Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) or search for Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ubject of a Middle Confederacy. He was not particularly in favor of such a measure, but wanted the concurrent action of all the border States. Mr.Moore,of Rockbridge, asked the privilege of making an explanation. The gentleman from Orange (Mr. Morton) had referred to the opinions he entertained thirty years ago upon the subwas secured, he meant to keep the State together, and would not see her sold to the North or the South. the place Conference proposition. Mr.Dorman,of Rockbridge, offered the following: Resolved, That the Federal Union was made by the people of the several States, and can respectively be dissolved by the power aloneand it was so referred. Unfinished Business. The Convention then proceeded to the consideration of unfinished business — the resolution of Mr.Moore,of Rockbridge. Mr.Baylorof Augusta, being entitled to the floor, resumed his remarks. He had never been able to see any good reason why Virginia should secede at all-mu