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8. Four Yankee negro soldiers, captured in James City County, were brought to this city yesterday and delivered at the Libby, where they were distributed, as far as they would go, into the solitary cells of the Yankee officers captured during the recent raid. This is a taste of negro equality, we fancy, the said Yankee officers will not fancy overmuch. The negroes represent themselves as James W. Cord, company C, Fifth United States volunteers; P. F. Lewis, company I, Fifth United States volunteers; R. P. Armistead, company H, Sixth United States volunteers; John Thomas, ditto.--Richmond Whig. The rebel steamer Sumter was captured on Lake George, Florida, by the National steamer Columbine, under the command of Acting Master J. C. Champion.--Forty-eight Union officers and over six hundred prisoners arrived at Fortress Monroe from Richmond, Va., for exchange.--the steam-tug Titan, which was captured near Cherry Stone Point, Va., was burned at Freeport on the Piankatank River.
March 20. The expedition, composed of the steamers Columbine and Sumter, that left Pilatka, Florida, for Lake George, to capture the rebel steamer Hattie Brock, returned to the former place, having been successful. This morning, while off Elbow Light, in latitude twenty-six degrees thirty-three minutes north, longitude seventy-six degrees twenty-five minutes west, the United States steamer Tioga overhauled and captured the sloop Swallow, from the Combahee River, South-Carolina, bound to Nassau, N. P. One hundred and eighty bales of cotton, eighty barrels of resin, and twenty-five boxes of tobacco were found on board the prize.--the rebel steamer Florida was captured by the National gunboat Honeysuckle.
h the boats of the Forest Rose and Linden, up after them. Ascending ten miles, he found the Dew Drop and Emma Belt. The Linden burned the Argo in a small bayou about seventy-five miles up the Sunflower. I also found the Cotton Plant sunk in Lake George, with nothing out of the water but the tops of her smoke-stacks. At Gaines's Landing, on the Sunflower, I found, and brought away, a cutter which was lost on the Deer Creek expedition. I have as prisoners two engineers and a pilot in the serptured some days previous, being acquainted with the stream, volunteered his services as a guide. The De Kalb, as usual, brought up the rear, while the other vessels proceeded rapidly on. Finding the river receding, we came to at the mouth of Lake George to await the return of the expedition. After remaining three days above, the boats returned, having penetrated the Rolling Fork of Deer Creek, and ascending the Sunflower as far up as Dunbar's Ferry, a distance of one hundred and eighty mil
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
time consisted of only three thousand regulars and a body of Canadian militia. Nevertheless, the English, with forces nearly six times as numerous, closed the campaign without gaining a single advantage. We here see that the French, with very inferior forces, still continued successful in every campaign, uniformly gaining advantage over their enemy, and gaining ground upon his colonies. By the possession of Forts William Henry, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, they completely commanded Lake George and Lake Champlain, which afforded the shortest and easiest line of communication between the British colonies and Canada. By means of their forts at Montreal, Frontenac, Detroit, &c., they had entire dominion of the lakes connecting the St. Lawrence with the Mississippi, and Canada with Louisiana; moreover, by means of Fort Du Quesne and a line of auxiliary works, their ascendency over the Indians on the Ohio was well secured. But experience had at length taught the English wherein lay
that of a newspaper or pamphlet, a production so strongly stamped with the characteristics of his mind and character. In the course of a brief excursion which followed the delivery of the address above alluded to, General McClellan received many gratifying proofs of the affectionate attachment felt for him by the people of the country generally, and of the lively interest with which they follow his movements. On the evening of the 18th of June, at Fort William Henry, on the banks of Lake George, he was serenaded; and, at the close of the music, having been introduced by Judge Brown to the numerous party which had assembled to pay their respects to him, he addressed them, as follows:-- I thank you, my friends, for this welcome and pleasing evidence of your regard. It is a most happy termination of the delightful week I have passed in the midst of this beautiful region, among such warm and friendly hearts. When men come, as you have done, some many miles from the mountains an
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
