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Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 11 5 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1 10 0 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 10 10 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 8 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 8 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 7 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 6 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 4 0 Browse Search
James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Mason, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) or search for Mason, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) in all documents.

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n, b. 27 Mar. 1763; Samuel Cutter, b. 20 Ap. 1766. Before 5 Aug. 1769 Mr. Dunster removed to Mason, N. H., and d. 1805, a. 80. 7. Henry, parentage not ascertained, had Elizabeth, bap. 24 May, 1767. Medf. and thence rein. to Chs. where he d. 2 Sept. 1764, a. 71, leaving wife Ann who d. at Mason, N. H., 31 Dec. 1777, a. 74), and three sons, Nathaniel, Benjamin, and Richard. Of these sons, Natt known, m. Sarah Cutler 24 Feb. 1764, and had Samuel, b. about 1765, a carpenter, removed to Mason, N. H., where he died 23 May 1813; Ebenezer, b. 31 Jan. 1766, grad. H. C. 1786. and was ordained pastor of the Church in Mason, N. H., 3 Nov. 1790, which office he sustained for more than sixty-three years; he d. 20 May 1854. Samuel the f. was a carpenter, and resided on the easterly side of Nort762, and had Jason, b. 2 June 1763; Jonathan, b. 8 Feb. 1785; Josiah, b. 13 Jan. 1767; and at Mason, N. H., Elizabeth, b. 2 July 1769; Samuel, b. 4 Ap. 1772; Benjamin, b. 2 Aug. 1775; Thomas, b. 2 Oct
Mary, and chil. Hubbard: Thomas; Elizabeth, w. of James Taylor; Mary, w. of David Bemis; Margery; Ruhamah; Carteret; Henry. 5. Henry, s. of Henry (3), m. Abigail Moore 27 Ap. 1748, and had (posthumous), a daughter, b. and d. 4 Mar. 1748-9. He d. 13 Oct. 1748, a. 25; his w. Abigail, m. Jonathan Harrington of Lex. (pub. 9 June 1750). 6. Jason, s. of Henry (3), m. Rebecca, dau. of Samuel Cutter 26 Oct. 1749, and had Ruth, . 10 Aug. 1750; Rebecca, b. 17 Aug. 1752, d. 5 July 1753; Henry, b. 4 Aug. 1754; Rebecca, b. 18 June 1756; Martha, b. 28 Aug. 1758; Josiah, b. 10 Ap. 1761; ,Jason, b. 27 Mar. 1763; Samuel Cutter, b. 20 Ap. 1766. Before 5 Aug. 1769 Mr. Dunster removed to Mason, N. H., and d. 1805, a. 80. 7. Henry, parentage not ascertained, had Elizabeth, bap. 24 May, 1767. Elizabeth, called cousin by Henry (1), m. Benanuel Bowers, 9 Dec. 1653. Faith, called cousin by Henry (1), m. John Paige, at Groton, 12 May 1664. Dutton, Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Crackbone 6 Nov. 1657.
hich he is altogether unable to follow for want of the abovesaid servant; your petitioner humbly intreats your Honors to consider his distressed condition, and give order for the release of his said servant Amoras Mackfassitt, that is in his stead, that so they may improve the summer for their calling; and your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. 4. Nathaniel, s. of John (3), res. in Medf. and thence rein. to Chs. where he d. 2 Sept. 1764, a. 71, leaving wife Ann who d. at Mason, N. H., 31 Dec. 1777, a. 74), and three sons, Nathaniel, Benjamin, and Richard. Of these sons, Nathaniel m. in Camb. Phebe Frost 11 Ap. 1751; Benjamin m. Lydia Convers of Medf. 7 Ap. 1757, by whom he had Benjamin, d. at Baltimore; James, William, a daughter, and Convers, b. 14 July 1766, d. 27 Nov. 1856, whose son Convers Francis, D. D., b. in Camb. 9 Dec. 1795, was one of the professors in Harvard College and d. 7 Ap. 1863; by his second w. Sarah Hall, Benjamin Francis had Sarah, m. Ephrai
e and South streets, and afterwards at the S. W. corner of Dunster and Winthrop streets; he d. 17 Dec. 1845, a. nearly 80. 28. Samuel, parentage not known, m. Sarah Cutler 24 Feb. 1764, and had Samuel, b. about 1765, a carpenter, removed to Mason, N. H., where he died 23 May 1813; Ebenezer, b. 31 Jan. 1766, grad. H. C. 1786. and was ordained pastor of the Church in Mason, N. H., 3 Nov. 1790, which office he sustained for more than sixty-three years; he d. 20 May 1854. Samuel the f. was a cMason, N. H., 3 Nov. 1790, which office he sustained for more than sixty-three years; he d. 20 May 1854. Samuel the f. was a carpenter, and resided on the easterly side of North Avenue, a few rods from the Common; he was very thriftless and improvident, and depended on others for support. He d. 21 June 1798, a. about 66. His w. Sarah is reputed to have been an excellent woman, who by her industry and self-denial enabled her son Ebenezer to obtain a good education; her kindness was repaid by her son, who received her into his family and provided for her comfort in the latter years of her life; she d. 30 Dec. 1808.
74; Thomas, b. 2 Feb. 1800, a furniture dealer here, d. 1857; Bowen, b. 24 Mar. 1802; Mary and Stephen, twins, b. 21 Feb. 1804; Lydia and Sally, twins, b. 30 Sept. 1806 (Sally m. Thomas Joyce White of Camb. 16 Oct. 1834); Betsey, b. 2 May 1808. Nathan the f. res. at Lex., and d. 9 Jan. 1848, a. 88; his w. Sybil d. 28 Jan. 1853, a. 88. 33. Jason, s. of Jason (26), m. Elizabeth Locke 28 Oct. 1762, and had Jason, b. 2 June 1763; Jonathan, b. 8 Feb. 1785; Josiah, b. 13 Jan. 1767; and at Mason, N. H., Elizabeth, b. 2 July 1769; Samuel, b. 4 Ap. 1772; Benjamin, b. 2 Aug. 1775; Thomas, b. 2 Oct. 1777, d. 8 Feb. 1785; William, b. 6 Oct. 1779; David, b. 6 May 1782; Thomas. Jason the f. rem. to Mason about 1768, and d. 19 Feb. 1825; his w. Elizabeth d. 24 May 1789. 34. John, s. of Jason (26), m. Ruhamah Frost 31 Aug. 1769, and had John, b. 5 Feb. 1770; Ephraim, b. 23 June 1772. 35. Thomas, s. of Jason (26), m. Anne Whittemore 8 Mar. 1774, and had Anna, b. 19 Ap., d. 13 Oct. 1775; Th