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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Run. (search)
e across the Rapidan by swimming that river, as the water was high. Ewell's division went into camp near Liberty Mills on the Rapidan, on the road from Gordonsville to Madison Court-House, and I remained there, with occasional movements when approaches of the enemy's cavalry were reported, until the 7th of August. In the mean time, Jackson's force had been reinforced by the division of A. P. Hill, and there had been skirmishing and fighting between our cavalry and that of the enemy in Madison County and at Orange Court-House. General Jackson ordered a forward movement to be made on the 7th of August, and on that day Ewell's division crossed into Madison at Liberty Mills, and moved down the Rapidan toward Barnett's Ford, bivouacking for the night near that point. Early next morning, we moved past Barnett's Ford, driving a small detachment of the enemy's cavalry from the Ford, and took the road for Culpeper Court-House. General Beverly Robertson's cavalry now passed to the front
latter with great loss.--Springfield Journal (Mo.), Aug. 11. W. D. Porter, commanding a division of the Mississippi gunboat flotilla, with the gunboat Essex, attacked the rebel iron-clad Arkansas, at a point about four miles above Baton Rouge, La., and after a short engagement succeeded in destroying her.--(Doc. 91.) Charles A. Carroll, a rebel colonel commanding North-west Arkansas, at Fort Smith, issued general orders compelling all persons in the counties of Benton, Washington, Madison, Carroll, and Newton, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to attach themselves at once to the companies raised by him, and declaring that the oaths administered by the Federals were without legal authority, having no binding efficacy with any civilized people; and a citizen who would think of regarding such iniquitous oaths would be as infamous as those who administered them; and any such would be dealt with as they deserve, understanding at the same time, that the confederate offi
of all the governments of the earth, including the Federal Government, we will hang him.--See N. Y. Journal of Commerce, June 6, 1838. The calculation was a tolerably sound one; yet it did not save quite a number of persons — mainly of Northern birth — who were seized at various points throughout the South on suspicion of being anti-Slavery, and very summarily put to death — some with, and some without, a mob trial. Had there been any proof In 1835, a suspicion was aroused in Madison County, Mississippi, that a conspiracy for a slave insurrection existed. Five negroes were first hung; then five white men. The pamphlet put forth by their mob-murderers shows that there was no real evidence against any of them — that their lives were sacrificed to a cowardly panic, which would not be appeased without blood-shed. The whites were hung at an hour's notice, protesting their innocence to the last. And this is but one case out of many such. In a panic of this kind, every non-slavehol
ord, demands Mason and Slidell, 608. Lyon, Robert, of S. C., to a friend in Texas, 450. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel, his services at St. Louis; captures Gen. Frost's camp, 490; succeeds Gen. Harney; has an interview with Gen. Price, 491; whips Marmaduke, 574; arrives at Springfield, 576; defeats the Rebels at Dug-Springs, 577; attacks the enemy at Wilson's Creek, 578; his heroism and death, 579-80; Pollard's opinion of him, 582. Lytle, Col., wounded at Carnifex Ferry, 525. M. Madison County, Miss., men hung there, 128. Madison, James, 42; 43; 63; 72; takes the Southern view of the Missouri question, 75; 82; 83; drafts the Virginia Resolves of 1799, 84; 110; 264-5; letter to Hamilton, 357; 497. Madisonian, The, letter from Gilmer to, 156. Magoffin, Beriah, of Ky., elected Governor, 333; his Union Address, 340; his answer to the Presidents requisition, etc., 460; his Message, 492-3; 493; 494; 496; 509; 609; his letter to the President, 610; the reply, 611; Message, 611,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
evening, as soon as the darkness permitted, Ike quietly led a horse from the farmer's stable, and taking his young master in his arms, placed him on his back. Ike mounted behind, and to our great astonishment and delight when we reached Winchester, we found them awaiting us. A strange sequel is that Ike went back with the horse and remained with the Federal army until the battle of Fredericksburg, when he returned to serve the remainder of the war with Mars Kit, and is now living in Madison county, Miss. Gallant Kit, after numerous subsequent wounds, survived the war and died about fifteen years ago at his old home. Soon after camping near Winchester the weather turned very cool. The men had few blankets, and to add to the hardships and horrors of the situation, small pox broke out. Great numbers of the men had either small pox or varioloid, but they never thought much of the danger, and few, if any, who remained in camps died from the effects. After the Maryland campaign t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.32 (search)
. I bid Kit Gilmer and others good-by, believing I would never see them again. After remaining a day or so near Shepardstown, we fell back to Winchester, and among the first to greet us when we reached there was Ike, Kit Gilmer's nigger, who said, Mars Kit is in dat house, I ain't gwine let dem Yankees git Mars Kit. Ike had appropriated a horse belonging to the old farmer, placed Kit on him, and, mounting behind, carried him to safety. Ike is living now, a respected citizen of Madison county, Miss., but poor Kit died many years ago. My grandmother left me, at her death, a negro boy, Jim, and stipulated in her will that she wanted him to be my playfellow, and not to work. Jim was two years older than I, and was my black mammy's eldest child. We were boon companions as boys. While playing near a pond one day (I was about 9 years old), I said to Jim, Let's go to the watermelon patch. Jim always assented to any proposition I made. We plugged two or three melons, and finally
Polk, the Episcopal bishop of Louisiana. who has been appointed Brigadier General of the Confederate army, has been confided the defense of the Mississippi River from Cairo to the ocean, Col. Hardee sharing in the important task. In the Garibaldi regiment are said to be 27 different nationalities, and 18 different dialects spoken — the Italian and German preponderating. Col. Sherman, of the United States army, is now in Harrisburg. Pa., for the purpose of enlisting recruits for the new artillery regiment to be formed there. Major Lloyd Tilghman, stationed lately at Paducah, Ky., has resigned his office in the State Guard, being unwilling to aid in carrying out the policy of neutrality between the Confederate States and the United States. The Vicksburg Sun learns that Col. John Robinson, an extensive planter of Madison county, Mississippi, has raised this year over 2,000 bushels of wheat, which he has placed at the service of the State or Confederate Government.
Capt. John L. Bridgers, of the 1st Regiment N. C. Volunteers has been promoted to a Lt. Colonelcy of Artillery, for distinguished services in the battle of Bethel. The citizens of Madison county, Miss., have subscribed 8,800 bales of cotton, worth $444,000, and $35,400 in money towards the Confederate loan. Ex-Governor Manly has been added to the staff of Gov. Clark of North Carolina, which is now composed of Ex-Governors Bragg and Manly and Hon. D. M. Barringer. Bishop Bonman, of Pennsylvania, died suddenly on the 3d inst.
an is a small place, 134 miles West of North of Mobile, situated on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, where it is crossed by the Southern Mississippi from Vicksburg to Selma. It is about 140 miles cast from Vicksburg, and 24 east from Jackson. Grenada is situated at the head of steamboat navigation on the Yalabusha river, one of the tributaries of the Yazoo, and 115 miles N. by E. of Jackson, on the New Orleans, Jackson and Northern railroad. Canton is a flourishing town in Madison county, Mississippi, of which it is the county site. It is situated on the New Orleans, Jackson and Northern railroad, about 25 miles N. E. of Jackson. Raymond is a village about 16 miles S. W. of Jackson, and about 8 miles South of the Southern Mississippi railroad, with which it is connected by a branch road, and about the same distance from the New Orleans, Jackson and Northern railroad. Okolona is a small town in Mississippi, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, about 75 miles a little nor