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October 12. Jefferson Davis, accompanied by General Bragg and staff, visited the battle-field of Chickamauga. He complimented the General in the highest terms, remarking that his soldiers were entitled to the gratitude of the country for their heroism, and promising them that the green fields of Tennessee would shortly again be theirs. --the Union cavalry, under Colonel Hatch, in pursuit of the rebels, who were retreating from the battle-field of Colliersville, overtook them at Ingham's Mills, a point on Coldwater River, three miles from Byhalia, Miss. The rebels were posted in a strong position, but were compelled to retreat after a fight of two hours, with a loss of over fifty in killed and wounded.
ounded in action, and about 26,490 wounded who survived. Cavalry Corps. (Armies of the West.) Stone's River, Tenn. McMinnville, Tenn. Pea Ridge, Ark. lone Jack, Mo. Prairie Grove, Mo. Streight's Raid Middleton, Tenn. Franklin, Tenn. Triune, Tenn. Shelbyville, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. Sparta, Tenn. Canton, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Grierson's Raid Graysville, Ga. Chickamauga, Ga. Carter's Station, Tenn. Murfreesboro Road, Tenn. Farmington, Tenn. Blue Springs, Tenn. Byhalia, Miss. Wyatt's Ford, Miss. Maysville, Ala. Blountsville, Tenn. Sweetwater, Tenn. Moscow, Tenn. Cleveland, Tenn. Ripley, Miss. Salisbury, Tenn. Bean's Station, Tenn. Morristown, Tenn. Mossy Creek, Tenn. Dandridge, Tenn. Fair Gardens, Tenn. Arkadelphia, Ark. Camden, Ark. Prairie D'ann, Ark. Jenkins' Ferry, Ark. Natchitoches, La. Wilson's Farm, La. Sabine Cross Roads, La. Cane River, La. Red Clay, Ga. Resaca, Ga. Varnell's Station, Ga. Tilton, Ga. Rome, Ga. Dallas, Ga.
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
s. His loss was three killed and forty-seven wounded. Ten of the enemy were killed, but the number of their wounded could not b1e ascertained. On the 12th, at Byhalia, he reported that, after tearing up the rails of the Memphis & Charleston road in four places, he had attacked the Federal forces at Colliersville in their camp, did not learn the enemy's loss in killed and wounded. His own was fifty. On the approach of fresh Federal troops from Lafayette and Germantown, he retreated to Byhalia. On the 14th, at Oxford, he reported that eleven regiments of cavalry had followed him to Byhalia and attacked him there; that, after fighting them four hoursByhalia and attacked him there; that, after fighting them four hours, he had fallen back, skirmishing, to the Tallallatchie at Wyat, where the assailants were repulsed, and retired, after burning the village. The Confederate baggage and the captured property were preserved. On the 15th, being still at Oxford, he sent me intelligence (on the authority of his scouts) that some four thousand Unit
o time to write more; will write again soon. Love to all. Your daughter, S. E. P. B. Operations of the cavalry under Generals Smith and Grierson. Memphis, Tenn., February 27. From an officer attached to General Grierson's column of the cavalry expedition, which returned yesterday, the following memoranda of the march of that command was obtained. February 11th, marched from Germantown, Tennessee, crossed the Cold Water, and camped for the night three miles south of Byhalia, Mississippi, making twenty-five miles. Twelfth, marched toward Waterford, one battalion making a feint on Wyatt, where Forrest was in position with artillery. We passed through Waterford, and camped three miles south-east of the railroad. We destroyed a considerable portion of the telegraph line. Very little skirmishing. Thirteenth, marched at daylight; built a bridge at Tippah Creek; crossed at four P. M., and camped for the night ten miles south; considerable skirmishing. Fourteenth
h instant. Brigadier-General Chalmers reports that Ellett's marine brigade passed up the Mississippi on the seventh. The same evening, three gunboats and nineteen transports, loaded with troops, passed up — the last ten boats from Tallahatchie, twenty miles up Cold Water, on Wednesday, going up. I think that most of Grant's forces are being withdrawn to Memphis. On the same day I again telegraphed General Johnston as follows: The following report just received: Scout Kemp reports: Near Byhalia on the tenth; the enemy is strengthening his guard on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Twelve thousand troops passed Memphis going up the river, on the seventh. The same day, fifty pieces of artillery were landed at Memphis, and taken to the Memphis and Charleston depot. Part of Grant's army reported to be going to Corinth, and down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad--the balance to reinforce Rosecrans. Lawson reports, near Memphis, tenth: Marine brigade gone up Cumberland River; also, fou
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. (search)
