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Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 134 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 39 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 27 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 18 18 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 15 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 9 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 8 0 Browse Search
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ry orders and conduct, he aroused such a feeling in the Southern party that it required all of his force to keep it down. Price, after a short delay, moved, with 5,000 men and seven pieces of artillery, upon Lexington, his old home, a town of about 8,000 inhabitants, on the Missouri River. General McCulloch did not accompany him, for reasons not necessary to discuss here. Price's expedition was short and brilliant. On the 4th of September he routed Lane and Montgomery's Jayhawkers, near Fort Scott. His force swelled as he advanced, until it reached some 12,000 men, before he arrived at Lexington. The garrison of 3,500 men, under Colonel Mulligan, had made good preparations for defense. But Price attacked his fortifications on the 12th of September, and so sharp and continuous were his assaults that, on the 20th of September, the garrison, after a very gallant defense, were worn out, and compelled to surrender. They were paroled. Price captured five cannon, 3,000 muskets, and $1
om Kansas, under General Jim Lane and others, were devastating the whole country on his left flank, and threatened to get in his rear. Suddenly diverging from his proper route, Price sent Rains and Parsons up in that direction, with a small force of determined men; and so secretly was the expedition conducted, that they unexpectedly came upon Lane at a creek called Drywood, and after. a confused fight of some hours, drove the enemy from the field, pushed forward to their headquarters at Fort Scott, and captured it, with every thing intact. Joining the column under Price again, our army of five thousand effectives and five guns pushed forward towards Lexington, and arrived in the vicinity on the thirteenth of September. Our irregular horse (for I can call them nothing else) did good service in scouring the country for supplies, and keeping the enemy within the lines of the town, and although frequently invited to combat, the noble Yankees remained quietly within their chain of b
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Union and Confederate Indians in the civil War. (search)
der to General Curtis. General Pike claimed that part of the Indians were in McCulloch's corps in the first day's battle; and that the scalping was done at night in a quarter of the field not occupied by the Indian troops under his immediate command. After Pea Ridge the operations of the Confederate Indians under General Cooper and Colonel Stand Watie were confined, with a few exceptions, to the Indian Territory. In connection with white troops from Texas, they participated in several engagements with the Federal Indian brigade under Colonel Phillips, after he recaptured Fort Gibson in the spring of 1863; and they made frequent efforts to capture Federal supply trains from Fort Scott to Fort Gibson and Fort Smith, but were always unsuccessful. They fought very well when they had an opportunity to take shelter behind trees and logs, but could not easily be brought to face artillery, and a single shell thrown at them was generally sufficient to demoralize them and put them to flight.
sas, and from the deep green of spring to the rich and variegated tints of autumn, and the snow-covered ground of winter. It is proper that I should express my indebtedness to Captain William Gallaher, Colonel Phillips' Assistant Adjutant-General, for many kindnesses and courtesies in connection with the writing of my Memoirs while we were attached to the Indian division. And during the latter part of the year I received from General C. W. Blair, the commanding officer of the post of Fort Scott and the District of Southern Kansas, many acts of kindness and words of encouragement, for which I feel under deep obligations to him. As he was one of the most accomplished orators in the State, and a man of rare culture and refinement, I have always considered myself fortunate that I made his acquaintance, and was permitted to regard him as my friend. I have never met any one who came nearer my ideal of the perfectly accomplished gentleman than General Blair. It will perhaps be thou
urned, and turn out a good deal of flour, which is applied to subsisting the army. All commissary and quartermaster supplies for our division, with the exception of those that this section furnishes, are transported by four-mule teams from Fort Scott, Kansas, a distance of one hundred and forty miles. Gen. Herron's division is supplied from Springfield, Missouri. Though our base of supplies is this great distance from us; and though most of the country our trains pass over is infested with guehis. Last spring the Second Ohio cavalry accompanied us on an expedition known as the Indian, Expedition. The men of that regiment were mounted on fine horses brought from northern Ohio, which were in splendid condition when the regiment left Fort Scott. But when we returned to Southern Kansas in August, after an absence of less than four months, nearly all the horses of this finely equipped regiment had either died or been abandoned in the Indian country. Very few of the troopers of the Sec
