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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ctised in Northern prisons never came to light. The victor monopolized the story of suffering as well as the spoils. I arrived at Rock Island prison, Illinois, on the 16th January, 1864, in company with about fifty other prisoners, from Columbus, Kentucky. Before entering the prison we were drawn up in a line and searched; the snow was deep, and the operation prolonged a most unreasonable time. We were then conducted within the prison to Barrack No. 52, and again searched — this time any sl John H. Morgan and his officers would be placed in close confinement, he.informed me two months afterwards, that the United States authorities had nothing to do with the treatment that General Morgan and his command received when imprisoned at Columbus. 5. Papers from forty-eight to fifty-seven, inclusive, relate to the detention of surgeons. Before the date of the cartel, surgeons were unconditionally released after capture. That rule was first adopted by the Confederate commanders, and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
ding officer having accompanied Commodore Hollins, by rail to Columbus, Kentucky, I was directed to proceed with the McRae up the river to that point where in due season we arrived. Columbus was then held by the Confederate forces under General Polk. The battle of Belmont had just rating at Cairo. The Yankees had two small wooden gun-boats above Columbus. A number of iron-clads had arrived at Cairo, but they were without guns or sailors. The Confederates had at Columbus, the Manassas, McRae (8), Polk (5), Jackson (2), and Calhoun (2). A small fort below Caier to the Southern arms — the capture of Forts Donelson and Henry. Columbus was evacuated and the guns of the fortifications were placed in poded floating battery, built at New Orleans, was easily towed up to Columbus. The naval steamer Joy was a regular lower river tow-boat. The more Davis, United States navy), which had fought its way from Columbus, Kentucky, had arrived above Vicksburg, and had been joined by the vict
Domination of the Federals. peril of the Southern party. humiliation of Kentucky. seizure of Columbus and Paducah. Before General Johnston's arrival at Richmond, deputations from the West had reound the Federal armies in possession of nearly the whole of Missouri, and continually menacing Columbus, the left flank of his line in Kentucky, with heavy forces massed at Cairo. The war in Kentent enabled General Buckner to arrest a movement of General Pillow, who was about to seize Columbus, Kentucky, with Tennessee troops. The inhabitants of this commanding site were strongly Southern inmander in West Tennessee, having information that the Federal force at Cairo was about to seize Columbus, a strategic point of great importance in Southwestern Kentucky, crossed the State line, occupied Hickman on the 5th of September, and on the 7th secured Columbus. General Grant, who had just taken command at Cairo, where he had arrived on the 2d of September, thus anticipated and foiled in th
, or be destroyed in detail. The occupation of Columbus by General Polk has already been related. This, aawn. It is not possible to withdraw them now from Columbus in the west and from Cumberland Ford in the east, men. In the west, Feliciana, thirty miles east of Columbus, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, and Hopkinsville, were small bodies of troops; and the territory between Columbus and Bowling Green was occupied by moving detachmenoccupied, an angular base, with its extremities at Columbus and Cumberland Ford, and its salient at Bowling Grfensive works in progress at different points from Columbus to Memphis might be expected to defy this fresh-wa River, was a good position for defense. Thus, as Columbus and the Cumberland Mountains had become the extremble, by the three corps already mentioned: Polk at Columbus, Buckner at Bowling Green, and Zollicoffer at Cumbrders no. 2.headquarters, Western Department, Columbus, Kentucky, September 26, 1861. The following officer
Tennessee. services. force. occupation of Columbus. River-defenses. Polk's subsequent career. ynolds's recollections of General Johnston at Columbus. his plans. anecdotes. habits. As General Polk felt unwilling to leave his post at Columbus, just at this juncture, and as General Johnstonsantest moments of General Polk's life was at Columbus, where General Johnston, after inspecting his the pressing necessity for the occupation of Columbus, and on August 28th Pillow wrote to Polk urgi fortifying, when General Johnston arrived at Columbus. About this time, September 10th, Grant wrotand No.10 was to be fortified as a reserve to Columbus; New Madrid to be fortified, so as to preventiter his recollections of General Johnston at Columbus. Himself a gentleman of fine talents and culical interest. Soon after he arrived at Columbus, Kentucky, he did me the honor of inviting me to cle, and yet extremely quiet. When he reached Columbus, the discipline of the considerable forces as[8 more...]
