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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
ung men on either side. Blanton Duncan had already procured authority to recruit for the Confederacy, and in various portions of the State men were publicly engaged in raising companies for him. Before the end of April he had started with a regiment for Harper's Ferry by way of Nashville. An incident connected with this movement shows how strong the belief still was that the war was to be short, and that Kentucky might keep out of it. As Desha's company of Duncan's regiment was leaving Cynthiana, Ky., by rail, one of the privates said to a friend who was bidding him farewell: Be sure to vote for Crittenden [then the Union candidate for delegate to the Border State Conference] and keep Kentucky out of the fuss. We are just going to Virginia on a little frolic and will be back in three months. On the other side, immediately after Magoffin's refusal to furnish troops, J. V. Guthrie, of Covington, went to Washington and got authority for himself and W. E. Woodruff, of Louisville, to ra
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
ing failed at Columbus, appeared before Paducah, but was again driven off. For subordinate reports of Forrest's expedition into West Tennessee and Kentucky, see Vol. XXXII, Part I, p. 501. Guerrillas and raiders, seemingly emboldened by Forrest's operations, were also very active in Kentucky. The most noted of these was Morgari. With a force of from 2,000 to 3,000 cavalry he entered the State through Pound Gap in the latter part of May. On the 11th of June he attacked and captured Cynthiana, with its entire garrison. On the 12th he was overtaken by General Burbridge and completely routed with heavy loss, and was finally driven out of the State. This notorious guerrilla was afterward surprised and killed near Greeneville, Tenn., and his command captured and dispersed by General Gillem. For subordinate reports of operations in Kentucky and East Tennessee, see Vol. XXXIX. In the absence of official reports of the commencement of the Red River expedition, except so far as
September 26. Capt. Stewart's cavalry, numbering seventy-five men, to-day encountered forty rebel cavalry at Lucas Bend, Ky., whom they pursued into Jeff. Thompson's camp at Belmont. Four rebels were killed, five captured, and many wounded. The remainder escaped to the woods. The Federal troops captured all the guns and pistols they could bring away with them. No Federal troops were injured. The Thirty-fifth regiment of Ohio Volunteers took possession of Cynthiana, Kentucky. At Louisville, Ky., W. G. Querton, formerly one of the editors and proprietors of the Courier, was arrested for aiding the Southern rebellion.--The turnpike bridge over Green river, near Mumfordville, was burned by rebels — J. B. Archer, Captain of the steamboat Commercial, was arrested, but bailed in ten thousand dollars. The boat was also seized, but released on security being given to surrender her on demand to the Federal Government.--Louisville Journal, September 28. The Twenty-first
July 14. General Pope issued an address to the officers and soldiers of the army of Virginia, informing them that by special assignment of the President of the United States, he had assumed command of the army.--(Doc. 150.) A band of rebel guerrillas, under John Morgan, destroyed the long bridge on the Kentucky Central Railroad, between Cynthiana and Paris, Kentucky.--In the United States Senate, a resolution of thanks to Flag-Officer Foote, for his gallant services at the West, was adopted. An enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Utica, N. Y., was held in that town for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln for more men. Speeches were made by Ex-Governor Seymour, Judges Denio and Bacon, Francis Kiernan, E. H. Roberts, Charles W. Doolittle, and others. Resolutions offering extra bounties to volunteers were adopted. President Lincoln sent to Congress a message embodying the draft of a bill to compensate any State
July 17. A detachment of the Union army, under Gen. Pope, this day entered the town of Gordonsville, Va., unopposed, and destroyed the railroad at that place, being the junction of the Orange and Alexandria and Virginia Central Railroads, together with a great quantity of rebel army supplies gathered at that point. Cynthiana, Ky., was captured by a party of rebel troops, under Col. John H. Morgan, after a severe engagement with the National forces occupying the town, under the command of Lieut.--Col. Landrum.--(Doc. 89.) The British schooner William, captured off the coast of Texas by the National steamer De Soto, arrived at Key West, Fla.--Major-General Halleck, having relinquished the command of the department of the Mississippi, left Corinth for Washington, D. C., accompanied by General Cullum, Col. Kelton, and an aid-de-camp.--The bill authorizing the issue of postage and other government stamps as currency, and prohibiting banks and other corporations or individua
