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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
rne till October, 1863. Demonstration on Kinston March 6-8. Core Creek March 7. Skirmishes at Deep Gully, New Berne, March 13-14. Demonstration on Kinston May 20-23. Gum Swamp May 22. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20, and to Winton July 25-31. Moved to Newport News October 16-18 and duty there till January 22, 1864. Moved to Portsmouth January 22, 1864, and duty in the Defenses of that city till April 26. Moved to Yorktown April 26. Butler's operations on south Wise's Cross Roads April 28. Demonstration on Kinston May 20-23. Gum Swamp May 22. Provost duty at New Berne June 5 to October 1. Expedition to Trenton July 4-8. Quaker Bridge July 6. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20, and to Winton July 25-30. Moved to Newport News, Va., October 16-18, thence to Norfolk November 18, and Provost duty there till March 22, 1864. Companies A, D and K at Portsmouth, and F at Norfolk till April 15. Demonstration against Portsmouth March
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New Jersey Volunteers. (search)
ll January 4, 1862. Moved to Annapolis, Md., January 4, 1862. Burnside's Expedition to Roanoke Island and Hatteras Inlet January 5-February 8. Battle of Roanoke Island February 8. Duty at Roanoke Island till March 11. Expedition to Winton February 18-20. Skirmish at Winton February 19. Expedition to New Berne, N. C., March 11-14. Battle of New Berne March 14. At Newport Barracks and siege operations against Fort Macon April 1-26. Newport, N. C., April 7. BombardmWinton February 19. Expedition to New Berne, N. C., March 11-14. Battle of New Berne March 14. At Newport Barracks and siege operations against Fort Macon April 1-26. Newport, N. C., April 7. Bombardment and capture of Fort Macon April 25-26. Expedition to Young's Cross Roads July 26-29 (6 Companies). Young's Cross Roads July 27. Reconnoissance from Newberne to Swansborough August 14-15 (Detachment). Duty at New Berne till December. Expedition to Tarboro November 1-12. Action at Rawle's Mills November 2. Demonstration on New Berne November 11. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 11-20. Southwest Creek December 13-14. Kinston December 14. Whitehall Decem
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
Expedition to Trenton July 4-8, 1863. Quaker Bridge July 6. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20. Expedition to Winton July 25-31. About New Berne February 1-4, 1864. Moved to Yorktown, Va., April, 1864. Butler's operations on soutnoke Island February 8. Reconnoissance to Nag's Head February 10-11 (Cos. A and H ). Expedition up Chowan River to Winton February 18-20. Expedition to Elizabeth City, N. C., April 7-8 (Cos. H and I ). Battle of Camden, South Mills, Aprnd August 6-13, and to Columbia August 26-27. Duty at Albemarle Sound and Chowan River till November. Expedition to Winton November 6-9. Regiment veteranize January 1, 1864. Expedition up the Chowan January 6-21. Harrellsville January July 3-7. Quaker Bridge July 6. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20. Big Swift Creek July 18. Expedition to Winton July 25-31. Bear Inlet December 25. Destruction of Salt Works. Duty at Newport Barracks and in the District of B