Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) or search for Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Augusta and Rockbridge. We are happy to announce that the full quota of volunteers under the last call for volunteers has been already made up in Augusta and Rockbridge. What a credit to these counties, in view of the large contributions which they have already made to the war — Augusta having equalled, and we believe surpaRockbridge. What a credit to these counties, in view of the large contributions which they have already made to the war — Augusta having equalled, and we believe surpassed, every other county in the State, unless Albemarle be an exception, in the number of volunteer companies she has sent to the field.--And the conduct of her troops in battle, as well as those of Rockbridge, has not been surpassed by that of any soldiers of the Confederacy. In every fight they have been in the front rank; wherRockbridge, has not been surpassed by that of any soldiers of the Confederacy. In every fight they have been in the front rank; wherever danger and death have been, none have met them with a bolder and firmer front than these noble mountaineers, who have exhibited a constancy and courage which the American Revolution never surpassed, if it ever equalled. It is with pride and pleasure which we cannot express that we pay this tribute to the noble people of