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on notice of Zollicoffer's approach, the commander, General Albin Schoepf, took a strong, intrenched position, known as Wild Cat, with six regiments, numbering from 3,500 to 4,000 men. Zollicoffer had 5,500 men, but believed that only two Federal regiments were at Wild Cat, not knowing that the rest of the vanguard had been concentrated there, the whole strength of which he estimated at 3,300 men. He reported to General Johnston that he threw forward two regiments and a battalion to feel the end either way without trouble, and if it had been attempted the enemy would have abandoned the place. The skirmish at Wild Cat was a misadventure, the ill effects of which were not measured by its magnitude. The Confederates retreated to Cumberla soldiers died of exhaustion, and many were disabled. Rebellion Record, vol. III., p. 894. Zollicoffer's repulse at Wild Cat and this Wild-cat stampede, as it was called, were offsets to each other in moral effect. The conspiracy for a gener
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 19: events in Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. (search)
it is probable they lost more in the way of outfit, waste of horses and mules, and the necessary expenses, than they gained by this great plundering raid. The retreat was conducted by General Polk, and covered by the cavalry of the active General Wheeler. They fled into East Tennessee by way of Danville, Stanford, Crab Orchard, and Mount Vernon, followed by a large portion of Buell's army to Rock Castle River, in Rock Castle County. A division of Crittenden's corps was pushed on as far as Wild Cat and London, and then returned to Columbia, when the main army was put in motion for Nashville, under General Thomas, and Buell went to Louisville. Reports of Generals Buell and Bragg, and their subordinate officers. Supplemental Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, volume II. The Government was so dissatisfied with the result of this campaign against Bragg The Confederates were equally disappointed, not because of any lack of effort on the part of Bragg, but because of
Xxxvii. Kentucky. Politicians elections overwhelming Union majorities Magoffin's neutrality the President's response Rebel invasion Legislature protests Gen. Grant occupies Paducah Zollicoffer at Wild Cat Nelson at Piketon Schoepf's retreat Rebel Government organized at Russellville Geo. W. Johnson made Governor Kentucky gravely admitted into the Southern Confederacy full delegation sent to the Congress at Richmond Richard Hawes finally declared Governor. we have seen P. 492-7. that Kentucky emphatically, persistently, repeatedly, by overwhelming popular majorities, refused — alike before and after the formal inauguration of war by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter--to ally herself with the Rebellion, or to stand committed to any scheme looking to Disunion in whatever contingency. Her Democratic Governor and Legislature of 1860-61, with most of her leading Democratic, and many of her Whig, politicians, were, indeed, more or less cognizant of the Disun
lligencer, The, citation from, 522. Whitney, Eli, 53; early life, etc., 58-9; goes to Georgia, 60; invents the Cotton-Gin, 61; letter to Fulton, 65; his death. 66. White, J. W., letter from T. A. Andrews to, 367. White, Lieut.-Col., at Carnifex Ferry, 525. White, Major frank J., 591-2. Whitfield, John W., 237; 240; 241; sacks and burns Osawatomie, 245. Whittier, John G., poem by, 630. Wigfall, Lewis T., of Texas, 373; 448. Wilcox, Col., wounded at Bull Run, 545. Wild Cat, Ky., Rebels defeated at, 615-16. Wilkes, Capt., seizes Mason and Slidell, 606-7. Wilkesbarre, Pa., fugitive-slave case at, 216. Williams, Euphemia, the case of, 216. Williams, Col. John S., at Piketon, Ky., 616. Wilmot, David, of Pa., 189; 319. Wilson, Senator, of Mass., 309; 571-2. Wilson's Zouaves, at Santa Rosa Island, 602. Wilson's Creek, battle of, 578 to 582. Winthrop, Major Theo., killed at Bethel, 531. Winchester Virginian, The, J. M. Mason to, 478-9.
