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ith the fact that in front of the Fifteenth Corps there was massed a large force of the enemy after the fighting that had taken place around Decatur. General Sherman believed the Confederates were evacuating Atlanta, and were retreating toward East Point; therefore he ordered General McPherson to pursue them with the Army of the Tennessee, and, if possible, cut off a portion of them. McPherson felt this to be a terrible mistake, but he was too good a soldier to hesitate long over an order. he Military Division of the Mississippi, and were burned up in the great Chicago fire. I only retained the blotters from which the official records were made up. In one of them I find my letter to Gen. Howard, commanding Army of the Tennessee, East Point: I consent that you give Gen. Logan a leave. I have not yet heard from Gen. Grant, but in case of necessity, we can in Gen. Logan's absence, take care of the 15th Corps. There seems to be a special reason why he should go home at once.
eing, What? You, too! I was in hopes you had escaped. They kept adding to our numbers till night, and by that time a majority of the command that left Sherman's lines four days before was in the hands of the enemy. And what added to the bitterness of our capture was that we felt that it was due to the incompetence of our leader. They kept us at Newman that night and the next day while they mended the railroad at Palmetto. As soon as they could get a train through they moved us to East Point, a junction only six miles from Atlanta. Here we lay one night and day, in hearing of Sherman's guns. From there we were taken to Andersonville, arriving there about noon, August 26. Andersonville is a small town on the Macon & S. W. R. R. At that time it did not contain over a dozen houses, and most of these were poor shanties. There were only two or three respectable residences. There was one store, kept in part of the depot building, and a cotton warehouse. The cotton warehous
Chapter 4: stripped and turned in. Arrival at Andersonville. a warning. hiding Valuables. old Wirtz . stripped, searched, robbed and turned in. the dead line. how we obtained thread In my last I gave you a general description of the Andersonville pen. The guard who took us from East Point to the prison were Tennessee soldiers-Ninth Tennessee Infantry, I think. They were old soldiers, and they treated us well. I noticed while in the army, and have marked it since, that soldiers who were, in the front, on either side, respect each other; while the post guards and others who are always in the rear of the real battle line, have a great contempt for the prowess of the enemy. When our train came to a stop at the Andersonville depot, we saw about twenty men, dressed in what had once passed for Confederate uniform, but so ragged and dirty as to be past recognition. They were loading wagons, and occasionally one of them passed close to the train. They never lo
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 3 (search)
9, 1864.Wheeler's raid to North Georgia and East Tennessee, with combats at Dalton (August 14-15) and other points. Aug. 15, 1864.Skirmishes at Sandtown and Fairburn. Aug. 18-22, 1864.Kilpatrick's raid from Sandtown to Lovejoy's Station, with combats at Camp Creek (18th), Red Oak (19th), Flint River (19th), Jonesborough (19th), and Lovejoy's Station (20th). Aug. 22, 1864.Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, U. S. Army, assumes command of the Fourteenth Army Corps. Aug. 26-Sept. 4, 1864.Operations at the Chattahoochee railroad bridge and at Pace's and Turner's Ferries, with skirmishes. Aug. 27, 1864.Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, U. S. Army, assumes command of the Twentieth Army Corps. Aug. 29, 1864.Skirmish near Red Oak. Aug. 30, 1864.Skirmish near East Point. Action at Flint River Bridge. Aug. 31, 1864.Skirmish near Rough and Ready Station. Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864.Battle of Jonesborough. Sept. 2, 1864.Union occupation of Atlanta. Sept. 2-5, 1864.Actions at Lovejoy's Station.
