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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 1: birth, parentage, childhood (search)
erous settlements in the western part of the State of New York, where one often saw the boys with their bows and arrows, and the squaws carrying their papooses on their backs. The journey here mentioned must have taken place when I was little more than four years old. Another year and a half brought me the burden of a great sorrow. I recall months of sweet companionship with the first and dearest of friends, my mother. The last summer of her life was passed at a fine country-seat in Bloomingdale, which was then a picturesque country place, about six miles from New York, but is now incorporated in the city. My father was fond of fine horses, and the pets of the stable played no unimportant part in our childish affection. The family coach was an early institution with us, and in the days of which I now speak, its exterior was of a delicate yellow, known as straw-color, while the lining and cushions were of bright blue cloth. This combination of color was effected to please my
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
; appreciation of his work taught, 16; selections from, given at the Wards', 49. Belgioiosa, Princess, her origin and marriage, 422. Benzon, Mr., Schlesinger, his house a musical centre, 435. Berlin, Dr. Howe imprisoned at, 118. Black, William, the novelist, 412. Blackwell, Henry B., his efforts in the cause of woman suffrage, 380-382. Blackwell, Rev. Mrs. S. C. (Antoinette Brown), first woman minister in the United States, 166; preaches, 392. Blair's Rhetoric, 57. Bloomingdale, country-seat of Mrs. Howe's father at, to. Boker, George H., at the Bryant celebration, 279. Bonaparte, Charles, 202. Bonaparte, Joseph, ex-king of Spain, 5, 202. Bonaparte, Joseph, Prince of Musignano, 202. Boocock, Mr., a music teacher, 16. Booth, Edwin, at the Boston Theatre, requests Mrs. Howe to write him a play, 237; his marriage, 241; his wife's death, 242. Booth, Mrs. Edwin (Mary Devlin), her marriage and death, 242, 242. Booth, Wilkes, at Mary Booth's funer