ween the excited friends and opponents of Gen. McClellan. About noon the Tribune's despatches were torn from the boards on information being received that the Government had ordered the Tribune office to be closed.--Charles J. Ingersoll was discharged from arrest by order of Secretary Stanton.--The One Hundred and Twenty-second regiment N. Y.S. V. left Syracuse for the seat of war. It was commanded by Colonel Silas Titus.--Paris, Ky., was evacuated by the National troops, who fell back on Cynthiana. Great excitement existed in Louisville, Ky., in consequence of the approach of the rebel army under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. The Governor of the State issued a proclamation authorizing Col. Gibson to organize and bring into the field all the able-bodied men in the county of Jefferson and city of Louisville, and the Mayor called upon the citizens to come forward and enroll themselves for the immediate defence of their city. The public archives were removed from Frankfort to Louisville,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., East Tennessee and the campaign of Perryville. (search)
e close of the conflict,, she restored to all the rights of citizenship and the ties of fraternity her expatriated sons who for four years had made war upon her. Smith advanced from Barbourville with 12,000 men on the 26th of August, encountered at Rogersville and Richmond the 5000 or 6000 raw troops assembled there, scattered them like chaff, making prisoners and capturing arms, proceeded to Lexington, where he established his headquarters on the 2d of September, occupied Frankfort and Cynthiana, and finally threw his pickets almost to the gates of Cincinnati and Louisville. These events produced widespread effects. They were the signal for the movement of Humphrey Marshall with 3000 men into Kentucky through Pound Gap, and it would seem stimulated Bragg's advance from Chattanooga. They changed the concentration of my army from Murfreesboro' to Nashville, and would perhaps have caused the transfer of half of it into Kentucky, which seemed to be powerless, but for the sudden a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Cavalry operations in the West under Rosecrans and Sherman. (search)
sea; the remainder was placed under General Thomas for the protection of Tennessee against the expected movements of Hood, and went to Tuscumbia early in November, 1864, commanded by General Edward Hatch. During the Atlanta campaign Kentucky was protected against guerrillas and raiders by General S. G. Burbridge. In May he started for Virginia with a large mounted force, and at the same time Morgan came into Kentucky through Pound Gap. This was Morgan's last raid. He was attacked at Cynthiana, Mount Sterling, and Augusta, Kentucky, by the Federal cavalry under Colonel John Mason Brown, Colonel Wickliffe Cooper, and others, and finally was driven into east Tennessee, where he was killed, at Greenville, on the 4th of September, 1864. [See article by General Duke, p. 243.] In October, 1864, General Hood, having led his army from Georgia into northern Alabama, was organizing for his expedition into Tennessee. At the same time Forrest was operating with his usual energy and act
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., John Morgan in 1864. (search)
10th, General Morgan captured Lexington, and found in the Government stables there a sufficient number of horses to mount the survivors of the dismounted brigade, who, with Giltner's brigade, rejoined him that night. He immediately marched on Cynthiana, taking that place, after a brisk skirmish with the garrison, on the 11th. That afternoon, General Hobson, coming to the relief of the town, approached with 1500 cavalry. He was immediately attacked in front by Giltner, while Morgan, assailing him in the rear with Cassell's battalion, compelled his surrender. On the 12th Morgan was attacked at Cynthiana by Burbridge at the head of 5200 men. Morgan's effective strength was now reduced, by losses in battle and details to guard prisoners and destroy railroad track and bridges, to less than 1300, and his ammunition was nearly exhausted. After some hours of hard fighting he was defeated and forced to retreat, with a loss of fully one half of his remaining command in killed, wounded, a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 19: events in Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. (search)
y-eight hours under the penalty of being shot if found out of it. Morgan pressed on toward the Ohio. On the 14th he destroyed the long railway bridge between Cynthiana and Paris, and the next day he laid waste a portion of the track of the Lexington and Louisville railway, and the telegraph along its border. Two days afterwardf three regiments, comprising Kentuckians, Tennesseeans, Georgians, Mississippians, Texans, and South Carolinians. against three hundred and fifty Home Guards at Cynthiana, on the Covington and Cincinnati railway, under Lieutenant-Colonel Landrum. These maintained a severe fight with the guerrillas, but were overpowered and disperly, for Smith tarried but little anywhere on his triumphal march. He did not then go farther toward Frankfort, however, but pushed on northward through Paris to Cynthiana, from which point he might at his option, as it appeared, strike Cincinnati or Louisville. The former city seemed to be more at his mercy, and he turned his fac