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evances; but all in vain. At length they took up arms, with the avowed object of enforcing such redress. They solemnly disclaimed all intention of separation from the parent State, for they were as loyal in their feelings of attachment to the British Constitution as were the inhabitants of Surrey or Cornwall. This resolute step they confidently expected would procure the desired redress; but the advice of all the ablest statesmen at that age — of Chatham, of Camden, of Burke, of Fox, of Rockingham and others, was thrown away on the narrow-minded monarch and the bigoted ministry which then swayed the destinies of the British Empire. Still in hope, they continued the struggle for one whole year. At length the British Parliament declared the Colonies out of the protection of the parent State. And then at last no other course was left them but to proclaim their independence, and defend it if need be with their life's blood. The battle of Lexington was fought on the nineteenth of Apr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
his best scouts to Wilmington, with intelligence of his position and plans. By Captain Ainsworth, who returned the same day, he sent. dispatches to Terry and Schofield, informing them that he should move on Goldsboroa on the 15th, feigning Raleigh to deceive the foe. Sherman had met with very little opposition in his march from the Catawba to the Cape Fear. The most serious encounter was by Kilpatrick with Hampton's cavalry. As the former was advancing on the extreme-left, by way of Rockingham, he struck the rear of Hardee's. column, March 8, 1865. in its retreat on Fayetteville. Learning from prisoners that Hampton was behind, he resolved to intercept him. Posting a brigade, under Atkins, on the road he was traveling, he made a rapid night-march with Spencer's brigade, across to another road, and in doing so, passed through a division of Hampton's cavalry. It was a perilous feat. Kilpatrick lost his escort of sixteen men, but escaped with his staff. Hampton then moved stea
Ga. Red Oak, Ga. Jonesboro, Ga. Pulaski, Tenn. Cypress River, Ga. Brice's Cross Roads, Miss. Tupelo, Miss. Hurricane Creek, Miss.: Booneville, Mo. Little Blue, Mo. Independence, Mo. Big Blue, Mo. Osage River, Mo. Franklin, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Rutherford's Creek, Tenn. Pulaski, Tenn. Egypt Station, Miss. Mount Sterling, Ky. Saltville, Va. Sherman's March to the Sea. Griswoldville, Ga. Waynesboro, Ga. Ogeechee River, Ga. the Carolinas Salkahatchie River, S. C. Rockingham, N. C. Solemn Grove, N. C. Averasboro, N. C. Bentonville, N. C. Stoneman's Raid; Plantersville, Ala. Selma, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Montgomery, Ala. Columbus, Ga. Macon, Ga. Talladega, Ala. Irwinsville, Ga. (capture of Jefferson Davis). In the Western Armies there was no corps organization composed of cavalry until December, 1864, although there were divisions of mounted troops in each military department. Hence the list of cavalry battles given here embraces those which occurred
62   K 1 8 9 1 23 24 174   L 1 6 7   17 17 114   M 1 8 9   15 15 117 Totals 9 139 148 1 252 253 1,953 battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Shiloh, Tenn. 12 Campbellton, Ga., Sept. 10, 1864 7 Stone's River, Tenn. 48 Pulaski, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1864 8 Manchester, Tenn. 1 Waynesboro, Ga., Nov. 28, 1864 6 Shelbyville Road, Tenn. 1 Louisville, Ga., Dec. 1, 1864 2 Middleton, Tenn., June 30, 1863 1 Sherman's March, Ga. 3 Winchester, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1863 1 Rockingham, N. C., March 7, 1865 2 Chickamauga, Ga. 14 Fayetteville, N. C., March 9, 1865 1 Fairburn, Ga., Aug. 19, 1864 2 Averasboro, N. C., March 16, 1865 17 Flint River, Ga., Aug. 31, 1864 1 Mount Olive, N. C., March 19, 1865 1 Jonesboro, Ga. 2 Owensburg, N. C., April 6, 1865 2 Atlanta Campaign 5 The Carolinas 3 Guerrillas 3 Place unknown 5 Present, also, at Liberty Gap; Chattanooga; Lovejoy's Station; Reynolds's Farm; Milledgeville; Savannah; Aiken; Bentonville; Raleigh; Morr
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
lle, orders were sent to Lieutenant-General Hardee to turn directly to that place; but they were not delivered. Acting under his first instructions, therefore, after crossing the Pedee on the 3d, that officer moved toward Greensboroa as far as Rockingham, which his troops reached on the 4th. The instructions to turn toward Fayetteville, repeated, reached him there, and were immediately observed. He also transmitted similar instructions to Lieutenant-General Hampton. That officer had been com Elon, where Major-General Butler intercepted and drove back a Federal party sent to destroy the railroad-track near Florence; at Homesboroa on the 4th of March, when General Wheeler attacked the Federal left flank and took fifty prisoners; at Rockingham on the 7th, when the same officer defeated another party, killing and capturing thirty-five; on the 8th, when Lieutenant-General Hampton attacked and defeated a detachment; that of the morning of the 10th, just described; and on the 11th, at Fa
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