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 5 (search)
us with the movement of the Army of the Tennessee toward East Point. To accomplish this I gave General Stoneman the commande down to Turner's Ferry and thence toward White Hall or East Point, aiming to reach the flank of General Howard's new line.ifle-pits built between us and the railroad to and below East Point, remaining perfectly on the defensive. Finding that thereek, and General Schofield prolonged it to a point near East Point. The enemy made no offensive opposition, but watched oufifteen miles long, extending from near Decatur to below East Point. This he was enabled to do by use of a large force of Setween the waters of Flint and Ocmulgee Rivers, and from East Point to Jonesborough makes a wide bend to the east. Therefor Schofield being closer to the enemy, who still clung to East Point, moved cautiously on a small circle around that point aned around about Atlanta, the Army of the Tennessee about East Point, and that of the Ohio at Decatur, where the men now occu
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 10 (search)
rming me that he would attempt to reach the enemy's line of railroad communication, at or near East Point, the junction of the roads from West Point and Macon to Atlanta. It is about six miles southwthrust our forces through our lines' and effect a lodgment on the railroad between Atlanta and East Point. The attack, however, was not made. August 5, the Chattahoochee river railroad bridge wasck to the Chattahoochee railroad bridge), around Atlanta upon the railroads running south from East Point, and the pontoon train of the Army of the Cumberland was moved from the railroad bridge, alongntoon bridges at that point. August 17, orders for the movement of the army to the rear of East Point were promulgated. The cavalry command of General Kilpatrick started upon a raid to the southwd in position along Camp Creek, covering all the roads leading from Mount Gilead Church toward East Point and Red Oak. The Army of the Tennessee was thrown further to the right, but close enough to ke
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 16 (search)
he vicinity of Red Oak, on the West Point railroad, following the Fourteenth Corps, the artillery and trains following a parallel road to the west of the one used by us. We encamped for the night in line of battle, facing east. On the 29th General Wood, with two brigades of his division and Taylor's brigade, of Kimball's division, co-operated with the Fourteenth Corps in the destruction of the West Point railroad; the road was thoroughly destroyed to a point three and a half miles from East Point. On the 30th moved by Ballard's to Mrs. Long's, on the Atlanta and Fayetteville road. The enemy's skirmishers were found, and proved very obstinate. On the Shoal Creek road, which was east from Mrs. Long's, General Newton's division was left in position to guard this road, and Wood's and Kimball's divisions were encamped in line upon the Atlanta and Fayetteville road. This position of the troops, it was learned just at night-fall, was not in accordance with the views of the department
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 24 (search)
rks. Here we met for the first time since the movement commenced a body of the enemy, and skirmishing in lively style ensued between the opposing forces. At noon on the 28th we marched in the direction of the West Point railroad, and encamped at night near Red Oak Station. On the 29th I reported according to orders with my brigade to Brigadier-General Wood for the purpose of assisting in the destruction of the railroad. Under the direction of General Wood I moved about two miles toward East Point, where I threw the brigade into two lines on the left of the railroad, connecting with Carlin's brigade, of the Fourteenth Corps, which was formed on the right of the road. The Twenty-first Kentucky was deployed as skirmishers and the Fortieth Ohio as flankers. We moved rapidly forward for a mile, driving before us a body of rebel cavalry, when by General Wood's order I halted and held the enemy at bay while working parties destroyed the road. When the work of destruction was completed
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 25 (search)
o within from fifty to seventy-five yards of the rebel pits, briskly engaging the enemy. Finding that other portions of the line had not advanced, and that I was without support on either flank, I withdrew the regiment from its advanced position. Our loss was 2 killed and 8 wounded. At night of August 25 our works were abandoned, and we moved to the right, continuing the movement on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, until we reached Red Oak. On the 29th the regiment moved with the brigade toward East Point, to protect troops who were destroying the West Point railroad. On the 30th we again moved to the right. On the 31st we were advancing upon the Macon road, when the enemy was encountered, and line of battle was formed, but the enemy fled without engaging us. That night we fortified our line near the Macon road, south of Rough and Ready. September 1, the regiment was detailed as guard for the ammunition train of the division, and was not engaged in the battle of Jonesborough. September 2
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 30 (search)
o destroy. Three regiments were placed under my command, to wit, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers and Thirty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, for the execution of the work, and the Seventy-fifth Illinois Volunteers, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Kilgour, performing their portion of the work to the satisfaction of their division commander. On the 30th moved with the brigade, the Seventy-fifth Illinois in the advance of the whole division, to the junction of the dirt road to East Point, where the regiment was placed on picket and to act as rear guard to the division after it had passed that point. On August 31 moved with the column till 10 a. m., when the enemy were discovered in front, when we formed line, and after a sharp skirmish the enemy were driven from their works, and the column moved on in the direction of the Macon and Atlanta Railroad. September 1, at 1 a. m. the regiment moved to the left of the corps under orders from the brigade commander. I was also