rsonal difficulty, A frequent item in the Tennessee and Kentucky rolls. in Wayne Co., Ky. Fifth Tennessee Cavalry (Union), Company F:--J. N. Gilliam; killed near Tracy City, Tenn., by guerrillas, A frequent item in the Tennessee and kentucky rolls. Aug. 4, 1864. Eighteenth Wisconsin, Company B:--Redmond McGuire; killed April 10, 1862, in prison, by rebel guard, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Thirty-eighth Ohio, Company K:--Jacob Thomas; killed Nov. 17, 1861, by the falling of a tree, at Wild Cat, Ky. One Hundred and Sixty-second New York, Company E:--John Murphy; shot while endeavoring to escape the guard at New Orleans, April 5, 1863. Eighth New York, Company A:--A. Lohman; died of poison while on picket, by drinking from a bottle found at a deserted house. Thirtieth Wisconsin, Company C:--E. Olsen; killed in a draft riot, September 10, 1863, at New Lisbon, Wis. Eightieth New York, Company C:--John Edleman; killed by explosion of ammunition, August 8, 1864, at City Point
Incidents in the battle of wild cat.--A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette relates the following: I will give you a few incidents of the recent fight at Wild Cat, which a regular report could not show. The hill upon which it took place is a round, lofty elevation, a third of a mile from our camp, surrounded by deeply-wooded ravines, and cleared for the space of about two acres on top. To take and hold this Colonel Coburn, with half his regiment, dashed off through the bushes in a trot from the camp, like boys starting out on a turkey hunt. In ten minutes they could be seen on the high summit taking places. Very shortly they were fired on; the fact is, it was a scramble between Coburn's men and Zollicoffer's which should get on the hill first, approaching from opposite directions. When the firing had fairly commenced, at intervals in the roar could be heard, in the camp, the shrill, wild voices of Coburn, and Durham, his adjutant, ringing out, Give them hell, boys! Dose
A negro's account of the Wild Cat Retreat.--A gentleman whose slave accompanied a young confederate officer on the Wild Cat expedition, asked the darky on his return to Nashville, how long the army was on the march from its encampment to the battle-field. About four days, was the reply. Well, how long were they in marching back? About two days, massa. Why, how is that, Joe? Could the men travel any faster back, when they were broken down with four days march and a severe fight, than they travelled forward after a good rest in camp? Oh! I'll tell you what made the difference, massa, said old Joe; it was the music. They marched toward Wild Cat to the tune of Dixie. When they marched back, the tune was: Fire in the mountains — run, boys, run!
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk 1812- (search)
Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk 1812- Military officer; born in Maury county, Tenn., May 19, 1812; was a printer and newspaper Felix Kirk Zollicoffer. publisher at Paris, Tenn. In 1832 he edited the Nashville banner, the leading Whig paper in the State, and in 1835 was chosen State printer. He was comptroller of the State treasury from 1845 to 1849, and State Senator in 1849. From 1853 to 1859 he was in Congress, and a persistent advocate of State supremacy, and in 1861 was a member of the peace conference. Then he became a brigadiergeneral in the Confederate army, taking command of east Tennessee. In a battle at Camp Wild-cat, in Kentucky, Oct. 21, 1861, he was defeated by General Schoepf. He was killed in the battle of Mill Spring, Jan. 19, 1862.
. Still these enterprises proved destructive to the end of the war; and it is a proof of the efficiency of this class of cruisers to the last, that small privateers constantly sailed out of the English ports, with a view to make money by recapturing their own vessels; the trade of America at this time, offering but few inducements to such undertakings. Among the vessels employed [the historian tells us there were several hundred of them], the Halker, the Black Prince, the Pickering, the Wild Cat, the Vengeance, the Marlborough, in addition to those elsewhere named, were very conspicuous. The Marlborough is said to have made twenty-eight prizes in one cruise. Other vessels were scarcely less fortunate. Many sharp actions occurred, and quite as often to the advantage of the cruisers, as to that of the enemy. In repeated instances they escaped from British ships of war, under favorable circumstances, and there is no question that in a few cases they captured them. * * * The Englis
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Kentucky, 1862 (search)
y.; 9th Infantry. KENTUCKY--3d. 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 21st and 26th Infantry. MICHIGAN--3d Infantry. OHIO--24th, 41st and 51st Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--Indpt. Battery "B" Light Arty. WISCONSIN--3d Battery Light Arty. Oct. 18: Skirmish, Big Hill(No Reports.) Oct. 18: Skirmish, Cross Roads(No Reports.) Oct. 19: Reconn. on Madison RoadINDIANA--35th Infantry. KENTUCKY--8th and 21st Infantry. OHIO--51st and 99th Infantry. Oct. 19: Skirmish, BardstownOHIO--4th Cavalry. Oct. 19-20: Skirmishes, Wild Cat(No Reports.) Oct. 19-21: Skirmishes, Pitman's Cross RoadsKENTUCKY--21st Infantry. OHIO--41st Infantry. Oct. 20: Skirmish, Pitman's ForkINDIANA--9th Infantry. Oct. 21: Exp. from Crab Orchard to Big Hill and RichmondKENTUCKY--3d Cavalry. PENNSYLVANIA--7th Cavalry. Oct. 23: Skirmish, Coyle's MillILLINOIS--33d Infantry. Oct. 23-24: Destruction of Goose Creek Salt WorksINDIANA--31st Infantry. KENTUCKY--1st, 2d and 20th Infantry. OHIO--9th Infantry. Oct. 25: Skirmish, LawrenceburgOHIO--4th