Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Clarke (Virginia, United States) or search for Clarke (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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From Northern Virginia. --We received yesterday no late or important news from the line of the Rapidan. Passengers by the Central train were unable to furnish even a rumor from the army of Gen. Lee, from which it is reasonable to infer that no military movements looking to active operations are in progress. From the Valley we learn that Major Gilmore's battalion made a raid in Jefferson and Clarke counties in the early part of last week. The Yankees at Charlestown, becoming alarmed, left the place during Tuesday night, and our men entered the same night, and at last accounts were still there. Charlestown is eight miles from Harper's Ferry. The last accounts we had from the latter point represented the Federal force there to be about 6,000. They have been sent off, however, to strengthen Rosecrans or Meade. When at Charlestown Major Gilmore is but five miles from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. We hope to hear that he has tapped that road.