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--The above reward, or a proportionate rate for any of them, will be paid for the apprehension of the following slaves and their confinement in jail so that I get them again, or their delivery to me, at Petersburg or Maiden's Adventure, Powhatan county: Daniel, about 30 years old; black; about 5 feet 5 inches high; no marks recollected. Charles, about 25 years old; black; about 6 feet high; no marks recollected. Ned, about 21 years old; black; about 5 feet 8 inches; no markst 8 inches. Richard, black; about 5 feet 8 inches; no marks recollected. Gilbert, black; about 5 feet 6 inches; no marks recollected. All except two of the above negroes having lived in Surry county, at Hog Island, were removed to Maiden's Adventure, Powhatan county, and are doubtless endeavoring to make their way back to Hog Island, with a view to escaping to the enemy. Also, Joe, hired at the American Hotel, Richmond. R. Y. Jones. Petersburg, July 16, 1862. jy 19--1w