Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Forsyth (North Carolina, United States) or search for Forsyth (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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What the meetings are composed of. --Col. Thos. M. Garrett, of the 5th N. C. regiment, offers a reward of $250 for the arrest of C. D. Sides, a deserter from that regiment. Col. Garrett says: "This man deserted on the 10th of May last, and was last heard of as figuring on the committee to draft resolutions for a meeting held in Forsyth county on the 26th August." A deserter drafting resolutions for a peace meeting! No wonder the administration of President Davis was denounced at such meetings. Deserters, of course, are opposed to sending any more men from North Carolina.