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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 30., The road through the woods. (search)
f granite, within the estimated cost and so it would require no repairs for a century. Thus said the agent in his annual report. Alas for human calculations. The canal's rival, the Boston and Lowell railroad, cut another way through the estate and began the quicker travel by steam power in 1835. In 1860, the city of Charlestown built its water-works, raising the level of the upper pond six feet by the erection of a dam at the narrow strait known as The Partings. At that time there was a large, extensive woodland in that vicinity, utilized in that work. The contour of the upper pond was much changed, the mouth of the Aberjona became up-stream where was once the Symmes mill, thus destroying its water-power. Later came the Mystic valley parkway, over whose surface the modern automobiles so rapidly roll along. Grove street, once the road through the woods, has lost none of its beauty and charm, and may some day vie with its neighbors across the water, Interlaken and Morningside.