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his men are in, and report that he is safe in the mountains, and carefully working his was through at night. He belongs to the Eighth Ohio cavalry, which was re-organized from the Forty-fourth Ohio infantry, after two years service, during which Captain Badger was promoted from the ranks. So much for Yankee falsehood and braggadocio. Now for the truth: On the 2d of November, 1864, five members of the Sixth Virginia cavalry, acting as scouts for General Lee, proceeded through Clarke county to the Valley turnpike, near Bartonsville, seven miles above Winchester, capturing two Yankees as soon as they reached the road, leaving them in the woods, with one of their number as a guard. Six more Yankees were likewise captured soon after, taken to the same place, and two of the scouts remained in charge of their eight prisoners. Returning to the road, they encountered the mail-carrier, who rode up and asked if they had seen Captain Badger and his two orderlies.--"No. Where is he?