ared the bridge. Major-General Butler, with a squad of cavalry, charged repeatedly for the head of the bridge and drove back the enemy. He passed the bridge himself after it had been fired in a dozen places. The enemy attempted to extinguish the flames, but were prevented by the First Georgia regulars, under Colonel Wayne, from the opposite bank of the river. Left Cheraw March 3d, and subsequently received orders from General Johnston to move to Smithfield, North Carolina, by way of Rockingham and Fayetteville. March 10th. Hampton and Wheeler, who had been hanging on the left flank of the enemy, gained a success over Kilpatrick's cavalry only less complete from encountering two brigades of infantry assigned to protect Kilpatrick from the rough usage he had been receiving from the hands of Wheeler. A handsome little affair occurred at Fayetteville next morning. Infantry had crossed Cape Fear, and cavalry had not come in, when one hundred and fifty of the enemy's caval
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
Yancey, of Alabama, delivered in the National Democratic Convention, Charleston, April 28th, 1860. From Rev. H. E. Hayden, Brownsville, Pennsylvania--Report of Adjutant-General of Pennsylvania for 1863. From ex-Governor John Letcher--Report of General Charles Dimmock, Chief of Ordnance of Virginia, of February 9th, 1863. Governor Letcher is constantly placing the Society under obligations for valuable papers and documents, and promises still others in future. Major J. M. McCue, of Rockingham--Several newspapers of value. From Graham Daves, Esq., of Wilmington, North Carolina--Roster of the Confederate officers who, while prisoners of war, were placed under fire of dour own guns at Morris Island. From Colonel William Allan, of Baltimore (former Chief of Ordnance, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia)--Two papers on the battle of Gettysburg-valuable additions to our series. From Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati--The Washington-Crawford letters concerning Western lands
g, was on too small a scale to produce important results. During the march from the Catawba to the Cape Fear several brilliant cavalry affairs took place, in which our troops displayed their wonted energy and dash. Among these the most conspicuous were General Butler's at Mount Elon, where he defeated a detachment sent to tear up the railroad at Florence; General Wheeler's attack and repulse of the left flank of the enemy at Hornesboro, March 4th; a similar exploit by the same officer at Rockingham on the 7th; the attack and defeat by General Hampton of a detachment on the 8th; the surprise and capture of General Kilpatrick's camp by General Hampton on the morning of the 10th, driving the enemy into an adjoining swamp, and taking possession of his artillery and wagon train, and the complete rout of a large Federal party by General Hampton with an inferior force at Fayetteville on the 11th. As it was doubtful whether General Sherman's advance from Fayetteville would be directed to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Declaration of Independence in the light of modern criticism, the. (search)
Already, prior to the year 1778, according to Lecky, the King had laboriously built up in England a system of personal government ; and it was because he was unwilling to have this system disturbed that he then refused, in defiance of the most earnest representations of his own minister and of the most eminent politicians of every party. . . to send for the greatest of living statesmen at the moment when the empire appeared to be in the very agonies of dissolution. . . . Either Chatham or Rockingham would have insisted that the policy of the country should be directed by its responsible ministers and not dictated by an irresponsible sovereign. This refusal of the King to pursue the course which was called for by the constitution, and which would have taken the control of the policy of the government out of his hands, was, according to the same great historian, an act the most criminal in the whole reign of George III. . . . as criminal as any of those acts which led Charles I. to t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of 1730- (search)
repeal of the stamp duties, but before he was able to carry out the other measures in his scheme he was forced by growing opposition to resign his office. On March 28, 1782, when Lord North resigned the office of prime minister, the Marquis of Rockingham was again called to the head of the cabinet. The avowed principle of Rockingham and his colleagues was to acknowledge the independence of the United States and treat with them accordingly. Lord Shelburne still hoped Lord Rockingham. for a rRockingham and his colleagues was to acknowledge the independence of the United States and treat with them accordingly. Lord Shelburne still hoped Lord Rockingham. for a reconciliation and the restoration of the American colonies as a part of the British Empire. John Adams was at The Hague, negotiating a treaty of commerce, and overtures were made to him, as well as to Franklin at Paris, to ascertain whether the United States would not agree to a separate peace, and to something less than entire independence. With this object, the ministry appointed Sir Guy Carleton to supersede General Clinton in command of the British army in America, and commissioned him,