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Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Groton (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Groton (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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of Cambridge, and signed by John Nutting, purporting to be written by desire of a meeting of committees from the towns of Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, and Ashby, and requesting our concurrence in a County Convention to be held at Concord on To the Selectmen of Cambridge. Gentlemen, We, the committees chose by the several towns hereafter mentioned, viz. Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, and Ashby, met at Groton the 29th day of June, 1786, to consult upon matters of public griGroton the 29th day of June, 1786, to consult upon matters of public grievances; and after appointing a chairman for that day, it was thought best to notify all the towns in this county to meet by their committees, at the house of Capt. Brown, innholder in Concord, on the 23d day of August next, to consult upon matters o this Commonwealth labor under, and to find out means of redress, &c. By order of the committee: John Nutting, Chairman. Groton, July 19. 1786. N. B. It is expected that a committee front the Convention that is to set in Worcester County, the 15th
representing that in the month of July last past, he was commissionated and appointed to be Colonel of all the forces in the western frontiers of Middlesex and Essex, together with the town of Brookfield, by his Honor the Lieutenant Governor, and that he had visited all the stations at great personal expense, and at the hazard of his life; he reported the number of men now in the service of this Government in the towns following, viz.: Dunstable, 40; Dracut, 12; Almsbury, 10; Haverhill, 12; Groton, 14; Lancaster, 14; Turkey-Hills, 12; Rutland, 25; Brookfield, 10; total, 149. Ibid., LXXII. 169-172. At a later period, Rev. Ammi-Ruhamah Cutter (a Cambridge man), H. C. 1725, having been dismissed from his charge at North Yarmouth, served his country as Captain several years before his death, which occurred at Louisburg in March, 1746. Cutter Family, 55-59. The names of a few non-commissioned officers and privates also, during these troublous times, have been preserved. Joseph Has
. 1698, taught school in Andover, ordained at Groton, 16 June 1706, became an Episcopalian, went toan. 1793. Walter the f. d. 1798; his w. d. at Groton, 4 Ap. 1819, a. 89. 10. Henry, S. of Edward 23 Aug. 1679; John, b. 14 Sept. 1684, rem. to Groton; Samuel, b. 28 Nov. 1686 (was father of Amaria, Camb., Groton, again at Wat., and finally at Groton with his son Stephen. to whom, in consideratio. 3. Stephen, s. of Richard (1), settled in Groton, where he d. about 1715. (Inv. 18 Nov. 1715.)n Woburn, 14 Dec. 1696. He had by w. Mary, in Groton, Mary, b. 20 May 1680, and by w. Susanna, in B, b. 14 Nov. 1690, m. Rev. Caleb Trowbridge of Groton 10 Mar. 1714; Abigail, b.——m. Benjamin Prescotzabeth Saxon, or Sexton, of Boston, and had in Groton, Elizabeth, b. 31 Aug. 1679, m. Samuel Livermo Mr. Usher seems to have resided for a time at Groton, where, as I judge from the names of the witnebap. 28 July 1751, m. and had children, was of Groton 1792, of Harvard 1796, and d. among the Shaker[24 more...]<