ispatch was addressed by telegraph to the President, September 19th, from Columbus, Kentucky, by General Johnston, giving reports received from his agents in Georgia:ant, J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War. General A. S. Johnston, Columbus, Kentucky. Thus, it will be seen, the only immediate result of this appeal in so versations about arms, which was omitted. headquarters, Department No. 2 Columbus, Kentucky, September 21, 1861. Sir: I have the honor to inform your Excellency tmeet the forces the enemy will soon array against us, both on this line and at Columbus. Had the exigency for my call for 50,000 men in September been better compreh marching inland threatening Tennessee, by endeavoring to turn the defenses at Columbus. Further observation confirms me in this opinion; but I think the means emploneighborhood. It is impossible for me to obtain additions to my strength from Columbus; the generals in command in that quarter consider that it would imperil that p
isted of three armies: Polk's on the left, at Columbus; Buckner's in the centre, about Bowling Green October, Polk had some 10,000 men to protect Columbus from Grant's 20,000 or 25,000 troops at and n his command. General Johnston remained at Columbus superintending its fortifications, and directl he made the following report by telegraph: Columbus, October 12, 1861. The troops here are stissee and Virginia covered by Zollicoffer, and Columbus from Cairo by river, and Paducah by land, andirect attack on Bowling Green, and considered Columbus secure. At Columbus there were some 12,000 eColumbus there were some 12,000 effectives, in a commanding position, behind strong fortifications, and with sufficient heavy artilleon that but 6,000 effectives would be left at Columbus, confronted by 25,000 men, who were being lariculties — the great probability of defeat at Columbus or a successful advance of the enemy on my le deal on the character of the country between Columbus and the Cumberland River for its defense. It
as fought at Belmont, Missouri, opposite Columbus, Kentucky. General Grant's reports and authorized of all arms, to make a reconnaissance toward Columbus. The object of the expedition was to prevent to Mayfield, and another in the direction of Columbus, not to approach nearer, however, than twelveid, and, when he reached the nearest point to Columbus, to await orders. The ostensible purpose of not have been held an hour under the guns at Columbus. His idea was simply to destroy the camps, cformation that led him to expect an attack on Columbus. Learning, early on the morning of the 7th, ral Polk was unwilling to weaken the force at Columbus too much, lest the weight of the attack shoulhe retained the greater part of his troops at Columbus, until the failure of the enemy to advance agd prevent the crossing of reinforcements from Columbus, insuring his capture as well as defeat. Latts, which they drove back. The heavy guns at Columbus now opened on the Federals with serious purpo[7 more...]
ng with the other States of this Confederacy. On November 11th a large Dahlgren gun burst at Columbus, killing Captain Reiter, Lieutenant Snowden, and five gunners. General Polk was injured, the st way be brought in cooperation. It is understood that General Halleck, who will command at Columbus, and General Buell, who is in command on this line, will make a simultaneous attack. I doubboth at the same time. If Floyd's brigade, from Virginia, and Bowen's division, en route from Columbus, reach here as I expect in a few days, they will be compelled to attack me here with my force ty in my front; his force should be much greater for these purposes. The measures adopted at Columbus render that place comparatively secure from any immediate attempt of the enemy. The positioennessee, but I can neither order Zollicoffer to join me here, nor withdraw any more force from Columbus, without imperiling our communications toward Richmond, or endangering Tennessee and the Missis
een frustrated in November, was renewed with better success early in January. General Johnston was now confronted by Halleck in the West, and by Buell in Kentucky. With the exception of the army sent under Curtis against Price in Southwestern Missouri, about 12,000 strong, the whole resources of the Northwest, from Pennsylvania to the Plains, were turned against General Johnston's lines in Kentucky. Halleck, with armies at Cairo and Paducah, under Grant and C. F. Smith, threatened equally Columbus, the key of the Mississippi River, and the water-lines of the Cumberland and Tennessee, with their defenses at Forts Donelson and Henry. Buell's right wing also menaced Donelson and Henry, while his centre was directed against Bowling Green, and his left was advancing against Zollicoffer at Mill Spring on the Upper Cumberland. If this last-named position could be forced, the way seemed open to East Tennessee by either the Jacksboro or the Jamestown routes, on the one hand, and to Nashville