Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the
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Bowman's negro had a son, b. 18 May, 1752.
At Mrs. Bowman's, John Williams of Groton d. 4 Nov. 1752, a. 32.
4. William had Mary, b. 3, bap. 17 Mar. 1754; a childApr. 1826.
Miss Harriet, d. 1 May, 1842, a. 28.
Cummings, Jacob—from ch. in Groton, N. H.—adm. here, 12 June, 1820.
Charles W., of Boston, m. Sarah W. Frost, 17 t. ch.
at organization, 9 Sept. 1739, and dism.
thence to the First Church in Groton, 12 Nov. 1749.
(Caution, 1752, Elizabeth Cutter, last from Groton, into said tGroton, into said town of Woburn; her husband's son John Cutter d. in Woburn 15 Mar. 1789, a. 85.) She was prob.
the Elizabeth Cutter adm. to Camb.
ch. 15 Feb. 1719.
Elizabeth m. Samt Ch.
Records. )
4. John, had dau. b. here 20 Oct. 1741—prob.
the John, of Groton, who m. Elizabeth Cutter, 5 May, 1741—Cutter Book, 92. John, of Groton, d. at MGroton, d. at Mrs. Bowman's, 4 Nov. 1752, a. 32.
See Wyman, 1033.
5. John, s. of Thomas (3), m. Elizabeth Priest, of Waltham, 13 Dec. 1764.
A boy, taken by John Williams—b