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Duty at Piketown till June. Moved to Prestonburg, thence to Louisa, Ky., July 15. Duty at Louisa till December. Operations in DistLouisa till December. Operations in District of Eastern Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to August, 1863. Skirmishes near Louisa March 25-26, 1863. Expedition from Beaver Creek intLouisa March 25-26, 1863. Expedition from Beaver Creek into Southwest Virginia July 3-11. Capture of Abingdon, Va., July 5. Action at Gladesville, Va., July 7. Burnside's Campaign in East Tend to Paintsville, Ky., thence to Covington, Ky., via Peach Orchard, Louisa and Catlettsburg, February, 1863. Constructing fortifications arduty there till June 13. Moved to Prestonburg June 13, thence to Louisa July 16, and duty there till September 13. Moved to Gallipolis, 861. Moved to Catlettsburg, Ky., December 14, 1861; thence to Louisa, Ky. Attached to 18th Brigade, Army of the Ohio, to March, 1862. . Ivy Mountain November 8. Piketown November 8-9. Moved to Louisa, thence to Louisville and to Columbia, Ky., December 11. Attache
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States Colored Troops. (search)
rps, Dept. of the Ohio, to October, 1864. Martindale's Provisional Brigade, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to March, 1866. Service. Duty at Louisville and Louisa, Ky., till October, 1864. Ordered to join Army of the Potomac before Petersburg and Richmond, Va. Duty at Deep Bottom and in trenches before Richmond north of the James River till March, 1865. Actions at Fort Harrison December 10, 1864, an of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to April, 1867. Service. Duty at Camp Nelson and Louisa, Ky., till January, 1865. Ordered to Dept. of Virginia January 3, 1865. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond on the Bermuda Hundred Front till March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31.
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Centennial Contributions (search)
edly gave pleasure to Bronson Alcott and his wife sixty-seven years ago. How genuine were Mr. Alcott and his daughter, Louisa! All else, says the sage, is superficial and perishable, save love and truth only. It is through the love and truth thaed people about him, and made them more earnest, more high-minded by his conversation. How different was his daughter, Louisa,--the keen observer of life and manners; the witty story-teller with the pictorial mind; always sympathetic, practical, hest of all rewards! And yet, with so wide a difference in the practical application of their lives, the well-spring of Louisa's thought and the main-spring of her action were identical with those of her father, and may be considered an inheritancehis whole world! If, afterwards, a vein of satire came to be mingled with this genial flow of human kindness, it was not Louisa's fault. In like manner, Bronson Alcott rested his argument for immortality on the ground of the family affections. S
n's, 105; calls Lovejoy meeting, 187, A. S. prompter of Channing as to letter, 191; opposes Fitch & Co., 273; at Albany Convention, 309; on Lib. finance com., 331, 332, on com. to recover Emancipator, 351.— Letter to G., 2.55. Husband of Loring, Louisa, 1.490, 2.105; generosity, 69.—Letter from Mrs. Child, 1.490. Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, Rev. [b. Albion, Me., Nov. 8, 1802; killed at Alton, Ill., Nov. 7, 1837], presses destroyed, 2.184, death, 182, 185; judged by G., 190, by Channing, 191, by Falmouth, Me., Jan. 1, 1787; d. July 25, 1867], aid to Lib., 1.289, and to Thoughts on Colonization, 300, 312; delegate to Nat. A. S. Convention, 398; praise of G., 2.122; delegate to World's Convention, 353, lodges with G., 383, 385. Winslow, Louisa [b. Sept. 9, 1814; d. Nov. 4, 1850], Mrs. Sewall, 2.69. Daughter of Winslow, Nathan [b. Falmouth, Me., Mar. 27, 1785; d. Portland, Me., Sept. 9, 1861], host of G. and supporter of Lib., 1.289, 312; letter to G. on John Neal, 384; delegate to Nat
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
inrich, 80, go, 120. Heinzelmann, 359. Heraud's monthly magazine, quoted, 167. Herttell, s,Thomas, 6. Hesiod, 92. Higginson, Barbara, 80. Higginson, F. J., 123. Higginson, Francis, 4, 114, 130. Higginson, John, 123. Higginson, Louisa (Storrow), 8, 10, 34, 160. Higginson, Louisa Susan, 101. Higginson, Stephen, senior, 4; description of, by W. H. Channing, 43. Higginson, Stephen, junior, 4. Higginson, T. W., birth and home, 3; school days, 19; college life, 42; reside R., 170, 175. Hoar, G. F., 162. Hoffman, Wickham, 62. Holmes, Abiel, 13. Holmes, John, 16, 39, 42. Holmes, O. W., 4, 13, 24, 31, 32, 53, 139, 154, 168, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, z86. Homer, 92, Ioi. Hoole, John, 15. Hopkins, Louisa (Stone), 129. Home, R. H., 112. Horsford, E. N., 27. Houghton, Lord, 2, 289, 294, 297. Houghton, Mr., 34. Howard, John, 5. Howe, Julia Ward, 311. Howe, S. G., 142, 148, 150, 59, 176, 215, 221, 246. Howland, Joseph, 163. Hughes, Thomas,
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, I: Inheritance (search)