n fact, we may with propriety go even beyond the Revolution to seek the roots of our genealogical tree in the old French wars; for the cis-Atlantic campaigns of the seven years war were not confined to the red men scalping each other by the great lakes of North America, and it was in them that our ancestors first participated as Americans in the large operations of civilized armies. American regiments then fought on the banks of the St. Lawrence and the Ohio, on the shores of Ontario and Lake George, on the islands of the Caribbean and in South America. Louisburgh, Quebec, Duquesne, the Moro, and Porto Bello, attest the valor of the provincial troops; and in that school were educated such soldiers as Washington, Putnam, Lee, Montgomery, and Gates. These, and men like Greene, Knox, Wayne, and Steuben, were the fathers of our permanent army; and under them our troops acquired that discipline and steadiness which enabled them to meet upon equal terms, and often to defeat, the tried ve
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Frank H. Harleston — a hero of Fort Sumter. (search)
, the young English officer who was killed in one of the early skirmishes of the war waged for the possession of Canada, some years before the American Revolution. Lord Howe achieved nothing remarkable, and yet he was deeply regretted, and all who read of him even now, are filled with a tender pity for his sad fate, so much so, that within the last few years the people of New York have given expression to their sympathy by erecting a monument to his memory on the spot where he fell, near Lake George, more than a hundred years after his death. Our hero, Captain Harleston, was destined to serve his country in a far greater war, with conspicious efficiency, and to lose his life whilst participating in the most glorious defense that has ever been made by any city on this Continent. The analogy between himself and Lord Howe lies simply in the beauty of his character. Those who knew him are more apt to think of what he was than of what he did; and like Lord Howe his personal qualities
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battles. (search)
en engaged, as colonists and as a nation, are as follows: French and Indian War. Great MeadowsMay 28, 1754 Fort NecessityJuly 4, 1754 Fort Beau SejourJune 16, 1755 Fort GaspereauxJune 17, 1755 MonongahelaJuly 9, 1755 Bloody Pond (near Lake George) Sept. 8, 1755 Head of Lake GeorgeSept. 8, 1755 OswegoAug. 14, 1756 Fort William HenryJuly 6, 1757 Near TiconderogaJuly 6, 1758 TiconderogaJuly 8, 1758 LouisburgJuly 26, 1758 Fort FrontenacAug. 27, 1758 Alleghany MountainsSept. 21, 175Lake GeorgeSept. 8, 1755 OswegoAug. 14, 1756 Fort William HenryJuly 6, 1757 Near TiconderogaJuly 6, 1758 TiconderogaJuly 8, 1758 LouisburgJuly 26, 1758 Fort FrontenacAug. 27, 1758 Alleghany MountainsSept. 21, 1758 Fort NiagaraJuly 25, 1759 MontmorenciJuly 31, 1759 Plains of AbrahamSept. 13, 1759 SilleryApril 28, 1760 Revolutionary War. LexingtonApril 19, 1775 Bunker (Breed's) HillJune 17, 1775 Near Montreal (Ethan Allen captured)Sept. 25, 1775 St. John's (Siege and Capture of)Oct. and Nov. 1775 Great BridgeDec. 9, 1775 QuebecDec. 31, 1775 Moore's Creek BridgeFeb. 27, 1776 Boston (Evacuation of)Mar. 17, 1776 Cedar RapidsMay 9, 1776 Three RiversJune 8, 1776 Fort Sullivan (Charleston Harbo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bemis's Heights, battles of. (search)
and splendid train of artillery he crossed the Hudson on a bridge of boats (Sept. 13, 1777), and encamped on the Heights of Saratoga, afterwards Schuylerville. New courage had been infused into the hearts of the Americans by the events near Bennington and on the upper Mohawk, and Gates's army was rapidly increasing in numbers. Burgoyne felt compelled to move forward speedily. Some American troops, under Col. John Brown, had got in his rear, and surprised a British post at the foot of Lake George (Sept. 18). They also attempted to capture Ticonderoga. Burgoyne Neilson House on Bemis's Heights. the mansion of Mr. Neilson, an active Whig at the time of the battle. It was the headquarters of General poor and Colonel Morgan. To it the wounded Major Acland was conveyed, and there was joined by his wife. had moved slowly southward, and on the morning of Sept. 19 he offered battle to Gates. First battle. His left wing, with the immense artillery train, commanded by Generals
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Carleton, Sir Guy, Lord Dorchester 1724- (search)
. When Burgoyne, after the capture of Ticonderoga (July, 1777), pushing on towards the valley of the Hudson, desired Carleton to hold that post with the 3,000 troops which had been left in Canada, the governor refused, pleading his instructions, which confined him to his own province. This unexpected refusal was the first of the embarrassments Burgoyne endured after leaving Lake Champlain. He was compelled, he said, to drain the life-blood of his army to garrison Ticonderoga and hold Lake George. No doubt this weakening of his army at that time was one of the principal causes of his defeat near Saratoga. If Carleton wished to gratify a spirit of retaliation because of Burgoyne's intrigues against him, the surrender of the latter must have fully satisfied him. Carleton was made lieutenant-general in 1778; was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in America in 1781; and sailed for England Nov. 25, 1783. In 1786 he was created Baron Dorchester, and from that year un