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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
ies of the State had been called into service by Governor Letcher, many of the yonng men of Lexington and the county of Rockbridge, in answer to the Governor's call for more troops, determined to organize another company. They selected John McCauslaterest: The plain grey cloth uniforms and outfit of blankets, knapsacks, cooking utensils, &c., furnished mainly by Rockbridge county, have been as well preserved as could be expected. The uniform is, however, in many cases, considerably worn. Dfords of the Potomac and watching the enemy under General Patterson; and we had frequent communication with Augusta and Rockbridge companies which were in this regiment. We had now and then alarms sounded in the evening and morning devotions, condiers. In the pouring rain many of us assisted to bury, in a rude, primitive way, a young man well known to many of our Rockbridge boys. This brought the horrors of battle sadly near to many of us. The condition of the roads kept us there a day o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Donaldsonville artillery at the battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
help us take out the gun, and who stood by us all the while, cheering us with his presence and his words, the Donaldsonville Artillery owes much of the honor which this action added to its name. After all, history and official reports to the contrary notwithstanding, we did not dislodge that enemy, who only hugged the ground more closely and stole away after dark. If we did not succeed, we had the satisfaction of having tried. R. Prosper Landry. J. E. B. Stuart. [from the Rockbridge county news, November 28, 1895.] [The following tribute to General Stuart appeared in the London Index soon after his death. It is republished now in the County News, by request, from a copy of the original paper.] Since the death of Stonewall Jackson, the Confederacy has sustained no heavier loss than has befallen her in the untimely close of the brilliant career of Major-General James E. B. Stuart. No two men could have been more opposite types of the soldier—Jackson, the earnest,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D. (search)
temper, 247. Miller, Rev., John, Captain Artillery, 99. Minor, Captain R. D., C. S. Navy, 283. Mine Run, battle of, 48. Minutiae of Soldier's Life, 104, 265. Moncure, Judge E. C., 292. Moore. Colonel A. D., killed, 193. Moorehead City, N. C , assault of, 64. Mosby, Colonel John S., 238, 348. Munford, General Thomas T, 265. Murdaugh, Lieut. W. H., C. S. Navy, 283. Nelson and Page, in 1776 and 1861, 336. New Orleans, La.; Butler's Investment of, 182. News, Rockbridge county, cited, 202. North Carolina Infantry, the 11th organization and history of, 42; the 1st, or Bethel regiment, 42; the 49th, history of, 58. Observer, The, Charlotte, N. C., cited, 42, 58, 158, 266, 314. O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T., address, 361, Otey, Hon. Peter J., 337. Parham, Benj. M., 82. Parker, Captain John C., 88 Parker, Dr. W. W., Major of Artillery, 388. Patterson, Captain, U. S. Army, Humanity of, 162. Payne, Lieutenant James B., wounded, 125. Pendlet