scaped confiscation. In the latter part of his life he resided in Lancaster, where his habits of self-indulgence became more inveterate, and he d. by suicide, 29 or 30 Ap. 1818. 11. William, s. of Isaac (9), m. Ruth, dau. of Benjamin Green of Groton, and had Esther Rand, b. I Mar. 1789, d. 17 Mar. 1805; Elizabeth Woods, b. 23 Jan. 1791; Sarah Goodwin, b. 13 Feb. 1793; Ruth Keep, b. 10 Mar. 1795; 32 William King, b. 19 Sept. 1797; Louisa Chandler, b. 29 Jan. 1800. William the f. was a black at Medford. Her will, dated 20 Dec. 1707, was proved 11 July 1710. 4. Dudley, s. of Simon (1), m. Ann, wid. of Theodore Price, 1673 (Felt's Hist. Salem), and had Dudley, b. Ap. 1678, grad. H. C. 1698, taught school in Andover, ordained at Groton, 16 June 1706, became an Episcopalian, went to England for Episcopal orders, and d. there of small-pox, 1714. Dudley the f. resided at Andover, and d. 13 Nov. 1702. 5. John, s. of Simon (1), resided in Topsfield, and had, by w. Sarah,, Simon,
3. Gershom the f. res. in Menotomy, was a soldier in Philip's War, 1675, and d. 2 Ap. 1738, in the 85th year of his age, as inscribed on his gravestone. 8. Nathaniel, s. of Richard (3), m. Mary Fillebrown 8 Oct. 1688; she d. 14 Mar. 1713-14, a. 52, and he m. Elizabeth——. His children were Nathaniel; Jacob; Mary (last two bap. 24 July 1698); Ebenezer, bap. 2 July 1699; John, bap. 23 Ap. 1704; Richard, bap. 21 Oct. 1716, d. 6 Aug. 1717; Elizabeth, bap. 26 Jan. 1717-18, m. John Williams of Groton 5 May 1741. 9. Richard, s. of William (5), was a mill-wright, and removed to Woodbridge, N. J., where he d. 17 Dec. 1756;. 10. John, s. of William (5), m. Lydia Harrington, and had Lydia, b. 13 Ap. 1710, m. Seth Reed; Rebecca, b. 13 July 1712, m. Zechariah Hill 10 Feb. 1731-2, and Samuel Carter 11 Dec. 1770; (Hannah, b. 14 June 1715, m. John Brooks; Mary, b. 1 June 1717, pub. Ephraim Frost, Jr., 16 Mar. 1739, and d. 20 Oct. 1805, a. 88; John, b. 13 June 1720; Abigail, b. 21 Ap. 1722, m
5. Samuel, s. of William (9), grad. H. C. 1755; was settled in the ministry at Groton 3 June 1761, dismissed, on account of his supposed hostility to the Revolution,honors. The address at his funeral was delivered by lion. Timothy Bigelow, of Groton. Mr. Dana; m. Anna Kendrick, and had at Groton Luther, b. 13 Aug. 1763; AmeliaGroton Luther, b. 13 Aug. 1763; Amelia, b. 14 Ap. 1765; Samuel, b. 26, June 1767, June of Court of Common Pleas, in Middlesex; Thesta, b. 14 Aug. 1769; Anna,b. 16 June 1771; and others born in New Hampshieet, between Winthrop and South streets. he removed early; was a proprietor of Groton in 1656, and an early planter of Barnstable, where he d. in 1673. He m. Margeryb. 9 Dec. 1767, m. Anna Tufts 3 Jan. 1793. Walter the f. d. 1798; his w. d. at Groton, 4 Ap. 1819, a. 89. 10. Henry, S. of Edward (5), m. Elizabeth Cox 24 July 17, m. Benanuel Bowers, 9 Dec. 1653. Faith, called cousin by Henry (1), m. John Paige, at Groton, 12 May 1664. Dutton, Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Crackbone 6 Nov. 1657.
