Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Southampton, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Southampton, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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George42Nansemond58 King and Queen256Nelson336 King William173New Kent94 Lewis355Norfolk City547 Lunenburg275Norfolk county255 Madison760Northampton20 Mecklenburg471Nottoway57 Marion768Ohio285 Matthews57Petersburg747 Northumberland74Portsmouth118 Orange48Powhatan98 page796Prince George52 Pleasants23Princess Anne72 Prince Edward47Pitisylvania645 Prince William479Pulaski82 Ritchie320Rappahannock80 Roanoke80Richmond City1234 Shenandoah1440Rockbridge892 Smyth50Rockingham206 Southampton23Spotsylvania187 Tyler100Stafford1 Upshur230Surry74 Warren186Taylor72 Washington280Warwick49 Wetzel549Westmoreland344 WoodtieWilliamsburg6 Wythe177 15,631 14,245 14,245 majority for Bell 1,386 the following table shows the vote in 1859, in the counties yet to be heard from: Letcher. Goggin. Boone142Braxton32 Buchanan91Clay41 Cabell91Giles111 Calhoun251Kanawha671 Craig164Lancaster49 Fayette39Lee64 Grayson113Louisa99 Hanover117Mason141 Jackson122McDo