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The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hamilton (Texas, United States) or search for Hamilton (Texas, United States) in all documents.

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A desperate encounter with Indiana--a scouting party badly cut up. The Houston Telegraph, of the 4th instant, publishes the following letter from Lampasas, Hamilton county, Texas, on the frontier, under date of October 24th: A terrible conflict occurred in Hamilton county, about 40 miles above this place, about twilight on Saturday evening last, between a scout of seven or eight citizens and a party of Indians, 12 or 13 in number. The scout had stopped for the night, when Witcher, whHamilton county, about 40 miles above this place, about twilight on Saturday evening last, between a scout of seven or eight citizens and a party of Indians, 12 or 13 in number. The scout had stopped for the night, when Witcher, who had ridden some distance from camp, was discovered by the Indians, who at once gave chase, and pursued him so closely that he was compelled to abandon his horse, and save himself by concealment in the thick shin oak thicket. Grundy Morris, another of the party, who was about three-quarters of a mile from camp, afoot, saw the chase, but not recognizing Witcher, supposed they were in pursuit of a beef, and giving notice to his comrades, they were soon in the saddle and after the Indians, who p