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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Powhatan troop of cavalry in 1861. (search)
cke was commissioned by the State of Virginia as a Brigadier-General. Captain Lay was elected to supply his place — Lieutenants Old and Skipwith promoted each a grade, and John William Menoboy elected to fill the vacancy. In March, 1861, the services of the troop were tendered to Governor Letcher by Captain Lay. The Governor then declined them, but requested the company to be held in readiness. In April, 1861, while the company was temporarily encamped at Saint Luther's church in Powhatan county for purposes of instruction in camp and guard duty, the sudden order was received from General Lee to report for active service in Richmond the following day. The members were immediately dispersed to their respective homes for hasty preparation. Some of them, residing at great distances, I was informed, were unable to reach their homes at all. On the next day, Saturday, a prompt and full attendance was had at the rendezvous on the River road or turnpike, about nine miles above Richmon