Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Forsyth (North Carolina, United States) or search for Forsyth (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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An affray occurred in Staunton, Va., on Thursday last, in which Capt. E. P. Sutton, of Richmond, was shot and slightly wounded by Capt. O. W. Chambers, and afterwards severely beaten by the same party. H. T. Clarke, of the Washington Artillery, has been arrested in Petersburg for stealing a gold watch from E. W. Hollins, of Richmond, and selling it at $600. C. D. Sides, lately published as a deserter figuring in a North Carolina peace meeting, is an old citizen of Forsyth county, and had not been in the army. Sumter Anderson, it is stated in the New York papers, claims to have the "old flag" of Fort Sumter still in his possession. The citizens of Florida are organizing Confederate Societies for the purpose of bringing down the price of the necessaries of life. The Presbyterian (United) Synod of Virginia has appointed the 1st proximo as a day of fasting and prayer.