Browsing named entities in J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army. You can also browse the collection for Powhatan (Virginia, United States) or search for Powhatan (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix: letters from our army workers. (search)
s were too meagre to deserve a part in your history. After thinking over the matter, I decided to send a few items, which you can use as you deem proper. In May, 1863, I went to the Huguenot Springs (convalescent) Hospital, located in Powhatan county, Virginia, and aided the chaplain, Geo. W. Hyde, for three weeks in a series of meetings. About thirty men professed faith in Christ. I baptized some six or eight. Rev. D. B. Winfree, of Chesterfield, preached five times in the meeting. In June knelt in the dust, all dropped down instantly. I feel a deep interest in your book, and wish you God-speed in it. Fraternally yours, Henry M. White. I>from Rev. John R. Bagby, Baptist, Lieutenant Powhatan Artillery. Powhatan county, Virginia, April, 1867. Dear Brother Jones: I am glad you have undertaken so noble a work, and am only sorry that I can contribute so little towards it. In giving information like this, I do not know where to begin nor what to say after I have