Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charlotte county (Virginia, United States) or search for Charlotte county (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The ladies of Virginia. Huntersville, Sept. 3, 1861. Before leaving Huntersville, where I have been stationed for the past five weeks as surgeon, I feel it my duty, as it certainly is my pleasure, to return publicly my grateful acknowledgments to the ladies of "Cub Creek Church," Charlotte county, and to the "Ladies' Secession Aid Society," of Lexington, for the kindly and timely aid, in the shape of bedding, clothes, &c., &c., extended to our soldiers, who have been sick here. Mrs. Paul McNeil, and other ladies of this county, are entitled to our heartfelt thanks for the valuable assistance which they have rendered us by furnishing our sick with a full supply of properly cooked bread, and that without any compensation. For myself, I can say that, called to contend with disease in its most protean forms, in a sparsely settled and sterile country, where very few of the appliances of my profession could be obtained, the contributions of the ladies were God-sends indee
Runaway --$10 reward --Ran away from W. T. Davis, of Lunenburg county, his man, Dick. Cole. purchased of W. F. Watkins, Esq., of Charlotte county. Dick is a stout mulatto man, about five feet ten inches high, with long face and high cheek-bones. His wife belongs to W. R. Pugh, and is in the service of Mr. Powell, Inspector at Public Warehouse, Richmond. Dick is probably lurking about Richmond. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in jail, so that I get him. Address "Maddux & Co., " Richmond, or the subscriber. Joseph E. Davis. Pleasant Grove P. O., Lunenburg Co., Va., au 14--dit &cw4t