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four miles still further up. After crossing, the Sixth and Seventh Illinois moved south on the Pontotoc road, and encamped for the night on the plantation of Mr. Sloan; the Second Iowa also moved sou the night, going west. After the return of these expeditions, I moved with the whole force to Pontotoc. Colonel Hatch joined us about noon, reporting having skirmished with about two hundred rebels the afternoon before and that morning, killing, wounding, and capturing a number. We reached Pontotoc about five o'clock P. M. The advance dashed into the town, came upon some guerrillas, killed one we moved out and encamped for the night on the plantation of Mr. Daggett, five miles south of Pontotoc, on the road toward Houston. At three o'clock the next morning, April twentieth, I detached econd Iowa, to proceed back to La Grange, marching in column of fours, before daylight, through Pontotoc, and thus leaving the impression that the whole command had returned. Major Love had orders al
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., A. J. Smith's defeat of Forrest at Tupelo (July 14th, 1864). (search)
started on its march southward, pushing on day after day, with Forrest hovering on our front and flanks. On the 11th, after a sharp skirmish, we entered Pontotoc (Mississippi), driving Forrest through and beyond the village. Having now arrived within striking distance of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, early in the morning of the 13th, we moved out of Pontotoc eastward, as if to strike the railroad at Tupelo, 19 miles distant, thereby flanking Forrest, who, with his army numbering about 12,000 men, was in a good fighting position 10 miles south awaiting Smith. Forrest soon discovered this move, and started to intercept us before we could reach the railro which was a growth of timber. The road over which the troops had marched led to the center of the position. Mower was stationed on the right or north of this (Pontotoc) road, looking west, and Moore on the left or south. Bouton's colored brigade was on the extreme left. About 6 o'clock Forrest made his attack, the brunt fal
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
It was estimated that Forrest had about fourteen thousand troops under him, with his Headquarters in the neighborhood of Tupelo, and in that direction, from Salisbury, fifty miles east of Memphis, General A. J. Smith marched with about twelve thousand men, early in July. He met Forrest's cavalry at the outset, and skirmished with them nearly all the way to Tupelo, on the Mobile and Ohio railway, where the Confederate leader had made up his mind to give battle. The expedition arrived at Pontotoc, west of Tupelo, on the 12th, July, 1864. and when moving forward the next morning, General Mower's train was attacked by a large body of cavalry. These were repulsed, and the expedition moved on, and when, the next day, it approached Tupelo, Forrest's infantry, in heavy numbers, attacked the line.. They were repulsed, after a sharp battle. The assault was repeated on the same day, July 14. with a similar result, when the Confederates were driven, leaving on the field a large number of
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
rtillery with them, and, on reaching Kossuth, will follow up the general movement of the army and protect its rear. VI. The commanding officer of the cavalry at Pocahontas and vicinity will hold his command in readiness to move on short notice to Ripley. On commencing the move he will destroy all the railroad and mud-road bridges in his rear, and all other bridges that may be of service to the enemy will be destroyed. He will take all of his artillery with him and move from Ripley to Pontotoc, and will protect the rear of the forces moving in that direction. When at Ripley he will communicate with general headquarters at Baldwin for orders. By order of Brig. Gen. W. N. R. Beall: Beall Hempstead, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General. [inclosure B.] Memorandum of orders.headquarters Western Department, Corinth, Miss., May 27, 1862. The following memorandum is furnished to General Bragg for the intended movement of his army from this place to Baldwin at t
rom Corinth to Jacinto, via Kossuth and Danville, good. From Rienzi to Ripley, good road, 27 miles. From Ripley to Pontotoc, good road, 32 miles. From Pontotoc to railroad, 16 miles. From Pontotoc to Houston, good road, 28 miles. From Pontotoc to railroad, 16 miles. From Pontotoc to Houston, good road, 28 miles. From Houston to Aberdeen, good in dry weather, 35 miles. From Houston to West Point, good road, 40 miles. From Booneville to Carrollville, good road, 13 miles. From Carrollville to Saltillo, good in dry weather, 12 miles. From Saltillo to HarrPontotoc to Houston, good road, 28 miles. From Houston to Aberdeen, good in dry weather, 35 miles. From Houston to West Point, good road, 40 miles. From Booneville to Carrollville, good road, 13 miles. From Carrollville to Saltillo, good in dry weather, 12 miles. From Saltillo to Harrisburg, bad. From Saltillo to Mooresville, good road, 10 miles. From Mooresville to Harrisburg, bad road, 8 miles. From Harrisburg to Tupelo, good road, 28 miles. From Tupelo to Okolona, good in dry weather, 19 miles. From Okolona to o form a good connection from Saltillo west to the intersection of the Ripley and.Harrisburg road with the Tuscumbia and Pontotoc road. A point this side of Birmingham, where a road forks to Saltillo, near Dr. Anderson's and Mr. Williams' farms, a