at once ejected from her house. The Grenadier's wife then rose up in her wrath and expressed her indignation in such forcible terms that her persecutors succumbed to her eloquence—restored her cattle, and allowed her to remain temporarily in the house. Her husband, to do him justice, was always her ardent lover, and his dying words were, Nancy, you are an angel! The first son born to the Storrows was Thomas Wentworth, for whom the subject of this memoir was named. The second daughter, Louisa, mother of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, inherited the strong character and sound common sense with the grace and charm of Anne Appleton. Left an orphan at an early age, she was received as an adopted daughter into the family of Stephen Higginson. She wrote in 1832, recalling her early life: When I was fourteen years of age, he [Mr. Higginson] returned from Europe, and I shall never forget the first meeting I had with him—he was then about thirty—in the prime of his beauty, which was the<
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, II: an old-fashioned home (search)
hysician, but was too generous and tender-hearted to make a worldly success. Stephen was a merchant, and the only one of the flock who had a large family of his own. He was in South America during most of Wentworth's childhood, but wrote charming letters addressed to Bro. S.'s little man. Waldo, whom the irrepressible Thacher called a thunderina dandy, was the soul of honor and chivalry, although his brave life was partially crippled by paralysis. Neither of the two sisters was married. Louisa, brilliant, accomplished, and considered the genius of the family, became— for a time—a Roman Catholic. Learning, however, that according to the belief of the Church her Protestant mother could not be ultimately saved, she, to use her own words, saw the door open and walked out. Anna, the self-effacing, domestic sister, outlived most of the others. The pet of the Higginson family was—naturally —little Tommy as he was then called. Soon he was only known as Wentworth, and the Storrow w
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XIV: return to Cambridge (search)
ntries alternating with the commonest things. The road we came was that over which they were brought, wounded, from Harper's Ferry. The only memorial of him at the latter place is the little building close by the railroad—the engine house which he held—which has John Brown's Fort painted on it. After this trip, we began housekeeping, and then Colonel Higginson earnestly threw himself into the interests of his native town. In January, 1880, our first little daughter was born and called Louisa for her grandmother Higginson. On the day that his lifelong wish for a child was realized, Colonel Higginson wrote in his journal:— God! May I be worthy of the wonderful moment when I first looked round and saw the face of my child . . . .How trivial seem all personal aims and ambitions beside the fact that I am at last the father of a child. Should she die to-morrow she will still be my child somewhere. But she will not die. When seven days old the baby received a visit from th<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
e is in a green old age; is tall and stout; in his manners, plain, hearty, and cordial; on the bench bland, dignified, and yet familiar,—exchanging a joke or pleasantry with the bar on all proper occasions; in book-learning less eminent than for strong sense and a knowledge of the practice of courts, and of the human character. Yet I have always found him apt in apprehending legal questions when raised, and in indicating which way he should instruct the jury. His wife is Lady St. John, Louisa, daughter of Sir Charles William Boughton Rouse, and widow of Lord St John, was married in 1823 to Sergeant Vaughan, and died in 1840. the origin of whose title I do not remember, though I think he explained it to me. She is of the family of Sir Theodosius Boughton, whose murder by Captain Donellan By poison, August 21, 1780. The facts are given in Wills on Circumstantial Evidence, ch. III. sec. 7; and more at length in James Fitzjames Stephen's General View of the Criminal Law of Englan
uns thus:-- Of such is the kingdom of heaven. Caroline, born June, 1810, died February, 1811. Joseph, born June, 1811, died October, 1815. Caroline, born April, 1813, died April, 1819. Mary, born April, 1814, died March, 1815. Louisa, born May, 1821, died May, 1831. No comment can add anything to the sad impressiveness of the tale these lines disclose, all simple as they are, did the delicacy of the subject admit of our attempting to make any. We adopt, as an expression m hands. My home, how full of thee!-But where art thou? Gone, like the sunbeam from the mountains brow; But, unlike that, once passed the fated bourn, Bright beam of heaven, thou never shalt return. Yet, yet, it soothes my heart on thee to. dwell; Louisa, darling child, farewell, farewell! In the close vicinity of Forest Pond, another of the most charming of those ornaments which it would seem nature had provided with express reference to the present use of these grounds, will be noticed a si