Your search returned 1,218 results in 328 document sections:

tts, 139; 40th Massachusetts, 270; 7th Michigan, 391; 7th New Hampshire, 248; 33rd New York, 277; 60th New York, 287; 72nd Pennsylvania, 312; 10th Vermont, 246; Artillery: 1st Maine, 319; 10th Massachusetts, 278; Cavalry: 10th New York, 139; Engineers: 15th New York, 378; 50th New York, 378, 384, 393 United States Christian Commission, 64-65 Taylor, Zachary, 25 412 Vicksburg, 57, 383 Vining's Station, Ga., 400 Wadsworth, James S., 369 Warren, Gouverneur K., 246,308, 349,367,406 Warrenton Sulphur Springs, Va., 239 Washington, 19,23,30, 120,162, 189,198,218,244,250-52,258, 265,298,303,315,318-19,331, 355,396 Wauhatchie, Tenn., 295 413 Waverly Magazine, 333 Weitzel, Godfrey, 268 Weldon and Petersburg Railroad, 246,327,351 West Roxbury, Mass., 44 Wilcox's Landing, Va., 237, 391 Wilderness, The, 177, 181,238,308, 323-24,331,339,342,363-64, 375,378,384 Wilson, Henry, 225,315 Wilson, James H., 267,372-75 Wilson's Creek, 118 Worcester, Mass., 44
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A family rifle-pit: an incident of Wilson's raid (search)
an get us all away from here quick enough, and I'm sorry that we ever come! Thirty minutes after the appearance of the enemy, the house and grounds were stripped. Then they disappeared on their way toward the Danville road. Two or three days thereafter, it was known that General Wilson's column had cut the road, but were falling back rapidly before Lee and Hampton; that they had abandoned sixteen pieces of artillery, and were now striving, with exhausted men and horses, to cross the Weldon road and get back to their lines. There was a very brave gentleman, of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry-Captain Thaddeus Fitzhugh--the same who had crossed the Chesapeake in an open boat, with a few men, and captured a detachment of the enemy, and a steamboat which he brought off and destroyed, in the fall of 1863. Captain Fitzhugh was sitting in the porch of Mrs. —‘s house, conversing with the lady, when looking up, he saw a large body of the enemy's cavalry just across the wood. The odds we
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., General Pegram on the night before his death. (search)
forcibly at the time; nearly convincing him of the truth of presentiments, and warnings of approaching death. It was early in February of the year 1865, and General Grant had for some time been straining every nerve to force his way to the Southside railroad-when General Lee would be cut off from his base of supplies, and compelled to retreat or surrender his army. Grant had exhibited a persistence which amounted to genius; and the Federal lines had been pushed from the Jerusalem to the Weldon road, from the Weldon to the Vaughan and Squirrel Level roads, and thence still westward beyond Hatcher's Run, toward the White Oak road, running through the now well-known locality of Five Forks. On the western bank of the run, near Burgess's Mill, General Lee's extreme right confronted the enemy, barring his further advance. The Confederate right was almost unprotected by cavalry. This unfortunate circumstance arose from the fact that after the destruction of the Weldon Railroad as f
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), A campaign with sharpshooters. (search)
assaulted the left of Birney in flank and rear, carrying the line and capturing whole regiments and batteries. Penetrating further in the gap with one of his brigades, he struck the right of the Sixth Corps, and here rested, after vainly waiting for the expected support, which never came. After securing his guns and prisoners, Mahone returned to his works. We will now follow the division of General Wilcox. These troops, moving well to the right, took position at some distance from the Weldon road. When the sharpshooters were sent forward they soon developed a strong skirmish line of the enemy, which was speedily broken; and an advance still further disclosed an open field with no enemy in front except a skirmish line and the ordinary reserve. Evidently the left of the Sixth Corps was near at hand. Two brigades of the division were moved into position, and the inevitable intrenchments soon began to appear; but beyond a sharp picket fire in front there was no fighting. All the
onel Walter Harrison, states, in his interesting volume, that General Pickett, as early as the preceding November, had penetrated the enemy's design to make an expedition up James river against Petersburg, and, in a personal interview with the Confederate authorities, had represented this contingency and the unprotected state of that town. He had even carried his representations to General Lee, who had referred him to General Beauregard, with whom, in consequence, he had had an interview at Weldon. But, says Colonel Harrison, the expedition to Plymouth was at this time put on foot; much valuable time was wasted, and the troops which should have been ordered at once to Petersburg were kept in North Carolina doing little or nothing, while Pickett was left in Petersburg with merely a handful of men. Colonel Harrison continues: General Beauregard was in no way responsible for this. He had no control over these troops, and I have understood strongly urged their being hastened to Petersb
