo, Ill., en route for the seat of war.--Cincin
February 2. Lieutenant-Colonel White's cavalry encountered a force of Lincoln's infantry in Morgan County, Tenn., on the mountain side. The Lincoln force was estimated at from one hundred to three hundred. White charged upon the enemy. Captain Duncan rallied his men twice, when he was shot through the head and killed by J. Roberts, a lad fifteen years old. The Kentucky Unionists were then completely routed and fled in confusion, leaving seven of their dead upon the field.--Norfolk Day Book, February 6. The bark Trinity left Boston, Mass., to-day, for Fortress Monroe, Va., with three hundred and eighty-six rank and file, and eleven officers, from Fort Warren, in Boston harbor, to be exchanged for an equal number of National soldiers in the hands of the rebels.--N. Y. Herald, February 3.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opening of the lower Mississippi. (search)
magined what the effect of millions of burning pine-knots on thirty or forty rafts would have been, when it is remembered how seriously the Hartford was endangered by one of those which were actually sent. It is but just to say that Commander Mitchell and the other Confederate naval officers denied that they had any intention of endangering the Union vessels, or that they were guilty of any sharp practice in destroying the Louisiana. They were put in close confinement at Fort Warren, Boston harbor; but on making the above representations to the Secretary of the Navy they were treated as ordinary prisoners of war. A Confederate naval court of inquiry afterward investigated and approved the conduct of Commander Mitchell. The following extract from the letter from Lieutenant Whittle, quoted on page 48, bears on the point in question: On the morning of the 24th, when Farragut's fleet passed, the work on the propellers was still incomplete, and so our vessel was only an immovable floa
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
his narrative without saying that Wilkes was one of our very best officers, a man of strong will-power, brave and intelligent, and I always entertained the highest respect for his abilities and worth. After parting from the Trent, the San Jacinto proceeded to the Florida coast, and thence, by way of the blockading fleet off Charleston, to Fort Monroe. Here report of the seizure was made, and the vessel was ordered to New York, and thence, by order of Secretary Seward, to Fort Warren, Boston harbor, where the prisoners were confined during the diplomatic correspondence which followed. The commissioners expressed their satisfaction at the considerate treatment which they received, both from Captain Wilkes during the voyage and from Colonel Justin Dimmick, the commander at Fort Warren. On the 30th of November, Earl Russell, the British minister for foreign affairs, having received the news of the seizure through a letter from Commander Williams (mentioned above), wrote to Lord Ly
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
rnished with such positive evidence of active sympathy with the insurgents that the offenders became exceedingly cautious and far less mischievous. At about the same time, the necessity for arresting and imprisoning seditious persons in the Free-labor States seemed clear to the apprehension of the Government, and such were made on simply the warrant of the Secretary of State. These offenders were confined in Fort McHenry, at Baltimore; Fort Lafayette, near New York, and Fort Warren, in Boston harbor. Writs of habeas corpus were issued for their release. At first some of them were obeyed, but finally, by order of the Government, they were disregarded, and their issue ceased. The most notable of these cases, at the beginning, was that of John Merryman, a member of the Maryland Legislature, who was cast into Fort McHenry late in May. The Chief-Justice of the United States (R. B. Taney), residing in Baltimore, took action in the matter, but General Cadwalader, the commander of the d
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
s also found the cannon-ball sent from Charleston to Marshal Kane, delineated on page 322. These discoveries, and others of like character in other parts of the city, together with the rebellious conduct of the Board of Police, who continued their sittings daily, refused to acknowledge the new policemen, and held the old force subject to their orders, seemed to warrant the Government in ordering their arrest. They were accordingly taken into custody, and were confined in Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor, as prisoners of State. These vigorous measures secured the ascendency of the Unionists in Maryland, which they never afterward Old City Hall, Baltimore. this is a view of the building as it appeared when the writer sketched it, in the autumn of 1864, from Holliday Street, near Saratoga Street. Adjoining it is seen the yard of the German Reformed Church, and in the distance the spire of Christ Church. The City Hall was built of brick, and stuccoed. lost. It was thenceforward e