for further usefulness. The effective Rebel force in the States bordering on the Mississippi being now mainly engaged in the defense of Vicksburg and the Yazoo valley, Grant had determined to retaliate one of the destructive cavalry raids of Morgan, Forrest, and Van Dorn. To this end, Col. B. H. Grierson, with a cavalry brigade, 1,700 strong, composed of the 6th and 7th Illinois and 2d Iowa, starting April 17. Lagrange, Tennessee, swept rapidly southward, through Ripley, New Albany, Pontotoc, Clear Spring, Starkville, Louisville, Decatur, and Newton, Miss.--thus passing behind all the Rebel forces confronting and resisting Grant — until, having passed Jackson, he turned sharply to the right, and made his way W. S.W. through Raleigh, Westville, Hazlehurst, and Gallatin, to Union C. H., back of Natchez; thence zigzagging by Bogue Chito to Greensburg and Clinton, La., and so to Baton Rouge; May 2. having traversed more than 600 miles of hostile territory in 16 days; crossing se
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
e victors. In writing to the President on the 10th of the month, I informed him of my continued illness and inability to serve in the field, and added, General Bragg is therefore necessary here. A similar report of the condition of my health was made on the 28th, to the Secretary of War. While Forrest and Roddy were engaged with Dodge and Streight, Colonel Grierson made a raid entirely through Mississippi. Leaving Lagrange April 1th, with a brigade of cavalry, and passing through Pontotoc and Decatur, he reached the Southern Railroad at Newton on the 24th, where he destroyed some cars and engines, and small bridges. Crossing Pearl River at Georgetown, he struck the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad at Hazelhurst, where cars were destroyed, and some ammunition. At Brookhaven, the railroad-depot and more cars were burned, and the party arrived at Baton Rouge May 2d. In the night of April 16th the Federal fleet, of gunboats and three transports towing barges, passed the ba
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memorandum for Major-General S. D. Lee. (search)
Memorandum for Major-General S. D. Lee. Pontotoc, October 2, 1863. Collect about twenty-five hundred of the best troops of Chalmers's, Ferguson's, and Ross's brigades, with Owens's battery, for the expedition into Middle Tennessee, for which, at Oxford on the 29th ult., you were desired to prepare, to break the railroad in rear of Rosecrans's army. It is important to move as soon as possible-and by the route least likely to meet the enemy — to the points on the railroad where most injury can be done with the least exposure of our troops. The bridges over the branches of Duck River and of the Elk are suggested. As the fords of the Tennessee are in and above the Muscle Shoals, it would be well to move toward Tuscumbia first, and, in crossing the river and moving forward, to ascertain as many routes as possible by which to return. Fayetteville would be a point in the route to the part of the railroad between Elk and Duck Rivers. General Bragg is informed of your i
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 16: Atlanta campaign-battles about Kenesaw Mountain. June, 1864. (search)
alry was also busy in our rear, compelling us to detach cavalry all the way back as far as Resaca, and to strengthen all the infantry posts as far as Nashville. Besides, there was great danger, always in my mind, that Forrest would collect a heavy cavalry command in Mississippi, cross the Tennessee River, and break up our railroad below Nashville. In anticipation of this very danger, I had sent General Sturgis to Memphis to take command of all the cavalry in that quarter, to go out toward Pontotoc, engage Forrest and defeat him; but on the 14th of June I learned that General Sturgis had himself been defeated on the 10th of June, and had been driven by Forrest back into Memphis in considerable confusion. I expected that this would soon be followed by a general raid on all our roads in Tennessee. General A. J. Smith, with the two divisions of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps which had been with General Banks up Red River, had returned from that ill-fated expedition, and had been or
A Maryland traitor.--The Mobile Register says: Ex-Governor Pratt, of Maryland, sends a letter by underground railroad to Mr. Benjamin, in which he says that if we of the South hold on a month longer — until the middle of April or the last of May--the Lincoln dynasty will crumble under its own corruption and indebtedness. What the Rebel Women are Doing. Tupelo, Miss., March 29, 1862. Mr. Editor: A number of ladies in the eastern part of Pontotoc, Mississippi, have recently united and formed what is called the Coonewah Soldiers' Aid Society. At their last meeting they resolved to give their jewelry, their gold and silver plate to the Confederacy, and to make an earnest appeal to all the ladies in our country to do the same, for the purpose of purchasing or assisting to purchase a navy for the Confederacy. An old gentleman present said he would give five hundred, or if necessary a thousand dollars for the same purpose. Will you be so kind as to present this matter to