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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
the people as was that held in Virginia, in accordance with the following proposition of a leading paper in Richmond in the interest of the conspirators:--It being necessary to form a ticket of electors, and the time being too short to call a Convention of the people, it was suggested that the Richmond editors should prepare a ticket, thus relieving the people of the trouble of making selections. The ticket thus formed has been presented. Among the names we find those of Wm. L. Goggin, of Bedford, and R. T. Daniel, of Richmond; E. H. Fitzhugh, of Ohio County; John B. Edmunds, of Halifax, and C. W. Newton, of Norfolk City. Every district in the State is embraced in this editorial report. commenced its session under the Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States. In this assembly all of the slave-labor States were represented excepting Maryland and Delaware. For a list of the members of the Provisional Congress see page 468. The oath to support the Constitution of the Con
f trod or man ever saw. Four o'clock found these men three miles from the enemy, with our newly-constructed bridge destroyed and our boats sunk behind us. I think these facts show a generalship seldom exhibited anywhere. Rev. Mr. McMahon, one of our most pious and worthy chaplains, from Smythe County, was along with the general and his staff during the whole fight, and where the balls flew thickest. Dr. Leaves, of Wytheville, has the fine pistol of Colonel Lytle, and Captain Steptoe, of Bedford, his splendidly mounted saddle and bridle. The fine horse was shot through and died. By the way, Dr. Gleaves was in the fight, and exposed himself much in the discharge of his surgical duties. General Floyd's tent, from which floated our glorious flag, was completely riddled with the balls of the enemy. Our young adjutant, Peter Otey, finding one of his men wounded, gallantly picked him up, and walked off with him in full face of the enemy's fire. The Hessians approached within thirty
toes are named. The potato is a native of Chili and Peru. We think there is no satisfactory record of potatoes being in England before they were carried from Santa Fe, in America, by Sir John Hawkins, in 1653. They are often mentioned as late as 1692. Their first culture in Ireland is referred to Sir Walter Raleigh, who had large estates there. A very valuable kind of potato was first carried from America by that patriot of every clime, Mr. Howard, who cultivated it at Cardington, near Bedford, 1765. Its culture then had become general. Its first introduction to this neighborhood is said to have been by those emigrants, called the Scotch Irish, who first entered Londonderry, New Hampshire, April 11, 1719. As they passed through Andover, Mass., they left some potatoes as seed to be planted that spring. They were planted according to the directions; and their balls, when ripened, were supposed to be the edible fruit. The balls, therefore, were carefully cooked and eaten, but t
That, we apprehend, was the auroral hour of his life. He was greater than his means. How many men are less! Rev. Mr. Foster says:-- On the morning of the 19th of April, just at sunrise, alarmguns were fired. The regulars had gone to Concord. I ran directly to Major Brooks, and asked if he were going to Concord, and when? Immediately was the answer. With his minute-men, he pursued the enemy to their boats at Charlestown. Dr. Ripley says:-- As the enemy passed the road from Bedford, they met a body of minute-men, commanded by Major John Brooks. A little below Bedford Road there was a sharp action, and several of the British were killed. Rev. Mr. Foster says:-- The enemy faced about suddenly, and fired a volley of musketry upon us. They overshot. The fire was immediately returned, and two British soldiers fell dead in the road near the brook. Col. Phinney says:-- A little to the eastward of the village, they received a heavy fire from the Reading minute
e much that he has written so well, we regret that no catalogue of his printed works could be procured. Rev. Convers Francis. A Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Benjamin Kent as Associate Pastor with Rev. John Allyn, D. D., Duxbury1826 On Experimental Religion1827 Errors in Education: a Discourse at the Anniversary of the Derby Academy, in Hingham, May 211828 Address delivered on the Fourth of July, 1828, at Watertown, &c.1828 A Discourse before the Middlesex Bible Society, in Bedford1828 An Historical Sketch of Watertown, Mass., from the first Settlement of the Town to the Close of its Second Century1830 Sermon on the Presence of God with the Good Man.  A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Oliver Stearns over the Second Congregational Society in Northampton1831 Sermon on the Value of enlightened Views of Religion1831 The Christian Charge described by the Apostle Peter1832 Discourse at Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 221832 Sermon on Love to Christ.  Sermon on Grace as c
s a tanyard. He also owned land near Marbey Brook, besides his property in Medford. 4-14John Whitmore m. Mary Lane, of Bedford, and had--  14-22 Mary, b. July 17, 1707; m.1st, J. Weber, Aug. 19, 1725. 2d,----White.  23 Susanna, b. Nov. 2rds went into business with his brother. He owned much property in Medford; and his oldest son, John, having removed to Bedford, he resided there chiefly in his old age, and was so liberal a benefactor to the church as to be mentioned with gratitudhin fifty years, when the heirs, being numerous, sold the estate, and divided it. 14-24John Whitmore m. Martha Lane, of Bedford, and had--  24-28John, b. Oct. 23, 1737; d. Aug. 29, 1743.  29William, b. Mar. 17, 1739; d. Sept. 11, 1743.  30EbenezJohn, b. June 13, 1749; d. Feb. 21, 1750.   He d. Oct. 25, 1748, and his wife removed to Conn. He was a leading man in Bedford, being selectman, treasurer, and clerk. The town, during his life, sent no representative. 14-25Francis Whitmore, jun.
