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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
13. Lieutenant Jeffers, with some of the fleet, proceeded to the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal, that traverses the Dismal Swamp on its way from the Elizabeth River to the Pasquotank, for the purpose of disabling it. They found Confederates engaged in the same work, who fled on the approach of the Nationals. The latter sunk two schooners in the Canal and departed. Finally, on the 19th, the combined fleet set out from Edenton on a reconnaissance, which extended up the Chowan River as far as Winton (which was partially destroyed), and the Roanoke to Plymouth. The Perry, bearing Colonel Hawkins and a company of his Zouaves, received a volley of musketry from the high bank near the latter place, when Rowan ordered the town to be shelled. It was nearly all destroyed excepting the church. Hawkins Zouave. the power of the Government was so fully displayed in this region, while its justice and clemency were proclaimed by Burnside and Goldsborough conjointly, in an address to the peo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
x wounded, and two made prisoners. The loss of the Confederates is not known. They left thirty killed and wounded on the field. This engagement is called the battle of South Mills. The defeat of the Third Georgia regiment in the fight produced much consternation in Norfolk. General Reno allowed his wearied troops to rest on the battle-field about six hours, when they returned to the boats. For want of transportation, he was compelled to leave some of his killed and wounded behind. Winton, at the head of the Chowan; Plymouth, at the mouth of the Roanoke; and Washington, at the head of the Pamlico River, were all quietly occupied by the National forces. At about this time, an expedition under Commodore Rowan was sent to obstruct the Dismal Swamp Canal, in the rear of Norfolk. Rowan left Elizabeth City on the 23d of April, with the Lockwood, Whitehead, and Putnam, each with an officer and a detachment of troops. In the afternoon he landed one hundred men (fifty on each ban