ght the next morning, but the others, owing to the greater distance they had to travel, were not able to damage the road so as to prevent the passage of the trains on the next morning. After dark the whole command moved out twelve miles towards Byhalia, and halted for a few hours. I ordered Colonel Richardson to move at 4 A. M. the next day with his brigade and the First and Third Mississippi regiments to attack Colliersville, while the other command would follow and support him, but for some cavalry, Seventh Kansas and Third Michigan cavalry, and eight pieces of artillery. Our loss was one severely and one slightly wounded, and two horses killed; their's was severe--nine killed and thirteen wounded, and in addition the citizens of Byhalia report that during the fight several ambulances loaded with dead and wounded passed through that place to the rear. On the 13th, our ammunition being almost exhausted, our forces fell back to Wyatt, where we arrived about two (2) P. M.; the e
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Mississippi, 1863 (search)
OIS--3d and 9th Cavalry. TENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Union loss, 3 wounded. Oct. 8: Action, SalemILLINOIS--3d, 7th and 9th Cavalry; 9th Mounted Infantry. MICHIGAN--3d Cavalry. MISSOURI--Battery "I" 1st Light Arty. TENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Union loss, 15 killed and wounded. Oct. 10: Action, Ingraham's Plantation near Port GibsonILLINOIS--4th Cavalry (1st Battalion). WISCONSIN--2d Cavalry. Oct. 11: Skirmish near HernandoIOWA--2d Cavalry (Detachment). Oct. 12: Engagement, Ingraham's Mills, near ByhaliaILLINOIS--3d, 6th, 7th and 9th Cavalry; 9th Mounted Infantry. KANSAS--7th Cavalry. MICHIGAN--3d Cavalry. MISSOURI--Battery "I" 1st Light Arty. TENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Union loss, 10 killed, 35 wounded. Total, 45. Oct. 13: Skirmish, Quinn and Jackson's MillsILLINOIS--6th Cavalry. Oct. 13: Action, Wyatt's, Tallahatchie RiverILLINOIS--3d, 6th, 7th and 9th Cavalry; 9th Mounted Infantry. KANSAS--7th Cavalry. MICHIGAN--3d Cavalry. MISSOURI--Battery "I" 1st Light Arty. TENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Uni
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Mississippi, 1864 (search)
MeridianILLINOIS--5th and 11th Cavalry. IOWA--4th Cavalry. MISSOURI--10th Cavalry. NEW JERSEY--35th Infantry. Feb. 9-March 6: Occupation of Yazoo CityILLINOIS--11th Infantry. LOUISIANA--8th Colored Infantry. MISSISSIPPI--1st Colored Cavalry. Feb. 10: Skirmish, MortonOHIO--68th Infantry. Feb. 10: Skirmish, HillsboroughILLINOIS--5th and 11th Cavalry. IOWA--4th Cavalry. MISSOURI--10th Cavalry. Feb. 11: Skirmish, ColdwaterTENNESSEE--4th Cavalry. Feb. 11: Affair, Raiford's Plantation, near ByhaliaINDIANA--72d Mounted Infantry. Feb. 12: Skirmish, Holly SpringsILLINOIS--3d Cavalry. TENNESSEE--4th Cavalry. Feb. 12: Skirmish, Wall HillIOWA--2d Cavalry. Feb. 13: Skirmish, Wyatts'ALABAMA--1st Cavalry (Detachment). ILLINOIS--114th Infantry. INDIANA--93d Infantry. OHIO--72d and 95th Infantry. Feb. 13: Skirmish, Tallahatchie RiverILLINOIS--114th Infantry. Feb. 13: Skirmish, VicksburgMISSISSIPPI--2d Colored Infantry. Union loss, 3 wounded, 3 missing. Total, 6. Feb. 13-14: Skirmishes, Mer
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
ssee October 4-17. Lockhart's Mills October 6. Salem October 8. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatts', Tallahatchie River, October 13. Operations on Memphis and Charlestonnessee October 4-17. Germantown and Mount Pleasant October 11. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, Miss., October 12. Quinn and Jackson's Mill October 13. Wyatt's October 13. Germantown, Tand West Tennessee against Chalmers October 4-17. Salem October 8. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatt's, Tallahatchie River, October 13. Scout to Chulahoma October 22-24. mers October 4-17. Lockhart's Mills October 6. Salem October 8. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatt's, Tallahatchie River, October 13. Operations on Memphis and Charlestoainst Chalmers October 4-17. Lockhart's Mills and Salem October 8. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Quinn and Jackson's Mill, Wyatt's, Tallahatchie River, October 13. Scouting
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
McMinnville, and McMinnville October 4. Sims' Farm, near Shelbyville, and Farmington October 7. Shelbyville Pike October 7. Expedition from Maysville to Whitesburg and Decatur November 14-17. Moved from Pulaski to Colliersville, Tenn., December 31, 1862-January 14, 1864. Shoal Creek, Ala., January 24 (Detachment). Florence January 24. Athens January 25 (Detachment). Smith's Expedition from Colliersville to Okolona, Miss., February 10-26. Raiford's Plantation near Byhalia February 10. Ivey's Hill near Okolona February 22. Moved to Mooresville March 5-26, thence to Columbia April 3-8. March to Lafayette, Ga., April 30-May 9. Atlanta Campaign May to September, 1864. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Near Dallas May 24. About Dallas May 25-June 5. Big Shanty June 9. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Noonday Creek and Powder Springs June 19-20. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. On line of Nickajack Cre