I ain't hear yit --said the agent. And they does ride more on the outside of the cars than the inside, anyhow. Beyond Weldon a knot were balancing themselves on the connecting beams of the box-cars. Warned by their officers, they laughed; beggedell, by--! Here, Potty! and he addressed a greasy man just mounting the mail car-Here be Grimes' brother, as must git to Weldon, by----! So hist him along, will yer? O. K. Jump in, Mr. Grimes, agreed the mail agent; and by this time I was so wet nny man's. I hate gin-but that night I hated everything and tried the similia similibus rule. We missed connection at Weldon. Did anybody ever make connection there? We were four hours late, and with much reason had, therefore, to wait five hours more. If Kingsville is cheap and nasty, Weldon is dear and nastier. Such a supper! It was inedible even to a man who had tasted nothing but whisky, gin and peanuts for forty-eight hours. Then the landlord-whose hospitality was only equaled by
e allowed its very existence to depend upon this one linethe Weldon road; running so near a coast in possession of the enemy, and thus liable at any moment to be cut by a raiding party. Yet so it was. The country was kept in a state of feverish anxiety for the safety of this road; and a large body of troops diverted for its defense, that elsewhere might have decided many a doubtful battle-field. Their presence was absolutely necessary; for, had they been withdrawn and the road tapped above Weldon, the Virginia army could not have been supplied ten days through other channels, and would have been obliged to abandon its lines and leave Richmond an easy prey. Meanwhile the North had collected large and splendidly-equipped armies of western men in Kentucky and Tennessee, under command of Generals Grant and Buell. The new Federal patent, the Cordon, was about to be applied in earnest. Its coils had already been unpleasantly felt on the Atlantic seaboard; General Butler had flashed
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
cries of starving and unprotected homes. On all sides difficulties and dangers multiplied. Beauregard had been sent South to concentrate such troops as he could in Sherman's front, and had reported that Sherman would move via Greensborough and Weldon to Petersburg, or unite with Schofield at Raleigh. Beauregard has a difficult task to perform, said Lee to Breckinridge, Secretary of War, and one of his best officers, General Hardee, is incapacitated by sickness. I have heard his own healtunes upon a battle, when Lee and Johnston rode boot to boot and directed the tactical details. Sherman by water visited Grant on March 27th, told him he would be ready to move from Goldsborough by April 10th, would threaten Raleigh and march for Weldon, sixty miles south of Petersburg, and to General Grant in the direction deemed best. Grant, apprehensive that Lee would certainly abandon his intrenchments as soon as he heard Sherman had crossed the Roanoke, determined to take the initiativ
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
ss renewed there, as North Carolina is out of his district: in doing so I very nearly missed the train. I left Wilmington at 7 A. M. The weather was very hot and oppressive, and the cars dreadfully crowded all day. The luxuries of Charleston had also spoiled me for the road, as I could no longer appreciate at their proper value the hog and hominy meals which I had been so thankful for in Texas; but I found Major Norris a very agreeable and instructive companion. We changed cars again at Weldon, where I had a terrific fight for a seat, but I succeeded; for experience had made me very quick at this sort of business. I always carry my saddlebags and knapsack with me into the car. 17th June, 1863 (Wednesday). We reached Petersburgh at 3 A. M., and had to get out and traverse this town in carts, after which we had to lie down in the road until some other cars were opened. We left Petersburgh at 5 A. M. and arrived at Richmond at 7 A. M., having taken forty-one hours coming from
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Left flank movement across the Chickahominy and James-General Lee-visit to Butler-the movement on Petersburg-the investment of Petersburg (search)
ed quiet, except that there was more or less firing every day, until the 22d, when General Meade ordered an advance towards the Weldon Railroad. We were very anxious to get to that road, and even round to the South Side Railroad if possible. Meade moved Hancock's corps, now commanded by Birney, to the left, with a view to at least force the enemy to stay within the limits of his own line. General Wright, with the 6th corps, was ordered by a road farther south, to march directly for the Weldon road. The enemy passed in between these two corps and attacked vigorously, and with very serious results to the National troops, who were then withdrawn from their advanced position. The Army of the Potomac was given the investment of Petersburg, while the Army of the James held Bermuda Hundred and all the ground we possessed north of the James River. The 9th corps, Burnside's, was placed upon the right at Petersburg; the 5th, Warren's, next; the 2d, Birney's, next; then the 6th, Wrig