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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 25: service for Crawford.—The Somers Mutiny.—The nation's duty as to slavery.—1843.—Age, 32. (search)
the Commentaries less, but the opinions more. We know of nothing in the English books surpassing in merit some of the golden judgments preserved in the volumes of Mr. Johnson. The learning of Eldon is there set forth with the grace of Stowell; and the deep researches of Hargrave, never equalled by an English judge, are rivalled on the American bench. Chancellor Kent seems to have been born with those eminent judicial qualities at which others arrive only by the experience of years. Longa aetas Pylium prudentem Nestora fecit. But the Nestor of our profession was prudent before length of days had set their mark upon him. As early as March, 1797, when only thirty-four years of age, he was appointed Recorder of the city of New York; and in February, 1798, he was appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State. It has been the rare felicity of this jurist to pass his life far from the ignoble strife of the crowd. His days have been counted out in the serene per