Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Clarke (Virginia, United States) or search for Clarke (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Arrest of Hon. A. R. Boteler. --The Clarke county (Va.) Conservator is reliably informed that a number of Federal troops went to the residence of Hon. A. R. Boteler, near Shepherdstown, on last Tuesday morning, and forcibly carried him off. They went to his house before daybreak, and took him out of his head. Since the above was written, we have received the Winchester Republican, which confirms the report of Mr. Boteler's arrest, but says he was subsequently released by order of Gen Banks. The Republican says that some two hundred Abolitionists surrounded Mr. B.'s house, when one of his daughters, a beautiful young lady, demanded to know their business there. She was responded to by the most genteel looking of the ruffians, and politely told unless she immediately withdrew her brains would be blown out. Mr. Boteler, as soon as he could dress, presented himself at the door, and demanded to know by whose authority this outrage upon his person and family was committed. Thi