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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Introduction. (search)
ided. We had no subsistence for man or horse, and it could not be gathered in the country. The supplies ordered to Pamplin's station from Lynchburg could not reach us, and the men, deprived of food and sleep for many days, were worn out and exhausted. With great respect, your obedient servant, (Signed) R. E. Lee, General. On his way to Richmond, which he reached on the 12th of April, General Lee stopped for the night near the residence of his brother, Charles Carter Lee, of Powhatan county, and, although importuned by his brother to pass the night under his roof, the General persisted in pitching his tent by the side of the road This was not immediately in front of the residence of his brother, but of that of Mr. John Gilliam (whose farm adjoined that of Mr. Lee), a more elevated and desirable site. and going into camp as usual. This continued self-denial may be only explained upon the hypothesis that he desired to have his men know that he shared their privations to