Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mexico, Mo. (Missouri, United States) or search for Mexico, Mo. (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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avoring to effect a peaceful separation of the Northern and Southern States of America. Earl Russell discourages interference in the international affairs of Mexico, but says that the English Government will exercise the right of requiring security for the personal property of English citizens in Mexico, and the fulfillment oMexico, and the fulfillment of all engagements. Orders were about being issued to prepare a French squadron for the coast of Mexico. The Paris Bourse was dull. The steamship Anglo Saxon, from Quebec arrived at Liverpool on the 8th inst. George Vandenhoff, the actor, is dead. He was 72 years of age. The Bank of France has arranged forMexico. The Paris Bourse was dull. The steamship Anglo Saxon, from Quebec arrived at Liverpool on the 8th inst. George Vandenhoff, the actor, is dead. He was 72 years of age. The Bank of France has arranged for the relief of the financial pressure. The French Government has stated that the price of bread will not be further advanced. Garibaldi had left Caprara — destination unknown. The affairs of Hungary are unchanged. The American Minister at Berlin was negotiating with the Hanover Government for the ratification o
Commissioner to Mexico. La Sere, formerly of the United States Congress from has been appointed, by the Commissioner of the Confederate The energy and shrewd qualifications the appointment, and he has in Mexico, with the which will contribute no the success of his mission. He has in the capacity of Quartermaster Louisiana regiment, in while he held, at the same time, irresponsible and lucrative position of for the parish of New Orleans. Commissioner to Mexico. La Sere, formerly of the United States Congress from has been appointed, by the Commissioner of the Confederate The energy and shrewd qualifications the appointment, and he has in Mexico, with the which will contribute no the success of his mission. He has in the capacity of Quartermaster Louisiana regiment, in while he held, at the same time, irresponsible and lucrative position of for the parish of New Orleans.