fficers and men who have served in a campaign like that we have just closed, soon learn how important it is to take every possible care of their cavalry, artillery and draught animals. We arrived at Elm Springs on the 3rd, and there seems to be a prospect of our remaining here several days, as we hear that there is going to be shortly a reorganization of the Army of the Frontier. Gen. Blunt has been relieved, and bade his troops farewell to-day, and, with his staff and escort, started to Forts Scott and Leavenworth. On account of his personal bravery and the brilliant achievements of his campaign, he has greatly endeared himself to his troops. I speak from personal knowledge of his bravery. He was to the front all day during the battle of Cane Hill, and was only a few yards from Col. Jewell when he fell mortally wounded. At Prairie Grove too, he was on the field all the afternoon in dangerous positions, directing the movements of his troops. And at Dripping Springs he was at the
all they desire of their own kind of warfare. Col. Phillips sent out on the morning of the 13th, his first train to Fort Scott for supplies, guarded by an escort of two hundred men. At this season, escort duty and teaming are not very desirable kthey are facing the northwest winds on those bleak prairies which extend for a distance of seventy-five miles south of Fort Scott, will suffer much more from cold than we do in camp. It takes from five to seven days for a train to come down from FoFort Scott, the distance being about one hundred and twenty-five miles. Yesterday morning (15th) a violent snow storm set in and continued all day. We are therefore beginning to experience considerable difficulty in getting sufficient forage for outill there are many more who are unemployed. We send a good many to Kansas every time that our supply trains return to Fort Scott. Many of them are quite shiftless, and it will probably be some time before they appreciate to a very great extent the
ck and wounded being removed from Fayetteville to Fort Scott the classes of the enemy the Federals have to deeceives his orders from the commanding officer at Fort Scott. Livingston, we understand, is commissioned by aeir homes for a few days. But between Neosho and Fort Scott, a distance of eighty miles, there is no point, ecept a camp on Dry Wood, fourteen miles south of Fort Scott, where we have any troops stationed. This large ivision as will bear removing, are being taken to Fort Scott. The General Hospital at that place is better prshould be taken the distance from Fayetteville to Fort Scott, say one hundred and fifty miles, without great i until there is an opportunity of sending them to Fort Scott or Leavenworth. We have four classes of the eemy had 2,500 men. We marched day and night from Fort Scott to Lone Jack, to reinforce our troops, but when w had been put into four-mule Government wagons at Fort Scott, had just arrived, but it was now getting dark, a
trains are sent almost two days march from camp, and then frequently return with most of the wagons empty or only partly filled with wheat straw. This, under ordinary circumstances, we use for bedding for our animals, but now we are obliged to use it largely as a substitute for hay and fodder. We cannot understand why we are not able to get all the corn and oats from Kansas that may be required for the command, for we hear that great quantities have been contracted for and are stored at Fort Scott. If our animals are permitted to run down in flesh and to become weak, we shall be obliged to content ourselves with less aggressiveness. It is possible, however, that before we shall have reached our usual radius of fifteen to twenty miles, some neighborhood will be found that can furnish us corn, oats, hay and straw for several weeks. A scouting party from this division has just returned from Van Buren via Fayetteville, having been absent about a week. While they were in the vicin
emy. It is not very likely that such a small force would remain many hours at any place within twenty miles of this command. This was probably a scouting party of the enemy sent our from the rebel camp below Van Buren, .to discover something if possible in regard to our movements. A detachment of seventy-five men under Captain H. S. Anderson, Third Indian regiment, were sent out to-day to overtake and reinforce the escort to our supply train which left here yesterday morning en route to Fort Scott. It appears that Colonel Phillips has information leading him to believe that the rebel force which was seen a few days ago in the vicinity of Cane Hill, has gone north, possibly with the view of attacking our train. A man was found dead to-day just outside the limits of our camp. Upon investigation the fact was disclosed that he was a bushwhacker, and had been killed the day we arrived here by some of our advance guard. A detail of men were sent out to bury him in the spot where he