by w. Hepzibah——, had Mary, b. 20 May 1678, m.——Howard; Edmund, b. 14 Mar. 1679-80; Ephraim, b. 23 Sept. 1682; Thomas. b. prob. 1688; Ebenezer, bap. 17 Jan. 1696-7; Sarah,b.—— m. Nathaniel Patten 17 May 1720. Ephraim the f. res. on the homestead, on the northerly side of Kirkland Street, and d. 2 Jan. 1717-18, a. 72; his w. Hepzibah survived. 7. Thomas, s. of Edmund (1), settled in Sudbury, m. Mary Goodridge 12 Nov. 1678, and had Thomas, b. 23 Aug. 1679; John, b. 14 Sept. 1684, rem. to Groton; Samuel, b. 28 Nov. 1686 (was father of Amariah, b. 4 Oct. 1720, grad. H. C. 1740, minister at Milford, and d. 1792); and Sarah, who m. John Rice. Thomas the f. m. (2d) Hannah Johnson of Sudbury, 9 July 1691, who d. 3 May 1712, and he m. (3d) Sarah Singletary, 22 Dec. 1712. He prob. d. 1724. See Barry's Hist. Framingham. 8. Stephen, s. of Joseph (4), prob. res. in Chs., where he m. Elizabeth Woodward 1 Feb. 1699-1700. His children, baptized here, were Elizabeth, 22 Dec. 1700;
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel (3), was under the command of Capt. Josiah Parker at Groton on the 21st day of July 1706, and was slain and his gun carried away by the enef their birth. Richard the f. res. at different times at Wat., Woburn, Camb., Groton, again at Wat., and finally at Groton with his son Stephen. to whom, in consideGroton with his son Stephen. to whom, in consideration of his future maintenance, he conveyed his estate 23 Mar. 1691, being then aged, infirm, and a widower. (Mid. Deeds, XII. 31.) He d. 1 Mar. 1696; his w. Marthcond w. much younger than himself. 3. Stephen, s. of Richard (1), settled in Groton, where he d. about 1715. (Inv. 18 Nov. 1715.) His estate was divided 19 Mar. 1ren he grave power to sell land in Woburn, 14 Dec. 1696. He had by w. Mary, in Groton, Mary, b. 20 May 1680, and by w. Susanna, in Billerica, Susanna, b. 16 Oct. 1694. 5. Samuel, s. of Richard (1), by w. Anna, had in Groton, Anna, b. 1 Mar. 1682. 6. John, s. of Richard (1), purchased land in Woburn 1679, and was prob. the
John Maynard of Sudbury 7 Dec. 1713; Mehetabel, m. Jonathan Maynard of Sudbury 10 Dec. 1714. Newman, Patience, m. Nathaniel Sparhawk 3 Oct. 1649. Samuel, of Rehobotll, m. Hannah Bunker 2 May 1689; the same Samuel (probably), m. wid. Theodosia Wiswall before 1709. Nichols, Thomas, owned house and nine acres near Fresh Pond in 1638. Norcross, John (otherwise written, Norcrost), in 1642 had 22 acres on the south side of the river. Nutting, John, one of the earliest inhabitants of Groton, by w. Sarah, had Sarah, b. 29 May 1663; Ebenezer, b. 23 Oct. 1666; Jonathan, b. 17 Oct. 1668. 2. Ebenezer, S. of John (1), was probably the same who res. in Medf. and by w. Lydia, had Lydia, b. 5 Nov. 1692; Jonathan, b. 31 Jan. 1694-5; Sarah, b. 11 Aug 1698; Ebenezer, b. 9 Aug. 1700; James, b. 31 Jan. 1703-4; Josiah, b. about 1706; John, b. 23 Mar. 1708-9; Benjamin, b. 7 Sept. 1711; Mary. Ebenezer the f. was a blacksmith, and was described in a deed, as of Camb. 1697. His estate was se
g. 1674, prob. d. young; Thomas, b. 22 Aug. 1676, d. 22 May 1683; Samuel, b. 18 May 1679, d. young; John, b. 9 July 1683, d. 23 Sept. 1683; Nathaniel, b. 1 Feb. 1684-5; Mary, b. 20 Mar. 1687-8; Sarah, b. 14 Nov. 1690, m. Rev. Caleb Trowbridge of Groton 10 Mar. 1714; Abigail, b.——m. Benjamin Prescott of Groton 12 June 1718, and was mother of Col. William Prescott of Bunker Hill memory, and his brothers, James, Sheriff and Judge C. C. P., and Oliver, Judge of Probate for Middlesex County; Peter; Groton 12 June 1718, and was mother of Col. William Prescott of Bunker Hill memory, and his brothers, James, Sheriff and Judge C. C. P., and Oliver, Judge of Probate for Middlesex County; Peter; Thomas, b. 17 July 1700, grad. H. C. 1719, a schoolmaster; Samuel, b. 12 Jan. 1702-3, d. unm. 2 Dec. 1729. Thomas the f. was brought here when a child by his mother, whom. Edward Jackson. He settled in that part of the town which now forms the westerly border of Brighton District, but retained his connection with the Church at Newton, of which he was a Deacon. He was Selectman of Camb. 1687, Representative 18 years, between 1692 and 1713, and Councillor 1715. He d. 31 Oct. or 1 Nov. 1715