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oung. They inquired where we were from. Collins, whose fictitious name was Compton, told them that we lived in Pulaski county, Georgia; that we had been driven by the Yankees from Darien, and were now on our way home. We were in a hurry to get th, and ought to be taken up, and if I had my way, you would be. At this he changed the subject, and we told him the Pulaski county story. He then invited us to his house to get something to eat, to which, of course, we had to consent. While there I looked the ignoramus sternly in the face, as I rejoined: Well, sir, if you undertake to hold a trial over Pulaski county citizens, we'll make you smoke for it. My determined manner nonplussed him considerably, and turning to a compani Yes, that's it, bawled another, who had thrown himself on a bed; Mr. Meeser, I golly! John Meeser, what lives up in Pulaski county, and keeps a grocery, and sells good whiskey, I golly! Here was our salvation; and starting forward, I harangued m
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 18: (search)
g to the fact that, with a front of nearly three hundred miles open to invasions of the enemy by routes impossible to guard, whenever it was invaded blame fell upon the commanding general and his prestige was destroyed. It came near being the ruin of General Lee, while Floyd, Loring and a number of others were in turn retired and their future usefulness destroyed. In the latter part of February General Breckinridge assumed command of the department with headquarters at Dublin Depot, Pulaski county, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, a few miles west of New River. One of his first acts was to make a horseback tour along his front, extending from Warm Springs on the northeast to Abingdon, involving a ride of three hundred miles in wintry weather. His infantry consisted of two brigades, that of Gen. John Echols, at Monroe Draught, near the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, and that of Gen. G. C. Wharton, at the Narrows of New River. At Warm Springs was a cavalry brigade u
hed a camp at Little Rock, and had only partially formed his regiment, when a battalion of it was hurried to Columbus, Ky., just after Grant's demonstration at Belmont. It was reorganized at Corinth after the battle of Shiloh. Upon its first organization its officers were, Lieut.-Col. Francis A. Terry, Maj. Tom McKay; Company A, Capt. William F. Hoadley, of Little Rock, First Lieut. W. P. Parks, Second Lieut. W. C. Osborne, Third Lieut. John B. Baggett; Company B, Capt. T. F. Murff, of Pulaski county; Company C, Capt J. W. Hanson, of Clark county, First Lieut. J. A. Ross, Second Lieutenant Detwiler; Company D, Capt. Thomas Payne, of Prairie county, First Lieut. Tarver Toone; Company E, Capt. John Moore, First Lieutenant Blassingame, Second Lieutenant Bushnell. Captain Hoadley's company was given charge of a heavy gun battery at Columbus, and thenceforward was detached and employed in the heavy artillery. It was at Island No.10 during the terrific bombardment of that place, from whic
le, Tenn., September 26, 1871, where he was shot down on the street by the son of Hon. T. A. R. Nelson, an ex-Union officer. His remains were carried to Montgomery, the capital of Alabama, where they lay in state, and were followed to the grave by the whole population. The demonstrations of grief and respect that came from every part of the State, showed the high esteem in which Alabama held this gallant soldier and honored citizen. Major-General Henry DeLamar Clayton was born in Pulaski county, Ga., March 7, 1827. He was graduated at Emory and Henry college, Virginia, after which he read law under John G. and Eli S. Shorter in Eufaula. In 1849 he was licensed as an attorney, and began the practice of law in Clayton. He devoted himself so completely to business that he kept entirely out of politics until 1857, when he was chosen to represent Barbour county in the Alabama legislature. He served as a member of the house of representatives until 1861. Upon the very first threat
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
s drowned in the Kanawha river in 1862. The 14th Virginia Regiment was in Jenkins', afterwards McCausland's, Brigade, and did service in West Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, and around Richmond. It was composed of three companies from Greenbrier, one from Augusta, one from Charlotte, one from Upshur, one from Rockbridge, and a large portion of two others were from this county (Captain William A. Lackey's and Alexander M. Peck's), the remainder of these two companies being from Roanoke, Pulaski, Montgomery and Highland counties. It was among the best mounted regiments in the service, and the discipline and their soldierly bearing were noticeable. James Cochran, of Augusta county, was Colonel; John A. Gibson, of Rockbridge, Lieutenant-Colonel; B. F. Eakle, of the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Major, and Edward S. Roe, of Orange Courthouse, Surgeon. It was one of the regiments out of four that raided Pennsylvania to enforce the order of levying a tax of several hundred thous
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Zollicoffer's oak. [from the New Orleans, La., Picayune, August, 1903.] (search)
appreciate the generous gift of Captain Trimble and his wife to the trustees of the necessary ground on which to build a monument at this place. Captain Trimble came from a Virginia family who were revolutionary heroes, and who settled in Pulaski county after the close of the war. He himself enlisted in Company C, Third Kentucky United States Infantry, on the 7th of August, 1861. He saw service at Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rockface Ridge, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Missionary Ridge; he lost his arm on May 13, 1863, in the Atlanta campaign. He had only the rank of sergeant, but at the time was in command of his company. He was for twenty-four years clerk of the County Court of Pulaski county, and is now postmaster at Somerset. He was educated in the public schools and afterwards graduated in law at Stratford Law School. His father gave the ground for the National Cemetery in whom the Federal dead are buried at Logan's Cross-Roads, now called Mill Spring National
Georgia Ahead. --Mr. James Argo, residing in Pulaski county, Ga., has fourteen sons and sons-in-law in the ranks of the "Pulaski Volunteers." The old gentleman himself was a soldier, stationed at Norfolk, in the war of 1812.
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], "Sawery" Bennett's opinion of old Abe. (search)
bills were reported: A bill to incorporate the Mutual Life Insurance Co. A bill to authorize the Board of Public Works to transfer the South western turnpike to the counties in which it lies. A bill refunding to William M. Hume, Sheriff of Fauquier county, damages paid by him as such. A bill incorporating the Savings Bank for small earnings of the city of Richmond. A bill so incorporate the Planters' Insurance Company of Petersburg. A bill changing the lines of Pulaski and Wythe counties. The Finance Committee made an adverse report as to the expediency of providing means for the relief of the loyal poor citizens of Elizabeth City county and the lower part of Warwick, now in the hands of the enemy. A communication was received from the Governor, relative to the burial of the Hon. John Tyler, at Hollywood. He recommended the appropriation of three thousand dollars towards purchasing ground at Hollywood, for the interment of eminent deceased Virg