No. 1. Page 556.John Usher married Elizabeth Slidgett, not Sidgett. Page 558.Jonathan Wade (No. 1) had Mary, baptized October, 1663, who married William Symonds; also daughter Sarah. Prudence (No. 5) married, second, Rev. Seaborn Cotton. Page 558.Jonathan (No. 1-2) had Deborah, baptized March 24, 1667; Prudence, June 6, 1669; Catharine, Aug. 27, 1671,--died soon; Catharine, June 22, 1673; Susanna, June 10, 1677; Dorothy, July 10, 1681; all before Dudley (No. 2-8). Page 563.Technically, Bedford was a precinct of Billerica when John Whitmore resided there. Page 568.I am authorized to say that John Willis was very probably the same as No. 3-11. note.--The compiler desires to offer his thanks to the following gentlemen for valuable aid in pursuing his investigations: to Dr. Booth and Dean Dudley, Esq., for the Tufts; to Rev. A. H. Quint, for the Halls; to T. B. Wyman, jun., for the Wymans, and others; and, finally, to Hon. James Savage, for very many facts and corrections thro
Doc. 141.-patriotic contributions to May 7, 1861. Albany, N. Y.$46,000 Auburn, N. Y.4,000 Abington, Mass.5,000 Amesbury, Mass.5,000 Acton, Mass.5,000 Boston, Mass.186,000 Brooklyn, N. Y.75,000 Bridgeport, Ct.31,000 Burlington, Vt.3,000 Bath, Mo.10,000 Batavia, N. Y.4,000 Buffalo, N. Y.110,000 Burlington, N. J.$4.000 Bordentown, N. J.8,000 Bradford, Vt.2,000 Bridgetown, N. J.1,000 Bedford, Mass.2,000 Bennington, Vt.10,000 Barre, Mass.2,000 Braintree, Mass.2,000 Bedford, N. Y.1,000 Brunswick, Me.1,000 Binghamton, N. Y.10,000 Connecticut, State.2,000,000 Cincinnati$280,000 Charlestown, Mass.10,000 Chicago, Ill.20,000 Circleville, Ohio.2,000 Clinton, Ill.5,000 Cohasset, Mass.1,000 Clinton, N. Y.1,000 Concord, Mass.4,000 Concord, N. H.10,000 Canandaigua, N. Y.7,000 Canton, Mass.5,000 Cass County, Ind.6,000 Cam. & Am. R. R. Co.10,000 Detroit, Mich.50,000 Dunkirk, N. Y.20,000 Dover, N. H.10,000 Damariscotta, Me.3,000 Elizabeth, N. J.11,000 E
e paper through a trough of size between two endless felts. 1853. Brown and McIntosh, Aberdeen, Scotland. Hollow perforated mold, covered with felt, to which the pulp is caused to adhere by rarefaction of the contained air. 1853. Machine patented in England for preparing wood for making paper. 1856. Horace W. Peaslee, Malden Bridge, N. Y. Drying cylinder for paper-machines, comprising spiral tubular heater, non-conducting cylinder, and exterior metallic casing. V. O. Balcom, Bedford, Mass. Revolving pulp-tub with grooved grinding roller rotated therein at a different rate of speed. Thomas Lindsay and Wm. Geddes of Connecticut. Varying the width of paper while the machine is in operation by forming the trough which delivers pulp to the web in two parts, sliding one over the other and varying the distance apart of the decklestraps. 1859. M. L. Keen, Roger's Ford, Pa. Paper-stock boiler for ligneous matters. Martin Nixon, Philadelphia. Boiler for treating paper-sto
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 10: Middlesex County. (search)
44.93; in 1863, $3,301.58; in 1864, $3,843.32; in 1865, $2,000.00. Total amount, $11,853.89. Bedford Incorporated Sept. 23, 1729. Population in 1860, 843; in 1865, 820. Valuation in 1860, $47gnation was expressed. A citizens' meeting was immediately held, in which several gentlemen of Bedford made speeches which expressed strongly the patriotic feelings of the people, and twenty-two hun, was adopted. 1862. March 31st, The free use of the town hall was tendered to the ladies of Bedford in which to hold the meetings of the Ladies' Soldiers-Aid Society. August 11th, A bounty of one. Several acts of the Legislature amendatory of the State-aid law were adopted by the town. Bedford furnished ninety-five men for the war, which was a surplus of four over and above all demands. 863, $1,318.45; in 1864, $1,055.37; in 1865, $519.73. Total amount, $3,924.78. The ladies of Bedford did a large amount of good work for the soldiers, knitting socks, making garments, and otherwis