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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 8: capture of Fernandina and the coast South of Georgia. (search)
e at Stono Inlet. Commander Drayton, in the Pawnee, accompanied by one or two gunboats, entered St. Helena Sound and found on the point of Otter island some heavy fortifications; but the magazine had been blown up and the armament removed. At the same time Commander C. R. P. Rodgers made a reconnoissance of Warsaw Sound, and found the fort on Warsaw Island dismantled and the magazine destroyed. An examination of Wilmington River showed heavy works still occupied by the enemy. On the Ogeechee and Vernon rivers heavy earth-works were being erected by the Confederates. Commander Drayton crossed the North Edisto Bar, and found an abandoned earthwork, intended to mount ten guns. In fact, there had been a stampede all along the coast, which indicated the moral effect of Dupont's victory on the Southern people. Had a suitable body of troops been landed on the coast at the time, Charleston and Savannah would have fallen into our possession, and have been held throughout the war, t
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 9: operations of Admiral Dupont's squadron in the sounds of South Carolina. (search)
Com. C. R. P. Rodgers makes reconnoissance of Warsaw Inlet. Lieutenant Barnes invades forts. Commander Drayton goes up the North Edisto River. object of the expeditions. difficulties in the way of gunboats. Ogeechee Sound and the great Ogeechee River examined. a second reconnoissance to Saint Helena Sound. gunboats annoying Confederate troops. the torch plays a prominent part. desolation. friendship of the blacks for the Union cause. expeditions to various points. Admiral Dupont cohort, and the commander of the expedition did not think it well, under the circumstances, to return the fire, and give the enemy the opportunity of reporting an engagement with and the repulse of Yankee gun-boats. Ogeechee Sound and the Great Ogeechee River were examined and no batteries found. A full reconnoissance was accomplished, by which the Commander--in chief was placed in possession of information that would much facilitate any operations of the Army and Navy which might be decided o
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 32: Navy Department.--energies displayed.--building of iron-clads (search)
have them tested to see what their turrets and hull would bear, and to ascertain whether anything could be done to improve their defensive power. The turret principle had only been tried once in battle, and then only against guns the largest of which were the 7-inch rifles in the bow and stern of the Merrimac, neither of which, it is clear, ever struck the Monitor in hull or turret. To determine this point. Commander John L. Worden was sent down to Ossabaw Sound to operate up the Great Ogeechee River and capture, if he could, a fort at Genesee Point, under cover of which the steamer Nashville was lying, fitted out as a privateer, and only waiting an opportunity to get to sea and prey upon Federal commerce. He was also instructed to destroy the railroad at that point, if successful in taking the fort and destroying the Nashville. Commander Worden arrived off the bar at Ossabaw Sound on January 24th, 1863, but a thick fog prevailed at the time, and the Montauk did not get under-
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 33: (search)
ngthened. capture of the gunboat Isaac Smith. the iron-clad Montauk, Commander John L. Worden, engages the forts at Ogeechee River. Confederate steamer Nashville destroyed by the Montauk and other vessels. iron-clads Passaic, Patapsco and Nahant sity of prudence. On the 1st of February the Montauk, Commander John L. Worden, was ordered to engage the forts at Ogeechee River, a duty which was well performed; but the Confederates shifted their guns from point to point, as the range of the Mo and although a swift and well-appointed steamer, never ventured to run out. After several months she withdrew up the Ogeechee River and returned in the guise of a privateer, presenting a formidable appearance. Fort McAllister was strengthened andaic, was directed to proceed with the Patapsco. Commander Daniel Ammen, and the Nahant, Commander John Downes, up the Ogeechee River, and make an attack on Fort McAllister. The fort had been subjected to three previous attacks from the Montauk; bu
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 47: operations of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Rear-admiral Dahlgren, during latter end of 1863 and in 1864. (search)
6. Wagner and Gregg Ironsides, Weehawken, Montauk, Passaic, Patapsco, Nahant, Lehigh. Sept. 7. Batteries on Sullivan's Island Ironsides, Patapsco, Lehigh, Nahant, Montauk, Weehawken. Sept. 8. Batteries on Sullivan's Island Ironsides, Nahant, Patapsco, Lehigh, Montauk, Weehawken. Service of iron-clads: South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Shots fired and hits received by them during operations against Morris Island: Vessels No. of shots fired. Hits. Hits Apr. 7, 1863. Hits at Ogeechee. Total hits. 15-in. 11-in. Catskill 138 425 86 20   106 Montauk 301 478 154 14 46 214 Lehigh 41 28 36     36 Passaic 119 107 90 35 9 134 Nahant 170 276 69 36   105 Patapsco 178 230 96 47 1 144 Weehawken 264 633 134 53   187 Nantucket 44 155 53 51   104 Ironsides   4439 164     164 Totals 1255 6771 882 256 56 1194   No. of shots fired. Weight of projec. fired in tons. By Ironsides 4,439 288 1/2 11-in. by Monitors 2,332 151 1/2 15-in. b
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
oved at this date. One of these frames was found lying in a dock of the Cooper River, with the torpedoes mounted ready for use. In many cases the frames had been much wormeaten, so that in attempting to remove them the timber broke and fell to the bottom. On the wharf near it and the adjoining buildings, which had been used as a factory for the torpedoes until our shells rendered it dangerous, were thirty (30) cast-iron torpedoes for framing. This kind of torpedo was used in the Ogeechee and Savannah Rivers, where they were distinctly visible at very low water; and probably it was one of this kind that struck the Montauk in February, 1863, when attacking Fort McAllister. As torpedo frames could not be fixed in very deep water, another kind was used for the purpose. This was a large sheet-iron boiler, capable of containing 1,000 to 3,000 pounds of powder, to be exploded by a galvanic battery connected by an insulated wire. Three of these were located in the main chann
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 56: commerce-destroyers.-their inception, remarkable career, and ending. (search)
that he must endeavor to intercept and capture the converted Confederate. The Georgia was captured by Commodore Craven off Lisbon, was sent to Boston and condemned by the Admiralty Court, her alleged owner never receiving a penny of the £ 15,000 he had paid into the Confederate treasury as the price of the vessel. The fate of the Nashville has already been mentioned. In January and February, 1863, several attempts were made to destroy her as she lay above Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogeechee River. On the 27th of February, 1863, she was set on fire and blown up by shells from the Monitor Montauk, Commander John L. Worden. The Shenandoah, originally called the Sea King, was the last and the most dangerous of all the Confederate cruisers. She was a full-rigged ship of about eight hundred tons, with so-called auxiliary steam power, and very fast under either sail or steam, capable of making three hundred and twenty miles in twenty-four hours under favorable circumstances, whi